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So... KotOR HD Remake for 10 Year Anniversity?


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Prepare for disappointment here, then. Eventually they're going to give 'canon' names and faces to each one of the classes in-game. That's what happens when you play with a strict timeline and are doing stuff demonstrably before other important events - they're going to put a name and face on 'your' character so that there's a consensus for everything after to build off.


Something they've shown themselves more then happy with doing, as both Revan and the Jedi Exile got names and faces, too. Do you really think your character in this game is going to be any different?


I've already prepared myself plenty. I now have no faith in anything that is Star Wars as far as player customisation is concerned. I know that George Lucas and the Star Wars universe will tell me that I'm wrong one way or another. Using this approach, I do not have a character really. Whatever I make is just a guess and I have to hope that I'm right. I can assure you that I'm probably wrong.


No, I do not think that my character in this game will be any different. Thanks, George Lucas. I hate you.


wait you mean to tell me people still play console games? that $600 bucks coulda bought a pretty nice gfx card with money left over, but i digress. i agree pretty much 100% that a real kotor3 would have beaten the crap out of an mmo from any franchise you want hands down, simply because the design demands are different enough that no matter how hard you try to incorporate "cinematic storytelling" you're gonna have to water it down.


I mean, look at how awesome the Mass Effect series is....imagine how much more awesome it would be if it were a kotor series (not knockin ME but we all know kotor is the champ)


Yes, they do. I can buy an awesome $600 graphics card and it can sit on my desk and I can stare at it. With nothing to plug it into, I virtually flushed that money down the toilet. On the other hand, I can buy a $250 PS3 and ~5 brand new games with money left over. Furthermore, playing PC games (generally) means that I can't use a controller without spending hours trying to get it to work properly. I don't like that.


KotOR III has a great deal of potential, even with the release of SW:TOR. You are very correct in stating how watered down the typical BioWare gameplay and storytelling is due to the MMO format. It makes me sad every time I play.


I love Mass Effect & KotOR, so great examples. However, I prefer Mass Effect. I prefer the combat, the universe, the lore, the way I can relate to it, and quite a few other things. KotOR could use an awesome revamp with a new combat system, though. Having a game like that be more up-to-date would be absolutely amazing.


Skyrim but with Star Wars... so an open world RPG with only about 4 hours of actual story , one of the most awful combat system ever present in an RPG and contains more bugs and glitches than actual game content... ya sounds great


I don't know about the actual story in Skyrim since I've never played it. All I know about Skyrim is that it has a large open world with a great deal of variables that constantly change the playing experience. From what I hear, it has a living environment with varying NPCs that add to the overall immersion of the world. Making a game like that in the Star Wars setting would be very cool.


The bugs and glitches are courtesy of Bethesda's horrible quality. Every game that it releases is littered with bugs that the company is aware of and does not fix. This is why I do not buy games made by Bethesda.


Also, anything sounds horrible with that tone and attitude.

Edited by flyersfan
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Furthermore, playing PC games (generally) means that I can't use a controller without spending hours trying to get it to work properly. I don't like that.


Took me less than 30 seconds from plugging a 360 controller into my pc, to getting it working. PS3 controllers can easily do the same on PC too.

If a PC game has controller support, just plug the controller in and use it. That's how easy it is now.

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Took me less than 30 seconds from plugging a 360 controller into my pc, to getting it working. PS3 controllers can easily do the same on PC too.

If a PC game has controller support, just plug the controller in and use it. That's how easy it is now.


Not all games have controller support, like TOR, so I have to do a great deal of extra curricular work to make it work. Granted, TOR isn't designed to be played with a controller, but I made it happen.

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Not all games have controller support, like TOR, so I have to do a great deal of extra curricular work to make it work. Granted, TOR isn't designed to be played with a controller, but I made it happen.


With the exception of games ported from the consoles that typically are controlled better by using a console controller, why go to the trouble of setting up a controller for PC gaming that's not mouse & keyboard or joystick & throttle/wheel for flight/driving games?


At the end of the day though don't throw hate (not specifically you, but everyone who was and are clamouring for KoTOR3 instead of TOR) at Bioware or even EA for no KoTOR3 for any of us, console or PC.

Blame for that lies at the feet of Lucas Arts. They canned KoTOR3 during its pre-production stages.

There could easily have been another KoTOR game released in the years between KoTOR2 and TOR, and would probably have kept TOR a secret for another year or two before announcement. However, Lucas Arts didn't see themselves to blame for KoTOR2 not being a runaway success like its predecessor, despite them being responsible for Obsidian having less than a year's development time for a full-fledged sequel.

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  • 1 month later...
Why should we get over it? We're are the fans and a good number of us asked for a Knights of the old republic 3 not this **** horse ****.


play the knight or consular story. i find the consular, act 1 at least, to be very similar to kotor 2s story, and ofc the knight story is very similar to the movies and kotor 1. i like that they made an mmo, so i can now both pvp with my character, and play a LS caster that doesnt sit around buffing and throwing her lightsaber.


yes they should definitely do this. and do kotor 2 and release them in a 2pack thing or something. kotor 2 is so much more fun, the story just seems so much darker and mature than kotor 1.

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Why should we get over it? We're are the fans and a good number of us asked for a Knights of the old republic 3 not this **** horse ****.


Look. KOTOR 3 is not going to happen. Think about it. The Galaxy has been at piece for roughly 300 years following the events of TSL. The Sith Empire(the one defeated years before KOTOR) has returned from the unknown regions and attacked the Republic. We all know the story up to this point and that is where TOR takes over. It would be pointless to make a KOTOR 3 because it would be set during a time when the Dark Side still is present but not in a defeatable form, such as a Sith Lord. The Jedi would have nothing to do....except what they are doing in TOR, training a new generation of Jedi and preparing for the inevitable war to come with the Sith Empire.



We know that Revan and Meetra went to confront Darth Vitiate, the Dark Lord of the Sith and Emperor of the Sith Empire. We also know that Meetra was betrayed by a companion and Revan was captured by the Dark Lord and tortured for some 300 years until the start of TOR. We know that confrontation with the Emperor is inevitable at this point. What happens then is reflected in TOR.



KOTOR 3 isnt going to happen because it can't, unless it takes place closer to the Battle of Yavin 4. It's just not feasible to go against established storylines already. I would love to see a game set in the time of Darth Sidious' apprenticeship to Darth Plagueis, but I can also read the novel, Darth Plagueis, and learn about him as well.


Bottom line: Most of us like SWTOR, and we plan to continue playing it. If you don't like it, that's on you. I'm sure there is a game on the XBox or Playstation you can find that suits you. Have fun.

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Hard for me to comment re: the Exile and Revan as ...


... my Exile was actually female and my Revan was male. They even looked like they look in this game.


So basically they must have watched me play and said ... this guy knows what he's doing ... lets make it cannon ...


However, I'm not sure I would mind if the canon was different. Doesn't take away from the experience of playing the game.


- Arcada

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  • 2 months later...
People keep saying they want a KOTOR 3... But the reality is that KOTOR 3 would likely fall into the same pitfalls as this game because people's expectations would get carried away by hype. Then they would get upset when the final product did not match their exact vision of what the game should have been.
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If my mind serves me right, KotOR came out in 2003.


We've seen it all, GTA, Halo, Sonic. I think it's time for a KotOR HD remake.


Now, I don't want to ruin the original concept of the game, and by that I mean choices and dialogue but perhaps we can have a Revan voice actor? Maybe a few things of extra content and maybe a KotOR II remake by teaming up with Obsidian and making the greatest SW game EVA?!


It's only a suggestion.


Hope others agree!


I'd like to see Mass Effect 3 level of graphical detail in a KOTOR remake, yes please.

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