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Thank You BW!


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Yeah, instead of a pissing and moaning thread, like all of the others, I thought I would take the time and thank our gracious hosts for creating such a beautiful game and a great system for spending countless hours of fun.


First off, I love the Sith story lines and all of the classes (thus far). The way the entire thing flows, the choices you can make to change your story line and what is happening reminds of the 'Chhose your own destiny' books I used to love to read as a kid. I find myself getting emotionally attached to some of the characters, good or bad, and that keeps me in the game and loving every second of it.


I've been playing MMOs for about 8 years, or so, and I've never been one to use the PvP system, at all. Now, I spend most of my time in Warzones, and loving every second. I don't get pissed when someone can beat me. I ask them for advice and most of the time, people oblige and actually rant on about what I am doing right and what I may want to change. When 5 or 6 people all pounce on me I have to laugh because my team has the ball, unopposed. Good fun!


I'm not much into RP but I find myself getting into it sometimes and that can be fun.


I'd have to say that I really find the game to be well rounded and simply a ton of fun. I own 2 businesses and after a 10-12 hour day, I still want to spend 4-6 hours in your world. I think that says something.


Sure we have some bugs and glitches. Are they game changers? Hell no. They'll be fixed and a whole new set of issues may arise. That's the nature of the business. Life will go on.


If I had to make any changes they'd be more along the social lines to allow characters to have a social or costume slot to be able to visibly wear whatever you wanted, with your armor staying your armor. I've seen other games that have done this with great success, reverting back to your actual armor visuals in PvP.


Other than that, I find much of the game to be perfectly suited to my tastes and well rounded in content. Well done! I've been waiting since I signed up for this one, since 2009 and she was well worth the wait.


Thank you!

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Thank you Bioware for making the game for the casuals! Hopefully this will run the elitist jerks outta here to make room for people interested in just having fun gaming and helping others!


People who offer constructive criticism are elitist jerks. Gotcha.


Your reasoning and logic surpasses that of Albert Einstein.

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Yeah, overall I love this game. I did have one issue...well quite a large one actually...but they're working on a solution so I'm content.


I love the story lines, and like you said, I've gotten very attached to my characters. I love the voice-overs. I don't pvp so I don't know, or much care, about how all that works. My understanding is that the biggest majority of pvpers are happy with it. I could be wrong on that.


This is the first game in a very long time, though, that's been able to tear me away from my beloved LOTRO and hold my interest.


Best to put on your flame retardent suit though. This type of thread will attract the trolls. Points up ^^^^^^^^^ The threads on the issue I mentioned attracted them quite a bit.


Here's a tip for that. When they troll you, be sure to thank them for the bump to your thread. Once they realize they're just bumping you rather than starting the argument they're looking for, they usually leave. :)

Edited by VarnieTsk
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Troubled games always have these sorts of threads floating around.


totally, people feel the need to verify their own actions when they, themselves do not understand them.


but still, im glad if you are truly enjoying the game. I can't, and I've tried really hard.

Edited by badgertwo
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So you agree to pay our non playable times? You agree to while US players can have maintenance times at acceptable times while EU players can have maintenance times at prime times?


SW `could` be a great game but with management team and customer team like this, they will lose lots of money and in the end, they will lose whole game.

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Yep really loving the game so far.....I am a bit concerned that we are going to end up with queues again considering how fast the population is growing on EH I have already had a couple of brief queues this weekend I hope they can raise the caps again to alleviate this.
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totally, people feel the need to verify their own actions when they, themselves do not understand them.


but still, im glad if you are truly enjoying the game. I can't, and I've tried really hard.


So you posted to verify your own actions on top of his lol. But your saying OP doesn't understand why he likes the game?....lol. I'm sorry and how do you know this?....oh you don't, your just another, "I'm quitting but will still troll to verify my own actions".....lolol

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So WoW has been troubled since launch then


I don't really see fanboy gush threads on the WoW forums. They're mostly discussions of gameplay or game assets, and some whining about so-and-so thinks some random thing is unfair.

Edited by marshalleck
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You might want to go and Read Rockjaws twitter about the CSR's basically being done with Non-constructive trolling.


why should I read anything a proven liar has to say? let alone follow him on twitter

Edited by Kamiosoup
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I don't really see fanboy gush threads on the WoW forums. They're mostly discussions of gameplay or game assets, with some whining.


ROFL are you joking? You should have seen the boards when they announced Mists of Pandaria.



take a look at the boards now and see they have even more complaining then these boards




here is one after Cataclysim was launched to counteract the negative posts from people saying it was fail



here is one from today people saying how great customer service is





yeah it happens in every game

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ROFL are you joking? You should have seen the boards when they announced Mists of Pandaria.



take a look at the boards now and see they have even more complaining then these boards




here is one after Cataclysim was launched to counteract the negative posts from people saying it was fail



here is one from today people saying how great customer service is





yeah it happens in every game


Gee, thanks for linking posts from a forum I've been on for 3 years. Wow, you sure corrected me! Thanks for showing me the err of my ways!

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Sure we have some bugs and glitches. Are they game changers? Hell no. They'll be fixed and a whole new set of issues may arise. That's the nature of the business. Life will go on.


Actually Ilum PvP is a big issue. Life will go on? Yeah sure. There isn't many things you can do after you hit level 50.

Edited by Halinalle
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Gee, thanks for linking posts from a forum I've been on for 3 years. Wow, you sure corrected me! Thanks for showing me the err of my ways!

You might have been a WoW player for only 3 years but it seems you never took the time to look at the forums.

Edited by jarjarloves
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ROFL are you joking? You should have seen the boards when they announced Mists of Pandaria.



take a look at the boards now and see they have even more complaining then these boards




here is one after Cataclysim was launched to counteract the negative posts from people saying it was fail



here is one from today people saying how great customer service is





yeah it happens in every game



Amazing, you can cherry-pick threads! Because when I said "I don't really see any," what I LITERALLY meant is that there was not a single such thread to be found.


You're sharp.

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