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Are MMos supposed to be 24/7?


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Hi peeps,


I have been playing MMos since U/O (ah I loved my 9600 modem), but it wasn't until I played EQ that I understood the 24/7 mentality that that MMos had. EQ definately became Evercrack. WoW was simular, the same and so was DAOC (with insert every other MMo in here too).


However, one thing that MMos did was to spoil my enjoyment of single player games that were released. 100s of top class games were released that I missed simply because they couldn't match my addiction to MMos.


Now, looking through older eyes, I realise that the reason why I am enjoying TOR is that I don't feel the need to play it every day 24/7 and thus not "burnt" out by reaching 50 within 6 days, starting an alt and reaching 50 again, getting battlemaster title and doing the Operations, all within the first 5 weeks of release!


I don't think MMos of today are made for players to play non stop. All these posts I see about people being bored with nothing to do in TOR, makes me wonder why they are not playing other games. I think a good MMo should be supplimented with other games.


I am currently playing Skyrim and ME2 (for the 8th time) and like to play TOR for a few hours every now and then.


So, nope, I'm not telling all you powerlevellers or people who play TOR 24 hours a day to change your play style, I am saying that if you play an MMo like a single player game and play it 8 hours a day +, then you are eventually going to burn out within weeks. Check your /played time, mine is on 5 days played and I have one toon at level 40. Thats over 100hrs played already. Not many single player games give you that type of enjoyment.


TOR should have made "the levelling" the game and made it longer to level otherwise your endgame better be something new and special. I haven't reach end game yet, but from what I hear, it's the same stuff as many others except more "broken"?. Doesn't bother me at all, because once I reach 50, it's time to level a new toon as I am an avid altaholic.


I know I will be playing TOR for a long time, but I will also be playing D3 and ME3 and others because at the end of the day, it's about fun and TOR at the moment is giving me great fun with a lot more fun predicted.


P.S. not sure what the post is for. I am Pi$$ed on a nice single malt, and was a bit annoyed at all the "I quit" posts because their is nothing to do at 50. Shesh...

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Assuming you have the free time, I would say that how long you play a game (a few hours, many hours, having to remind yourself to log off and eat, etc) is directly tied to how much fun you're having with that game. Again, assuming you have the free time to play, if you're playing an MMO and logging off after a few hours, it's likely because you've had your fill of that game at that moment and now alternative ways to spend your free time have become more appealing. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but I'm not going to sugar coat it and suggest that it's a strength of the game. If anything, it's failing to hold your interest for long periods of time. Edited by Apax
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A game is a game. The type of game doesn't matter. People should spend whatever amount of time they want playing it. It's their decision and theirs alone.


Some people get bored easily while others don't. What kind of game it is doesn't matter because everyone has different tastes.


Stop worrying about how other people play. That's their own business and, honestly, I don't see the reason for wanting to in the first place.

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Yes, this game feels significantly better if you don't play it.


I lol'd a bit.


I definitely burned myself out on this game. It's my own fault... I have 3 level 20s, a 25, and just got a JK to 10. This game dropped at the perfect time for my addiction.. I currently dont have a console, and have been tired of wow since september. So this was like a brand new, shiny bag of mmo-crack for me. went on a 3 week bender, and now i need to slow it down a bit.. but i'll come back. I always come back

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total noobish post

but i will answer


some of us don't have jobs or school

i don't have responsibilities against other people or family...

so i play games with my time, i do not play single player games since 1997...

i think single player gaming is for noobs, i can beat any single player game in any diffuculty...

multiplayer gaming is better so i can beat other living beings instead of just beating couple 1s and 0s...

as han solo said (im paraphrasing) "against a drone is nothing, against a living is something else"


Swtor is huge dissapointment for hardcore pvp/pve players, warzones are boring after a month, ilum is terrible, nightmare mode raids are tuned for casual gaming... not to mention RNG bag system is terrible.. all the players who farmed valor on ilum somehow got lucky and got almost full BM set... the hardcore players who farmed warzones day/night is kind of unlucky with the commendation drops...

i have no doubt this game is tuned for casual gaming.. thats why hardcore players will leave soon..


i will keep playing this but once i get my gw2 beta access, i'm outta here with my guild...

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There's a big difference, I'm not paying a subscription for any of my single player games, this makes EVERYTHING you say completely invalid.


How's it invalid? I have paid for DLC content in single player games.


If a game gives me enjoyment for hours up end, then paying £9 a month is more then a fair price. Shesh, I paid £10 to go see many a crap movie and that was 2hrs worth of so called enjoyment.


I know that an MMo will give me updates and new things added on and new features, most single player games just give you the game and nothing extra.


My point is that MMos should not be played in a vaccum (my opinion ofc;))

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total noobish post

but i will answer


some of us don't have jobs or school

i don't have responsibilities against other people or family...

so i play games with my time, i do not play single player games since 1997...

i think single player gaming is for noobs, i can beat any single player game in any diffuculty...

multiplayer gaming is better so i can beat other living beings instead of just beating couple 1s and 0s...

as han solo said (im paraphrasing) "against a drone is nothing, against a living is something else"


Swtor is huge dissapointment for hardcore pvp/pve players, warzones are boring after a month, ilum is terrible, nightmare mode raids are tuned for casual gaming... not to mention RNG bag system is terrible.. all the players who farmed valor on ilum somehow got lucky and got almost full BM set... the hardcore players who farmed warzones day/night is kind of unlucky with the commendation drops...

i have no doubt this game is tuned for casual gaming.. thats why hardcore players will leave soon..


i will keep playing this but once i get my gw2 beta access, i'm outta here with my guild...


Either you're trolling, or just that sad...Im thinking both.

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total noobish post

but i will answer


some of us don't have jobs or school

i don't have responsibilities against other people or family...

so i play games with my time, i do not play single player games since 1997...

i think single player gaming is for noobs, i can beat any single player game in any diffuculty...

multiplayer gaming is better so i can beat other living beings instead of just beating couple 1s and 0s...

as han solo said (im paraphrasing) "against a drone is nothing, against a living is something else"


Swtor is huge dissapointment for hardcore pvp/pve players, warzones are boring after a month, ilum is terrible, nightmare mode raids are tuned for casual gaming... not to mention RNG bag system is terrible.. all the players who farmed valor on ilum somehow got lucky and got almost full BM set... the hardcore players who farmed warzones day/night is kind of unlucky with the commendation drops...

i have no doubt this game is tuned for casual gaming.. thats why hardcore players will leave soon..


i will keep playing this but once i get my gw2 beta access, i'm outta here with my guild...


And yet look at the stupid response you gave... I don't have to say more.:)

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There's a big difference, I'm not paying a subscription for any of my single player games, this makes EVERYTHING you say completely invalid.


Don't be a tool to the OP. Everything he said is not Invalid at all, you make no sense. He will always have new content in this game, that's why he has a subscription. It's a never ending game for him with the updates. Your statement was invalid, as it made no sense.

Edited by WarheartZero
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Hi peeps,


I have been playing MMos since U/O (ah I loved my 9600 modem), but it wasn't until I played EQ that I understood the 24/7 mentality that that MMos had. EQ definately became Evercrack. WoW was simular, the same and so was DAOC (with insert every other MMo in here too).


However, one thing that MMos did was to spoil my enjoyment of single player games that were released. 100s of top class games were released that I missed simply because they couldn't match my addiction to MMos.


Now, looking through older eyes, I realise that the reason why I am enjoying TOR is that I don't feel the need to play it every day 24/7 and thus not "burnt" out by reaching 50 within 6 days, starting an alt and reaching 50 again, getting battlemaster title and doing the Operations, all within the first 5 weeks of release!


I don't think MMos of today are made for players to play non stop. All these posts I see about people being bored with nothing to do in TOR, makes me wonder why they are not playing other games. I think a good MMo should be supplimented with other games.


I am currently playing Skyrim and ME2 (for the 8th time) and like to play TOR for a few hours every now and then.


So, nope, I'm not telling all you powerlevellers or people who play TOR 24 hours a day to change your play style, I am saying that if you play an MMo like a single player game and play it 8 hours a day +, then you are eventually going to burn out within weeks. Check your /played time, mine is on 5 days played and I have one toon at level 40. Thats over 100hrs played already. Not many single player games give you that type of enjoyment.


TOR should have made "the levelling" the game and made it longer to level otherwise your endgame better be something new and special. I haven't reach end game yet, but from what I hear, it's the same stuff as many others except more "broken"?. Doesn't bother me at all, because once I reach 50, it's time to level a new toon as I am an avid altaholic.


I know I will be playing TOR for a long time, but I will also be playing D3 and ME3 and others because at the end of the day, it's about fun and TOR at the moment is giving me great fun with a lot more fun predicted.


P.S. not sure what the post is for. I am Pi$$ed on a nice single malt, and was a bit annoyed at all the "I quit" posts because their is nothing to do at 50. Shesh...


Your analogy fails because most of these single player games dont market themselves as having enough content to keep you playing for SEVEN YEARS. Honestly, I played Skyrim for over 200 hours and there are STILL things I could do in that game. Open world elements should be a part of every MMO because they give the player the chance to create content for themselves, to keep themselves occupied. SWTOR does not have enough sandbox elements to distract a gnat. They should have taken more elements from DAOC, Anarchy Online, SWG, so that WE could HELP develop the game, give us tools/methods of controlling how the world responds to us.

Edited by Durasturan
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Your analogy fails because most of these single player games dont market themselves as having enough content to keep you playing for SEVEN YEARS. Honestly, I played Skyrim for over 200 hours and there are STILL things I could do in that game. Open world elements should be a part of every MMO because they give the player the chance to create content for themselves, to keep themselves occupied. SWTOR does not have enough sandbox elements to distract a gnat. They should have taken more elements from DAOC, Anarchy Online, SWG, so that WE could HELP develop the game, give us tools/methods of controlling how the world responds to us.


Sorry, where did TOR say it was going to last 7 years? All I remember was that each class had up to 200 hrs play but nothing about lasting 7 years. To last that long it would need expansions.


I too love Skyrim and will be playing it for hours, but it won't last years as a single player games.


And why can some people not accept that TOR is not a sandbox game. It never market itself as one.


Unfortunately rightly or wrongly, they went down the theme park route and they want to make as much profit as they can by making a game accessable to the masses ala WoW.


In the end, it might be just not the game for you or others. Simple as that. No harm no foul. I am sure there are plenty of other MMos out there that you don't like so chalk this down as another and move on.

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The OP is absolutely right.

One of the top reason why I stopped playing WoW when I did was because I burned myself out of it by playing it too much.


After that we "transformed" our guild in WoW into a multigame community where we do not ask you to just play one game to be able to play together with your friends online. No, we play lots of games and we enjoy gaming in general, not just SWTOR.


So yes, do not burn yourself out by playing SWTOR too much. Play something else for a change and enjoy your time online.

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Your analogy fails because most of these single player games dont market themselves as having enough content to keep you playing for SEVEN YEARS. Honestly, I played Skyrim for over 200 hours and there are STILL things I could do in that game. Open world elements should be a part of every MMO because they give the player the chance to create content for themselves, to keep themselves occupied. SWTOR does not have enough sandbox elements to distract a gnat. They should have taken more elements from DAOC, Anarchy Online, SWG, so that WE could HELP develop the game, give us tools/methods of controlling how the world responds to us.




When was this game ever marketed as something that would have seven years worth of content starting at launch? Is there any game in existence that has seven years worth of content? The main draw of an MMORPG is that it is dynamic; it will continuously change and be updated throughout the life of the game. This lifespan may be seven years. Or ten. Or five. Or six months. The point is that as an MMORPG it will never be "complete"; things will always be added and the story will continue.


There's a big difference between an MMORPG and a "multi-player game".

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And yet look at the stupid response you gave... I don't have to say more.:)


so whats your point?

me pointing out how this game is tuned for casual gaming and agreeing with the Original Post makes me stupid? right...


i won't expect much from a casual single player gamer

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There's a big difference, I'm not paying a subscription for any of my single player games, this makes EVERYTHING you say completely invalid.


You might want to look at the End User License Agreement you agreed to. It's says it's not a 2/4/7 service, and they can take the servers down as much as they like.


Don't like it? Don't agree (play/accept the EULA).

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As a casual gamer I can say that this game is just the kind of game I love. I don't think thats a bad thing. I represent a valid market. Its not that I am stupid, lame or unskilled, its just I don't have the time to spend days on end playing non stop. I don't care about anything in the game. I just play to relax and wind down at the end of a day. Its taken the place of television for me and nothing more. I think anyone would get bored with anything they did too much of.
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Sorry, where did TOR say it was going to last 7 years? All I remember was that each class had up to 200 hrs play but nothing about lasting 7 years. To last that long it would need expansions.


I too love Skyrim and will be playing it for hours, but it won't last years as a single player games.


And why can some people not accept that TOR is not a sandbox game. It never market itself as one.


Unfortunately rightly or wrongly, they went down the theme park route and they want to make as much profit as they can by making a game accessable to the masses ala WoW.


In the end, it might be just not the game for you or others. Simple as that. No harm no foul. I am sure there are plenty of other MMos out there that you don't like so chalk this down as another and move on.


Oblivion is still being played by a whole lot of people and the DLC for it still sells great and it has been out for six years so i think skyrim will be just fine in the same amount of time,the elder scrolls last years because of the modding community something more games could take note of.

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total noobish post

but i will answer


some of us don't have jobs or school

i don't have responsibilities against other people or family...

so i play games with my time, i do not play single player games since 1997...

i think single player gaming is for noobs, i can beat any single player game in any diffuculty...

multiplayer gaming is better so i can beat other living beings instead of just beating couple 1s and 0s...

as han solo said (im paraphrasing) "against a drone is nothing, against a living is something else"


Swtor is huge dissapointment for hardcore pvp/pve players, warzones are boring after a month, ilum is terrible, nightmare mode raids are tuned for casual gaming... not to mention RNG bag system is terrible.. all the players who farmed valor on ilum somehow got lucky and got almost full BM set... the hardcore players who farmed warzones day/night is kind of unlucky with the commendation drops...

i have no doubt this game is tuned for casual gaming.. thats why hardcore players will leave soon..


i will keep playing this but once i get my gw2 beta access, i'm outta here with my guild...



omg what a complete @BEEP@ LOL

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total noobish post

but i will answer


some of us don't have jobs or school

i don't have responsibilities against other people or family...

so i play games with my time, i do not play single player games since 1997...

i think single player gaming is for noobs, i can beat any single player game in any diffuculty...

multiplayer gaming is better so i can beat other living beings instead of just beating couple 1s and 0s...

as han solo said (im paraphrasing) "against a drone is nothing, against a living is something else"


Swtor is huge dissapointment for hardcore pvp/pve players, warzones are boring after a month, ilum is terrible, nightmare mode raids are tuned for casual gaming... not to mention RNG bag system is terrible.. all the players who farmed valor on ilum somehow got lucky and got almost full BM set... the hardcore players who farmed warzones day/night is kind of unlucky with the commendation drops...

i have no doubt this game is tuned for casual gaming.. thats why hardcore players will leave soon..


i will keep playing this but once i get my gw2 beta access, i'm outta here with my guild...


How do you eat?


I used to be hardcore a long time ago until I turned 18 and ran into the brick wall called a full time job and rent.

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