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I love how quiet bioware got with their bragging of numbers


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There is a big difference between box sales and customer retention, bud. I can't see how any normal person, let alone experienced gamer, can tolerate this game beyond 45-60 days max.


umm most experienced gamers as you put it, are used to the way things are currently. Its only the neophytes and the hardcore gimme nows that are jumping ship.


However if things don't change in the first three months than yes the more experienced gamers will join in on some of the complaints, not all because honestly some of them are irrelevant to most players.

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I have to wonder just how many people viralbuzz.com has on this account...I mean we see what fifteen to twenty of these type doom post a day from the same accounts so ..that's what 1/4 of the entire organization?



Edited by Jett-Rinn
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They know it, we know it, the gaming community knows it. If they had any guts, they'd release the numbers now that everyone has had a chance to fully experience the game. Of course they won't because they'll be humiliating considering not but 3 weeks ago were bragging about this "surge" and their player population.


If you dislike the game so much, why are you here?


Let's say numbers are down...what difference does it to make to you?


You should play games because you find them fun. You should quit playing the game if you don't find it fun.


Not sure what attacking a company for not having sales numbers you would like is supposed to achieve. Do you feel you accomplished something if SWTOR doesn't have the sales numbers it would like?

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There is a big difference between box sales and customer retention, bud. I can't see how any normal person, let alone experienced gamer, can tolerate this game beyond 45-60 days max.


If you cant see that you are blind. In YOUR opinion it may not be a good game, but in others it may be. I am what you would call an experienced gamer, been gaming since 1990, so 22 years, I personally like this game, it serves its purpose. I think the problem many people have is they rush through and get bored on some idea that being at endgame actually means something to others, well it doesnt.


This "I'm leet" phenomena is not new, when I used to go to the arcade there was usually some kid bragging about how he had the top score on 3 or 4 of the games, and like so many others these days, got mad when nobody cared, not to mention getting burned out on said game from playing it constantly.


All in all, your opinion is not everyones, hate to break it to ya but you cant speak for all gamers, and calling yourself an "experienced gamer" to me is kinda sad. I would fall into that category but I dont go around saying that because I have played games longer than most I know what they should like lol.

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I believe I've read somewhere that EA expected 3 million sold units by March. I might be wrong, but that's quite good.


They did not. If fact even analysts that are high on EA right now think 3 million is out of the question for the year. The only hard number out there is 600,000 physical boxes sold in Dec which caused some analysts to downgrade their estimates.

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think you will find that they will put them out at the end of the Q1


like every other company that puts out there numbers.


the fact that sales for the game is still rising means that doomsays like you are just that.. doomsayers


if you dont like the game unsub and leave and then we dont have to see your doomsayer post here again


I hope you're right. It's comforting to know that someone will be paying for the rest of the game development... you know the part BW didnt do before they released the game. After 6 months this one could actually be ready to play. (or it could be in the bottom of a grave, but lets not go there)

Edited by C-Bee
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They know it, we know it, the gaming community knows it. If they had any guts, they'd release the numbers now that everyone has had a chance to fully experience the game. Of course they won't because they'll be humiliating considering not but 3 weeks ago were bragging about this "surge" and their player population.


Regardless of any "truth" or opinion or what have you: Releasing subscriber numbers just doesn't work like this. At all. You will see them in... I believe May.


Don't need to get into the intricacies of it, but yeah... them releasing numbers has nothing to do with what you're saying...

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They did not. If fact even analysts that are high on EA right now think 3 million is out of the question for the year. The only hard number out there is 600,000 physical boxes sold in Dec which caused some analysts to downgrade their estimates.


I haven't bought a boxed game in years ... just sayin.

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same...you think someone is paying him?...or is he really that sad he cant leave alone a game he hates lol...OP go the pub or take a walk in the country mate, there is a whole world out there in the sunshine ;)


He says he's unsubbed.


I think he might have had a bad experience with it, so he wants to ruin it for everyone. >>

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Nope, but their bragging, pumped up chest, arrogant selves are being embarassed by a truth they are trying to hide from.


I used to watch stand up and deliberately funny things to make me laugh, but now I just come casually look at the swtor boards and it has me in stitches within minutes.


What did they do that was bragging and arrogant?

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Honestly some of us don't really care about the numbers.


Although, what I care about is BioWare to start working on things that matters and do make a better game, less on rails with open world PvP and being at least as good as all others AAA MMO around.


I expect no less.

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