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Thanks for the 15 minutes of warning


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Which part of I am playing the game didn't you understand. Twitter, Facebook? So I have to go to outside sources to learn about downtime instead of getting more than 15 minutes of warning for ALL THOSE THAT ACTUALLY WERE PLAYING.


Fixes in the early days WILL often be off the cuff, been the same for a fair other MMOs ive been part of.


Its nothing to do with being a fanboy, its how implementing fixes to an mmo MAY need to be made at a time they cant notify everyone to that effect.

Edited by Paralassa
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Actually I do, haha. While I am waiting for whatever, like a loading screen or something to craft, I usually click and read my email or the forums or Facebook or something (like right now, as I am waiting for Belsalvis to load). But that is my habit.


I'm just wondering why would an email work for you, when the forums and twitter and Facebook doesn't, because you don't click out of the game ever? And sometimes the demand to personally cater to people is overwhelming and expecting too much :)


I don't know why a quick fix requires a 4 hour downtime either. I am sorry your raid was ruined, but sometimes stuff like that happens.


I never said email would work. It's even worse than current system. By the way I use fullscreen, not windowed. If you want to know what system I think is the best, go check how this is done in EVE Online.

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Aww, what'sthematter? I huwrt yur li'l feelins? Poor li'l thing.


Anyway, I didn't cry; in fact, I didn't even complain except to support the idea that they could, indeed, give up to an hour in-game warning.


Now please, go make your own emo "JUST LEAVE BIOWARE ALONE!!" YouTube video and let the big boys discuss. kthyxbye.



i actually lol'd at the irony. whatever it takes to dry up your crocodile tears at night...

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It doesnt matter if they gave 1 hr, 2 hr, or even 5 hr notice someone will always make a thread to have a good cry, its mental the way some people go on


Yes, an hour notice would help when you're 75 minutes into a 90 minute long flashpoint.


I'm beginning to think the people who are okay with Bioware jumping into a surprise downtime have no lives outside this game so an hour lost here or there doesn't really matter to them.

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See the thing you fanboys don't get is that I was actually playing the game so I did not get a launcher note. The only warning the people playing the game got was 15 minutes and that is terrible customer service.


Maybe it is not a big deal for the Ilum farmers or those waiting around for another imp v imp huttball match but for those doing other things in the game like a FP that takes more than a few minutes to complete 15 minutes of warning was less than helpful.


I could have cared less about the downtime as once we finished the FP were were done anyway as it was approaching 1am local time.


Please continue to support BW and their poor business decisions and this game will indeed become the biggest failures in MMO history.


Just stop...you are on a forum for fans of this game. If you don't like it when people defend this game on it's OWN gaming forum you are nuts.

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My mind = / = Blown .... You advocates for longer notice don't realize how unreasonable you're being. Chalk it up a loss; You 0 - BW 1, and then hit the sack cause you can always play at a later time. They're fixing the game folks, and you're crying about it? I know I know, OP wants a longer notice... Still, THEY'RE FIXING THE GAME!!!! lol, g'day sirs.
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Fifteen minutes is really short warning. They should give the first announcement an hour or at least a half hour before they come down. If you're deep in the middle of something intense, 15 minutes can be too short to really wrap it up. ESPECIALLY as this was atypical, unscheduled maintenance, and caught many by surprise. Heck, even the announcement of it was tucked into the usual announcement post about the regular Tuesday maintenance. I clicked on that on a whim a few hours before the servers came down, or I'd have never known the servers were coming down right at the beginning of my prime time.


The first notice was about 20 hours before. Stop complaining, kiddo.

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