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NERF Imperial Agent / Balance the game


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OP if you would have listened to other posters and LEARNED the game, you'd know that in BG's the levels scale. So someone low level will scale up to higher level in the warzone to be able to compete. So it's like that sniper was on even playing field with you.


No need to QQ, serious.

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threads like this need to stop showing up like ASAP


why? because if you whine, Bioware will feel obligated to meet your demands, and guess what? you suggestions will not help the game, instead they will **** it into oblivion


stop QQing, learn your class, and learn there are ways to survive getting sniped from a long distance, they are meant for that and they are playing their class well, you just suck if your getting killed like that

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You guys have to do something about the Imperial Agent.. as a lvl 20 Jedi Guardian minding my own bussenise i get ***** by the sniper shot thats crits me 2k ( ofc it did not one shot me but when fighting other low lvl people in the BG it helps them).. the funny thing about this is that he was only lvl 12... i mean like come on that shouldnt even be possible when another player is 8 lvls above..


and about the balance.. the BGS should really be 10-19 , 20 - 29 etc... its funny that i get into a low lvl BG as a lvl 20 and just **** everyone( exept ofcourse the IMPERIAL AGENT that devestates me from long range) but still...


Cheers :)


You just got to hate 'nerf' kids..... Learn to play, all classes are evenly balanced ya gimp!

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my god man, you just ranted about how you killed everyone but 1 guy. Apparently you are requesting a nerf for one specific sniper. At least give him the public credit he deserves for being so awesome he can kill you. I mean dang, a sniper that knows to take cover and shoot you while you mind your own business in a warzone!



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OP if you would have listened to other posters and LEARNED the game, you'd know that in BG's the levels scale. So someone low level will scale up to higher level in the warzone to be able to compete. So it's like that sniper was on even playing field with you.


No need to QQ, serious.


No melee other then Assassin can kill the Imperial Agent sniper atm since as a Warrior/Jk you cant charge the covered target. Therefore, you need to basically normally walk to the Sniper who will slow you on the way and expect you with cover pulse ready.


TLDR version = A good sniper can kill 2-3 JKs same time. OP is right, stop trolling.

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You guys have to do something about the Imperial Agent.. as a lvl 20 Jedi Guardian minding my own bussenise i get ***** by the sniper shot thats crits me 2k ( ofc it did not one shot me but when fighting other low lvl people in the BG it helps them).. the funny thing about this is that he was only lvl 12... i mean like come on that shouldnt even be possible when another player is 8 lvls above..


and about the balance.. the BGS should really be 10-19 , 20 - 29 etc... its funny that i get into a low lvl BG as a lvl 20 and just **** everyone( exept ofcourse the IMPERIAL AGENT that devestates me from long range) but still...


Cheers :)


You should have one of your crew take up the Cheese crafting skill so you can always have a few slices with all that wine of yours.

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no joke you guuuuuuuys.... hes LVL 12 AND CRITS 2K like ***? is that normal ? :p im jedi guardian with extra defensive structure and abilities how the hell can he do that kinda dmg... and im still 8 lvls above! and yes they are a long range class im aware of that, but that still doesent explain why they got 2k crit ?????:p imagine how they will be ****** people at lvl 50... OOH THE DRAMA!:(


Everyone has there stats adjusted to level 50 base stats so a level 12 can actually have some fun in a warzone with people higher level then them.


Learn2Play, in other words.

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OH SWG de ja vu

Jedi gets killed.............. NERF the class thats killing me

Seriously 2k crit from a sniper shot isnt big.


And you are crying that you were killed by a long range dps class who is sitting down as he needs to be "in cover" THIS early in the game



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