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Worse game launch to date? For no reason other than over caution


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Empathy? A good portion of people living in this world won't even get to eat for the next few days and you wan't people to 'feel' for you because you did not get into a launch of a video game.


I know it's frustrating (im not in either but its also kinda exciting waiting for the call up) but gee dude its not the worst thing that can happen. In a week or so, this post won't even matter to you and I bet you won't classify this as the worst launch ever (espeically if, like you stated, you have tested and played every MMO since EQ1)


it don't even matter to me now, because i already canceled my preorder, nor intend to play this game. in fact, im just waiting for the store to open to try to get my money back.:) yes i'm entitle to my opinion the same as everyone else.

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The $5 is subtracted from your totalt cost.


This is one of the best lauches ever. If the game ends up loosing the whiniest 1% over this it will be better of in the long run.


Really? I ended up with a 40 NOK (about $5) added cost, saying "preorder charge".

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@ Friggah


If this is your first time preordering, I will state this, that it is the norm..normal procedure to charge anywhere from five dollars up to 20 dollars, (depending on the price of the merchandise Im told). What that does is reserve your copy, so that you are guaranteed to have it for launch day.


Thats all that is for.


Valid argument, but the origin pre-order do not cost anything extra. So the reason to whine is nonexistant.

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well if this was some soviet union, or Cuba, food store waiting line for buying bread. i would be happy with the first come first serve slogan! but it is not. we are talking about a game. so it is not too logical to me.


and no matter what you, or any other fanboy here tells me, or how much flaming you waste throwing on me on this forum, will make me change my mind.


as you can see, we are only going in circles here. you are happy with this system, i'm not. that simple it is to understand



Soo... just because it's a game, means you get to access when you buy it, or that no line counts for you, despite other people being there before you? (game stores, etc) While digital stores have almost no lines, because there isn't a real need, that doesn't mean that it's that way for all digital services, and at times things need to be stagured and some form of a que/wait line needs to exist. You'd propose, despite the systems abilities (physical or digital) that you deserve access when you want it, without care or knowledge of the ability of any given system to handle it.


I honestly suggest if you can not handel waiting and you hate this system that much, cancel your pre-order, because you'll only find things that annoy you because they are baised on first come, first access.

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what name calling? excuse me? have you taken your meds today?


When you resort to fangirl, fanboy..troll whatever your favorite word happens to be ..to apply to others, to attempt to invalidate their argument.


You were name calling. My name is not fangirl, nor fanboy..etc. If you wish to address me you can call me Feraele :)


Anything other than that is pretty much name calling. Right and the remark about have you taken your meds today.. Again. You dont know me...I might just as well ask you if you are pmsing today.


*** for Tat...lets not stoop to the namecalling, it is possible to have a discussion without that. Well unless of course this is still kindergarten, where namecalling is par for the course. :p

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@ Friggah


If this is your first time preordering, I will state this, that it is the norm..normal procedure to charge anywhere from five dollars up to 20 dollars, (depending on the price of the merchandise Im told). What that does is reserve your copy, so that you are guaranteed to have it for launch day.


Thats all that is for.


Yeah, but this isn't a physical copy. Now, they may say it's "like that" but it really isn't. I'm paying extra to download something, which can be downloaded an infinite amount of time and takes absolutely no storage space whatsoever. So in actuality I'm paying to guarantee EA income.

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Really? I ended up with a 40 NOK (about $5) added cost, saying "preorder charge".


And the same ammount will be deducted from what you pay when you get the game.


This has been stated from official sources countless of times.


Everyone one more time: ORIGIN PRE-ORDERS DO NOT COST EXTRA!

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"and no matter what you, or any other fanboy here tells me"


fanboy is not an insult last time i checked


Fanboy is a term used to describe a male who is highly devoted and biased in opinion towards a single subject or hobby within a given field



if they add plenty of new servers for all the late preorders, i would be more than happy, otherwise not so much. people who have all preodered have the same rights to start playing together instead of weeks after .

Edited by Ariadna
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Valid argument, but the origin pre-order do not cost anything extra. So the reason to whine is nonexistant.


Yes it does and I've got the receipt to prove it.


Please don't look at me as a whiner, because I'm not whining, I'm simply trying to make a point, even if people don't agree.

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Yeah, but this isn't a physical copy. Now, they may say it's "like that" but it really isn't. I'm paying extra to download something, which can be downloaded an infinite amount of time and takes absolutely no storage space whatsoever. So in actuality I'm paying to guarantee EA income.


You do not pay extra. The $5 will be deducted from what you pay when you get the game.

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And the same ammount will be deducted from what you pay when you get the game.


This has been stated from official sources countless of times.


Everyone one more time: ORIGIN PRE-ORDERS DO NOT COST EXTRA!


Then why am I not informed of this? My entire point is that EA is decieving consumers on their Origin store, nothing else. I wasn't planning on taking my debate in this direction, not planning to discuss their preorder thing at all, I just think they leave out a lot of vital information, and I think that's bad.

Edited by Friggah
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Calling someone a fanboy is akin to calling someone a noob, in a loose way of putting it. It may not seem very harmful, but it is treated as an insult. Like when in politics, American specifically, when they call someone a Liberal.
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I've been playing for the past two days. Just thought I'd peek my head in to see what sort of excuses people are trying to put because they're entitled and impatient.


You would think for people so impatient they would have been the FIRST to preorder. Funny that, no?

Obviously, you do not know how to read...or... you like to troll

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I dont think the wave system was a bad idea from start if they actually did what it was ment to be from the first.


Sending in waves was nice to not have to long ques etc, but they also said we will continue sending in waves if everything goes smooth etc. They didnt FAIL!


They send 4 waves in first day around 100k customers, was it so damn hard for them to press send mail 4 times that day? i mean they could easly be done by now if they just did what they told us to do!

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Could someone please explain to me how anyone is hurt if other people get to 50 before you? In the long term it really means nothing right, we are talking about a few days.


Maybe I just don't understand because I am not a power leveler.


I am under the impression its a jealousy thing, competitive jealousy. Something I really dont care about. I take time to smell the roses, explore, do some crafting, pay attention to the story line, oh and hang out with my guild mates of course. One other thing, I like to make friends too. :D

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Yes it does and I've got the receipt to prove it.


Please don't look at me as a whiner, because I'm not whining, I'm simply trying to make a point, even if people don't agree.


The $5 will be deducted from the total cost. Has been confirmed countless of times.


This is getting old.

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Then why am I not informed of this? My entire point is that EA is decieving consumers on their Origin store, nothing else.


If that is the case too... Why offer a Collector's Edition? Origin did not have an option to purchase it form them and.... well... it has physical stuff... can I download a physical statue?

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This has to be the worse way to launch a MMO, or any game, launch ever. It is almost worse than long queues to enter the game!


Bioware is so ... overly cautious that it has denied its service to the people who want to play... only a select few get in each wave. While the rest of us... have to look and wonder why we are not the chosen ones.


Why am I being punished for purchasing a Collector's Edition at Gamestop and did not get a pre-order code until Dec 7th? I have copies and pictures of me with the receipt and pictures of the receipt that shows the purchase was made in July!


So why am I being denied access?


Because I did not rush to the EA website and purchase it on an official EA website!


I repent. I repent. Please, let me in. I am willing to use the Origin website on all future EA purchases! I bought it in September and yet I am not in... and there are people who bought lesser copies of the game... and who bought it AFTER me... who are leveling...


worse yet, when I hit the PvP zones... people will be max level... picking on me... because I am not playing yet. THANKS EA


Worse Launch ever?


It is almost better to be in a long queue and the servers go down... from time to time!!!


LMAO! oh this is a good one lol. Priceless. Now you should put a new post up about how you're gonna rage quit if you don't get in today, and then show pictures of you throwing a tantrum. THAT would be epic QQ! Worst launch to date lol this must be your first launch then. Seriously....grow up.

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People are "Still" whining.... Outstanding! I was worried all the complaining would cease once everyone realized that everyone who pre-ordered would be in by Friday. That's going to be... What, 4 out of the 5 days of Early Access that you were offered originally?


Good show, let's give a round of applause to all the Trolls working overtime! Good hustle.

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I disagree with you, but completely sympathize.


I actually must applaud BioWare and Electronic Arts launch group because I thought the idea of waves was the best possible solution to the launch day problem. You don’t have to have a CCNA (which I do) to know that too many people in the same location will crash a server (or at least lag it up so bad that you can’t move or get DC’ed). It has the same effect as a DOS (Denial of Service) attack on the server.


Why does this happen? Because each person has to send a data packet to the server to tell the server what you are doing (i.e., what direction you are facing, if you are moving, how fast, etc…). The server then has to calculate how many other players are within range to see you and then send a packet to each letting them know how to draw your avatar on their screen. So if there are several hundred people that can see you, then everybody has to be sent all the data on every one of those players. You can easily see how quickly the server and bandwidth can become saturated in this way.


Anyone who was playing World of Warcraft back when the patch for AQ20 & AQ40 came out remembers the disaster that happened when too many people were in the same zone at the same time waiting for the gates to open. The servers all lagged for a while and finally died.


Question: How do you launch hundreds of thousands of players on 12/20 without dropping them all off in the same starting zones, thereby crashing the servers?


Answer: You have to stagger them in waves and give each wave time to progress out of the starting zones to make room for the next wave and let everyone spread out from there. This prevents everyone from bunching up and solves the problem nicely. At the same time, you reward those who paid for the game early.


The idea was brilliantly thought out, but unfortunately the results of the idea were that people like yourself have felt slighted by not being the first ones into the game. That was never the intent, I’m sure.


Perhaps this explanation for the reason behind the plan will help ease the wait. I know I would much rather wait a couple of days and then start playing without crashing or lagging than have everybody else in my zone screwing up my ability to get anything done.


By the way, I am also still waiting if you hadn’t figured that out already.


Good luck to you tomorrow! I hope you get picked! :)


By far one of the best posts put on these forums. Well said.

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fanboy is not an insult last time i checked


Fanboy is a term used to describe a male who is highly devoted and biased in opinion towards a single subject or hobby within a given field



if they add plenty of new servers for all the late preorders, i would be more than happy, otherwise not so much. people who have all preodered have the same rights to start playing together instead of weeks after .


As you used it, it is an insult.

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fanboy is not an insult last time i checked


Fanboy is a term used to describe a male who is highly devoted and biased in opinion towards a single subject or hobby within a given field


LOL, Fanboy... LOL Totally funny.


I avoid most EA games like a plague, and BW lost my trust completely with the failure that was Dragon Age 2.


I find it funny as hell honestly that I'm a fanboy, or fangirl, because if anything I'm kind of a sucker for SOE titles and Easily a fanboy for them, without much of a question, but EA/BW I'd be as interest in seeing both them sink into the ground, as both of them make mega success games.

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