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Worse game launch to date? For no reason other than over caution


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If I am not mistaken, there have never been written by Bioware that what matters is the pre-order date. They always said it was the code redeption date that matters.


So, please, if you really have to rant and blame someone, go do it on Gamestop forums.


I really think this post should have been closed a looong time ago...

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Just a few questions for the OP and the other complainers.


Is it Bioware's fault that a gameshop screwed you?

I ordered at Amazon and got my code within a day, others within minutes.


Why didn't you go to a local shop and bought the pre-order box there?

They have codes inside.


Have you ever participated in a launch of another mmo?

I have and I must say it's one of the smoothest launches I've ever had with an mmo.

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I fail to understand how this can be considered the worst game launch to date. The launch isn't til the 20th. Every MMO launch I've ever seen has had it's fair share of chaos and frustration. It'll be ok, folks, really. Relax and wait for your email
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Just a few questions for the OP and the other complainers.


Is it Bioware's fault that a gameshop screwed you?

I ordered at Amazon and got my code within a day, others within minutes.


Why didn't you go to a local shop and bought the pre-order box there?

They have codes inside.


Have you ever participated in a launch of another mmo?

I have and I must say it's one of the smoothest launches I've ever had with an mmo.


THIS and agreed, although Rift wasnt too shabby either. :)

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well i would think that having the priviledge of having a whole week of free playing before anyone else , is already a huge advantage. they get to pick whatever names they please without having to end up with a name such ejefkdkk. they get to set the server economy, selling their crafted items with their own set prices. they get to stablish their guild as the top ones. they get to level to 50 way before anyone else does and in the pvp servers they will become the rulers basically.


if you don't see all that as an advantage then i don't know what that is!


Server economy fluctuates all the time, it doesnt stay static. Pvp servers, well, stick with your friends, dont go alone, you know what to expect. The high levels camping the low levels, thats been that way since Meridian 59 onward, that I know of.


Some games implement rules so the low levels have a chance to survive, some dont.

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Worse launch to date? Please let me know where you park your DeLorean because last time I checked its not open to the masses for another 5 days. Are they being cautious with there pre order access? yes, but would you rather be cautious and get a really good feeling first impressions or be a mass launch and have the servers unstable as hell for 3 days and buggy the next day leaving only 1 real pre order access day of a stable server before having it hit again to only be unstable for another 1-2 days of laggy buggy goodness?


I personally think its actually going along as one of the smoothest launches in MMO history so far, sure it does mean that your next door neighbor Bob may get a bit of a jump on you, but I'd rather have an enjoyable several days and spread out population across servers then a laggy buggy first few days and have a chance at ending up on a barren server.

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Of course it makes a difference. It makes a difference to the log in servers for a start.


Then they should have zerg tested the login servers before EGA shouldn't they.

No excuse for last minute testing, or no testing of what is a typical launch day.

Launch day comes, People RUSH the server. Always happens. Usually they prepare for that by opening the floodgates during an OB, even if it's just a week.


Except BW never did that, they still aren't doing it, there is an actual possibility that on release day, or hell five days later on Christmas Day, they will get such an influx and implode.


You can say it never happens, but previous games prove that wrong.

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Then they should have zerg tested the login servers before EGA shouldn't they.

No excuse for last minute testing, or no testing of what is a typical launch day.

Launch day comes, People RUSH the server. Always happens. Usually they prepare for that by opening the floodgates during an OB, even if it's just a week.


Except BW never did that, they still aren't doing it, there is an actual possibility that on release day, or hell five days later on Christmas Day, they will get such an influx and implode.


You can say it never happens, but previous games prove that wrong.


I am convinced that Bioware knows exactly what they are doing, and to second-guess themselves at this point just to please a few gamers that disagree with their methods would more than likely be a bad move.



I too have been around a long, long time. I am a long time gamer and have alpha and beta tested a number of games.


If Bioware has found something that works for them, and its actually working, I say..dont mess with that.


They are professionals. WE are not. :)

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Technically the most fairest way to deal with this is when everyone is finally invited to the game....Delete all characters so everyone could start off fresh.


That would be the ultimate troll Bioware can do haha.


Oh boy, that would start up the largest flamefest ever seen on any forums. Hah no thanks.


The purpose of Early Access is to get a headstart making your characters and moving out of the newbie areas.


Noooooo...not a good plan :p

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I haven't received my invite yet and I feel great! I brewed some coffee this morning, chatted with my wife for a bit, went for a walk, watched a movie, played some Skyrim and rolled around on the floor with my crazy cats.


It was a good day. Now I'm going to get a nice long sleep and wake up refreshed and stress-free. Maybe I'll get my invite tomorrow, or maybe I won't. Either way, it'll be a good day.




Cheers all!


This one deserves a repost!


Don't you worry folks, as soon as you're in it will be alright. Patience is a virtue.

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Honestly, the level of self-entitled snobbery and whining is incredibly annoying. I've seen children with better manners than the goons that keep posting these threads.


If you don't like how the "launch" (because, believe it or not, this Early Access is not launch) was handled, then please leave. The community as a whole will be far and away better due to an expunging of the nastiness that has been wrought from such, for lack of better terminology, douchbaggery.


You sir, and all those like you, are *******.


It pains me to be so blunt and off-putting, but enough is enough. Stop all of the whining and go live your life. This game is a game, pure and simple. And all you're doing is ruining it for yourself and all those that have to put up with a forum full of crying and moaning.

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Except BW never did that, they still aren't doing it, there is an actual possibility that on release day, or hell five days later on Christmas Day, they will get such an influx and implode.


You can say it never happens, but previous games prove that wrong.


There is also the opposite possibility that they are geniuses and the launch on Dec. 20th will be smooth as butter. Sit here and debate it more if you want, but you have no view of the future. It's all speculation.


Don't worry, be happy! :D

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I am still not in, so might as well vent in here... right?


Nothing else to do... but hope I get in. Anyhow, here is my take on the situation... after a few hours of sleep and rest:


Until recently there was NO indication that putting in Pre-Order codes early will give a player earlier access. In my original post, the MAIN reason why I was not too concerned about pre-order codes is... NO WHERE DID IT MENTION THAT EARLY ACCESS WILL BE DETERMINED BY DATE YOU ENTER THE PRE-ORDER CODES. Only recently did this become public knowledge. Previous EA MMOs and other American based MMOs have done a 5 day early access and it does not matter if you entered a pre-order code on day 1 versus the minute you gained access.


As a result, from my point of view, I have 5 days of early access... this is 5 days of early access... I was expecting just to put in my code and enter a queue and start playing.


As of right now, I am not playing 5 days early (there is still hope, I guess). I did enter a pre-order code WEEKS ago - Dec 7th - but I have yet to enter the game ... or be allowed to enter the game. Why is that? Sure I did not get the pre-order codes from Gamestop earlier... BUT, if I would have KNOWN that it was important back in July... I would have been more proactive.


The bottom line is FAIRNESS. We all would like to be treated fair. Is this fair? No where did it explain that Bioware or EA would form a line based on time entering a pre-order code. Previous experience from previous EA games told me that is not an issue. Previous MMO launches have also taught me that is not the case. In fact, no one here knew that would be the situation until a few weeks ago when it was posted on the website. Which, ironically, if you put in the pre-order codes that same day (upon seeing and hearing that you need to stand in line) ... you are STILL not playing the game.


Here I am, I did not know entering the pre-order codes early or late would cause me NOT to play early.... I am not in the game because.... I was treated unfairly. At least, that is how I FEEL. Was I treated unfairly? If this was real life, and we were at a movie... there would be a physical line to enter a movie theatre. I would see the line forming, even if the movie threatre did not tell me to get in line. Is it the movie threatre's fault that I did not get a good seat - because there were people ahead of me? NO. However, this is the problem... this game does not have a physical or virtual indicator. In July, August, September, or October I did not see a line or indication of this line. Only in Late November, early December there was an indication.


Now here is another point of view. I joined with a guild. We are encouraged to play with friends. However, this new system is counter intuitive. The guild leader and myself have not entered the game. As a result, we are not able to play with our friends already in game. My guild leader is not able to give access to let other people join or try to recruit... so our guild is being discriminated and loosing potential new recruits. Of course, we dont mass recruit - but finding a gem in the rough is always nice. Now we need to hope that those gems are not taken by people who had the luck to put the pre-order code earlier than us. Likewise, not everyone was able to enter the guild before it quit... so we have a few peeps who are guild-less and not able to enter our guild because the guild leader is not in. Our healers dont have tanks... so why bother playing with your friends if this system is promoting a line that we can not play together with?

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