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Worse game launch to date? For no reason other than over caution


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I Agree, Worste lunch at this moment in MMORPG story ever, I whould rather play In lagg than see so many players suffer for not geting in, ppl wont complain atleast if u let everyone in..


Worst lunch? You should be careful where you buy your food, could get salmonella poisoning. :p

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If starting at the same time is so very important, then your "friends" would wait for you to have access so you can all level together. If they don't, blame them. Not Bioware.


Yea sure, ill get my whole guild to wait just for me.. thats a great idea. Thanks man you've fixed the problem completely - you should be president


PS. I'm not even bothered that I cant play personally, I don't mind waiting til the 20th, sure it would be nice etc. but the only thing pissing me off is the fact that loads of my guild mates will be higher level and we can't play together until we are max level, it defeats the purpose of an MMO.

Edited by Parabola-
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been in game since 0900 pst. wanted to say ty to BW for the staggered launch servers are smooth and fun. was totally worth the wait. to all the haters SUCK IT UP its a game its free for up to 7 DAYS you preordered it so stop your grumblings and be patient.


Thanks for the update, I think I might be in by Friday..we will see. :)

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OP is way off - we will all know for sure the 20th...


1. The game IS launched, as clearly stated by ms. Green, its the first headline you will see when coming to the swtor homepage, learn to read folks


2. From all accounts, as far as I can tell, THIS IS THE SMOOTHEST MMORPG LAUNCH TO DATE. So far only ONE server has been down at all since the 13th, a french, European pvp server, and it was down for like 15 mins or so yesterday. In-game reports tell us about zero lag, zero queues, zero downtime (except the server mentioned).


3. No MMORPG has been even remotely close to this amount of players on the first week within release, we are talking 3-4 million probably, maybe more. So the SCALE of this endeavour is terra incognita - it has never been done before.



But, as I said to begin with, we will know for sure come the 20th., if the servers start crashing/ bugging out and what have you, the community will go mad, and BW will have serious problems defending the EGA and staggering of players. Personally I doubt we will see many crashes, though queues will proliferate (as we have been warned of) come retail release.



And no, I´m not in-game yet, dec. 2nd. pre-order, and happy with it. Please remember it is about the gaming experience, not whether you or I or anybody else get in at what time for whatever reason, it´s all about how much fun we can have in game, gonna be a blast I´m sure :D


That worry about someone getting in more game time than someone else..silly stuff. Gamer competitiveness.


Other than that it shouldnt matter, there is so much more to this game than racing to 50. Matter of fact, what a waste if thats all people do with it.

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I Agree, Worste lunch at this moment in MMORPG story ever, I whould rather play In lagg than see so many players suffer for not geting in, ppl wont complain atleast if u let everyone in..


You can keep your lagg. I don't want it personally. If you think people are 'suffering' you need to get a clue as to what suffering really is. People are not suffering, the're just whiny, impatient brats who have yet to realise that today (15th) is the original point at which BW said players would be getting access.

The fact that ppl have already been getting to play, and the likelyhood that most of us will be on by the last wave today, just highlights this myth that BW have somehow failed.

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Did Bioware not decide themselves to stagger the early access or am I missing somthing


Bioware has NO control over what you do or when you put your code in for redemption. They also had no control over your guild and when they redeemed their codes.



They also have no control over the fact that your guild isnt planning on waiting for you..or at least thats the impression you are giving.


They are not God, all powerful, omnipotent. They cant forsee your situation nor do anything to fix it for you.



THAT is up to you.

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Everyone is making a stink about something very small. The argument that bioware had been unfair with this launch plan would be valid if the world was actually a fair place. People will get in before you but you'll still be in before the actual release people. Worried your friends will out pace you? If they're friends they will wait for you or roll new characters with you. worried that people will gank you? Welcome to an mmo, someone will always out level you and grief because some people have less to do than others. If you bought the collectors edition it stinks you didn't get a code earlier but you still get all the sweet stuff you paid for! We'll all be ok people, I'm sure of it :). And no, I'm not in the game yet!
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I Agree, Worste lunch at this moment in MMORPG story ever, I whould rather play In lagg than see so many players suffer for not geting in, ppl wont complain atleast if u let everyone in..


You really have no clue what you're talking about, are you seriously suggesting that people wouldn't complain that it takes 5-10 seconds for their character to respond to actions, that they keep getting disconnected and having to wait in queues several hours long, that quest mobs have lines of people waiting to kill them so it takes ages to complete anything.


I pre-ordered Nov 18th, I'm having to wait to play the game but it seems I'm part of a minority that are not frothing at the mouth in rage, I mean honestly if you cannot wait 2 days to play a video game then there is something wrong with you and you need to stop and take a look at the priorities in your life. Releasing people in waves has made this one of the smoothest pre-launches I've ever come across but the response from spoilt children like yourself is pathetic. Grow up.

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This seems to me that this way of doing things is horrible. Just opening servers to everyone and waiting in a que would be much better. This way defeats the whole point of their guild registration. Also by the time some players get in their friends will be so far ahead in lvls that player may not even care to play anymore, seeing that they will not be able to play with guilds or friends. I know that I was on the fence about this game and wanted to play the beta before pre ordering. And probably like many others, thought, would get in to play. But as it stands this way only caters to diehard fanboys of star wars and the media. So what if you have to stand around a bit to finish a quest or two in an area. At least you get to play, make your char and chat with guild mats and friends. MMOs are social games when you prohibit players from playing with the people that they want there's not much reason to play. :mad:


EA servers have always been garbage. Sad thing is that the are the ones that assigned the Guilds to servers so they should have known how many players where going to be on the servers. Or have done a better job of making sure the Pop on the servers was ok for this early access. It would be better just to open the servers and sit in a que at least then the players that are going to be locked out of playing cause they didnt get in to the waves would probably get in today at some point. But the way they are doing it Players payed for the pre order to get early access but at this point aren't going to get in, so this whole thing is pointless. Just pissing off players. The other thing is that the players that got in are going to be at least on avg 13 lvls ahead of the players that didn't get in causing players to not be able to play and lvl with their friends and guildmets. It also doesn't make them look good when the servers are full after the 2 wave. The servers seem to not even be able to hold the amount of players for the first day. Are they going to not allow access to the accounts that got in today ? I think that should so that tomorrow for the players that weren't allowed to play today, aren't going to get the email tomorrow and then have to wait in a que. This way of launching a MMO is the must *** backwards way. Open up the servers and have que times, not limit players to be able to play then having to wait in a que anyway. Just stupid !!! :(

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We'll still get to experience the queues, the lag, and the server blips come 20th Dec. They cannot micromanage retail launch or the xmas period and with some servers full at peak times already after 2 days... and guilds deployed on said servers only have 10% of their players in so far... :eek:


No matter what they say this looks like a stress test, smells like a stress test so it must be... a stress test - that or a complete lack of confidence in the ability of the hardware to perform either way in PR terms it's a screw up. All of which could have been avoided by communication simply sending emails with a date rather than making everyone sit in what is effectively a queue that lasts days rather than hours.


I'm no fan of Blizzard but I don't think even they could do this 'well' :rolleyes:

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I remember how someone said it was a sort of lose/lose situation for Bioware... well kind of... but that here they are doing things right and they get complainers, but if they would do things the other way and had of let everyone in at once with all the lag and performance issues then all these same people and more would more than likely come along complaining...


As the saying goes - you can't please everyone! There'll always be someone who disagrees and or complains, most sadly...

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I remember how someone said it was a sort of lose/lose situation for Bioware... well kind of... but that here they are doing things right and they get complainers, but if they would do things the other way and had of let everyone in at once with all the lag and performance issues then all these same people and more would more than likely come along complaining...


As the saying goes - you can't please everyone! There'll always be someone who disagrees and or complains, most sadly...


Idd. No one noticed that they gave 7 days instead of 5 and that November players gone get in today :):)


Tbh I love what they doing.

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I remember how someone said it was a sort of lose/lose situation for Bioware... well kind of... but that here they are doing things right and they get complainers, but if they would do things the other way and had of let everyone in at once with all the lag and performance issues then all these same people and more would more than likely come along complaining...


As the saying goes - you can't please everyone! There'll always be someone who disagrees and or complains, most sadly...


How is it gonna stop lag though? The fact they launch it like this doesnt mean less people will be playing lol.. come launch its gonna be crazy either way.

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I remember how someone said it was a sort of lose/lose situation for Bioware... well kind of... but that here they are doing things right and they get complainers, but if they would do things the other way and had of let everyone in at once with all the lag and performance issues then all these same people and more would more than likely come along complaining...


As the saying goes - you can't please everyone! There'll always be someone who disagrees and or complains, most sadly...


Yeap, they let everyone in then they'll complain Cry Cry I have a 3 hrs queue" then when in at starting zone "Cry Cry everyone keeps beating me to mobs so I cant finish my mission cry cry"


Can't either way, well we can just laugh at all the QQ.

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