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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

So I'm starting Swtor, what class should I play?


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Title says it all, I'm on the Sith side and don't really know what I'll want to do. I play a healer in the other mmo, but I'm not sure if I want to continue healing in this one.


The two I'm leaning towards are Bounty Hunter and Imperial Agent, but I don't really know what I want to do in the world.


What's fun? What's not? Where can I get some in depth information about all the classes and what they do?


Thanks in advance;


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ok the bounty hunter is amazingly fun.

I started one with alot of doubts, but instantly fell in love with the combat, its just amazing.


Imp agent you will love the cover based play, its awesome, theres nothing funner then seeing 3 enemies, diving behind cover, throwing a grenade that kills 2 of them, then popping up and dropping the last guy with your sniper rifle.


the other 2 classes are great fun aswell, especially if you love the whole lightsaber thing.

but they feel pretty standard in combat, melee wise. force lightning and force choke are hell fun though.



........ I didnt help did I:rolleyes:

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Read around the forums, look into the classes in a bit more details.


Both the bounty hunter and agent are very fun classes to play. If I was to pick one I'd take the bounty hunter because the cover mechanic can be a little difficult to get used to at first and isn't for everyone. That's my personal choice though, you might find you prefer the agent.


Try them out, see how you go. If you don't like one it's not the end of the world, just swap over to a different class.

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play what interest YOU


you know thats probably the worst answer to give right?


The reason people ask is because they want more info on the classes, based on peoples experiences with them, then if something sparks their interest, they can look closer at that class.

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Title says it all, I'm on the Sith side and don't really know what I'll want to do. I play a healer in the other mmo, but I'm not sure if I want to continue healing in this one.


The two I'm leaning towards are Bounty Hunter and Imperial Agent, but I don't really know what I want to do in the world.


What's fun? What's not? Where can I get some in depth information about all the classes and what they do?


Thanks in advance;



Bounty hunter is more straight forward "pew pew" with blaster and gadzet usage.


Imperial agents are more tactical be it with cover system or stealth.


I found both stories fun, granted nothing beats the female IA voice :p


Imperial operative and bounty hunter mercenaries can dps or heal.


Bounty hunter powertech can dps or tank.


Sniper is all about dps.


Bounty hunters use one blaster pistol or dual wield them (depending on advanced class).

Imperial agents use a blaster shotgun thing or sniper rifle.

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SI - sorc = range dps like playing a mage/warlock (or healing tree priest)

Assassin = stealth and burst dps


SW - like a warrior can tank or dps what ever one you prefer

up close and personal


BH - BOBA FETT !!!!! - gun wielding armour wearing toons - nice story


IA - Sniper (ronseal - does what it says on the tin)

operative - jack of all trades - healer




hope that helps

Edited by konrathai
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Do them all.


I have played the first 10 levels of each proffession during beta and the storylines for each are awesome. I really liked the gritty storyline for the bounty hunter. I felt like a space cowboy.


The agent story is awesome.

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  • 1 month later...

Picking a class is up to you, if you are a healer get a healer, if you like ranged get ranged. If you like melee attacking get that, no one knows what your favorite play style is.


If other people read this and are just starting out, I'd recommend reading up on some threads to brush up your knowledge of SWTOR. There are some little things that you can find out that will help you out tons.


http://1stvideogame.com/?p=2568 <-- great list full of things people wish they knew when they started.

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Ok, since your asking, the best advice to give you on choosing a class in this game is to look at the advanced classes of each class.


If you are interested in the Imperial Agent, but hate the idea of the cover system, that may not mean you're X'd out of the class, as not all of the advanced classes use it extensively. With the agent, you're looking at one of your adv classes having two trees of melee stealth and one of healing; while the other adv class has three specializations of ranged dps, one or two of which are heavily focused on the cover system.


As for the bounty hunter, you have an adv class of healing and two mid-range dps specs, while the other adv class uses a gun but plays almost like a melee class.


The lightsaber classes also pan out a bit, so your best interest is to research the adv class options of the base class that peaks your interest the most.

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Play Imperial Agent. There's a huge shortage of them, and they're actually a really cool class even if their name doesn't sound as exciting as something with Sith in it.


Wrong, do not play an Operative, especially a healing one. There is a reason why no one really plays em, every other class is 10x better. The devs hate this class with a passion.


Case in point, three broken talents in med tree alone that will never get fixed.


Roll anything but an Agent, you have been warned.

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  • 2 months later...
You should take smuggler, its fun, and by fun i mean more star wars like... and guns and ship stuff, travelling, like star wars movie, like a family game but alone... ;S well play to tatooine and see it your self
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I would recommend IA. They are great healers if you choose operative but you can also choose the sniper advanced class for great dps. The story is most probably the best in the game.


EDIT: Oops, just read the OP's posting date. Well I trust he chose by now.

Edited by Pathlight-
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Title says it all, I'm on the Sith side and don't really know what I'll want to do. I play a healer in the other mmo, but I'm not sure if I want to continue healing in this one.


The two I'm leaning towards are Bounty Hunter and Imperial Agent, but I don't really know what I want to do in the world.


What's fun? What's not? Where can I get some in depth information about all the classes and what they do?


Thanks in advance;



Know teh true power of the Dark Side. Roll a Sorc.

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my suggestion to you is give some classes a change, play them till level 10 (or complete dromund kaas aswell). By that time you get a feeling of some classes and you usually get the idea if you like it or not.


Bounty hunter overall is the most fun for me. I have a level 50 sniper. It does good DPS, however if you ever want to tank / heal then sniper is out of the question. As mercenary you can heal and DPS, as powertech you can tank and DPS.

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