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Damage Meter, how to get if you want?


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Why ? So instead of having fun we're getting the "leet" groups passing you off because you have slightly less than "uber" dps ? No thx. In WoW this has gone up to the point where you couldn't get better gear unless you raided and you couldn't raid because you didn't have better gear :))


I prefer to have fun / get wiped 5 times vs stat comparing before invites


Is it our job to carry your sub par playing through a raid?

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If this game is going to be serious in any way then there needs to be a damage meter or you wont know how badly you're "friends" actually suck.


See the epeen elitism creeping in there. This is why I hope there never is one in this game.

People managed for years without gear score and recount/skada in WoW and then along came the epeeners telling you that you suck and kicked you from groups and raids because your dps was rubbish or your gear was. That was what meters did they made a form of cruel PVP against the newer player who was just trying to improve.


If you tell a WoW vanilla, TBC player that they were not serious players before the meters arrived I think you would not be getting in many groups.

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See the epeen elitism creeping in there. This is why I hope there never is one in this game.

People managed for years without gear score and recount/skada in WoW and then along came the epeeners telling you that you suck and kicked you from groups and raids because your dps was rubbish or your gear was. That was what meters did they made a form of cruel PVP against the newer player who was just trying to improve.


If you tell a WoW vanilla, TBC player that they were not serious players before the meters arrived I think you would not be getting in many groups.


There were meters in vanilla too. Wth are you on about.

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Why ? So instead of having fun we're getting the "leet" groups passing you off because you have slightly less than "uber" dps ? No thx. In WoW this has gone up to the point where you couldn't get better gear unless you raided and you couldn't raid because you didn't have better gear :))


I prefer to have fun / get wiped 5 times vs stat comparing before invites


You, sir, are completely wrong.

People can still inspect your gear and you can still be denied into a party. This will only make for a more agressive denial policy. With DPS meter you can show off skills by topping the dps chart in inferior gear, without one you cant. So the only checkpoint will be to inspect your gear.

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You want a damage meter? Hate to say this but, go back to WoW.


This is not the game your looking for :p




Yes because everyone who wants to better their gameplay should go back to WoW. This is a game for people who want to just skate by with thier current level of play, not improve and hone thier playskills.

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See the epeen elitism creeping in there. This is why I hope there never is one in this game.

People managed for years without gear score and recount/skada in WoW and then along came the epeeners telling you that you suck and kicked you from groups and raids because your dps was rubbish or your gear was. That was what meters did they made a form of cruel PVP against the newer player who was just trying to improve.


If you tell a WoW vanilla, TBC player that they were not serious players before the meters arrived I think you would not be getting in many groups.


We had meters in vanilla.


Sorry :(

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See the epeen elitism creeping in there. This is why I hope there never is one in this game.

People managed for years without gear score and recount/skada in WoW and then along came the epeeners telling you that you suck and kicked you from groups and raids because your dps was rubbish or your gear was. That was what meters did they made a form of cruel PVP against the newer player who was just trying to improve.


If you tell a WoW vanilla, TBC player that they were not serious players before the meters arrived I think you would not be getting in many groups.


Vanilla raid were cake compared to tbc and to be honest most mechanics in the TBC raids were not in vanilla. Also only 5% of all players in wow saw the top 2 raids in TBC and I doubt you are one of them. Im not even one of them.

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If you tell a WoW vanilla, TBC player that they were not serious players before the meters arrived I think you would not be getting in many groups.


I was one of them and I considered myself serious, but a better player once more information and general parsing stats became available. The more info you have available the deeper your understanding becomes and the better you perform.


That's a fundamental learning principle really.


I do agree that the poster you were commenting on though doesn't really come across very well on this topic.

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Funny because Im pretty sure to crunch the numbers in order to go to the moon, most people wouldnt be able to do that today. In fact I would guess to say those giant computers that nasa had back than did most of the math seeing as it was fool proof as the human brain is not.


In fact I would guess to say not one astronaught on board would have been able to do that math.


Actually... they could. All the Astronauts in the Apollo series and before were excellent mathematicians and were often required to calculate and confirm calculations with the slide rule geeks at Nasa.


The comps did a lot, but the Astronauts were a paranoid bunch that didn't want to leave their journey up to a machine that could fail. That is why they demanded and were given the ability to look out of their capsules and to control and steer their capsules and Landers. The first Capsules in the Mercury tests didn't have windows OR the ability for the astronauts to control their movement. They forced the engineers to add them.


*takes off space geek hat*


Sorry.... old habits. I actually watched the Apollo 11 landing in 1969 on TV. So got all geek about space exploration LOL.

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Sorry, but WoW was the first MMO to actually require "skilled" players to down hard fights. All the previous stuff was just a time consuming zergfest. 0 Skill. So ofcourse you could carry anyone around.


generation wow - never getting tired of laughing over theire statements & claims of wow being the first, hardest, whatever. the greatest thing is that they always claim that in the forums of other mmos...

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For everyone who thinks they know raiding. Watch this pre nerf video of Cho'gall heroic which I downed and tell me you 100% understand the fight and whats going on.


Oh look an encounter that is tailored made for the Dps meter crowds. That even child with all his macros and looking at his DPS meter can complete. Such a linear (boring) fight doing as much dps woo****. Tank and Faceroll...


What ever happened with the good old days of raiding (the grand daddy of all raiding games EQ1) where people actually had other things to do besides DPS and Healing? Even EQ2 had much more then this.

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Actually... they could. All the Astronauts in the Apollo series and before were excellent mathematicians and were often required to calculate and confirm calculations with the slide rule geeks at Nasa.


The comps did a lot, but the Astronauts were a paranoid bunch that didn't want to leave their journey up to a machine that could fail. That is why they demanded and were given the ability to look out of their capsules and to control and steer their capsules and Landers. The first Capsules in the Mercury tests didn't have windows OR the ability for the astronauts to control their movement. They forced the engineers to add them.


*takes off space geek hat*


Sorry.... old habits. I actually watched the Apollo 11 landing in 1969 on TV. So got all geek about space exploration LOL.


He missed my point anyway, sadly an example of someone mis-reading the data in front of them. Ironic given the topic ;)

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Oh look an encounter that is tailored made for the Dps meter crowds. That even child with all his macros and looking at his DPS meter can complete. Such a linear (boring) fight doing as much dps woo****. Tank and Faceroll...


What ever happened with the good old days of raiding (the grand daddy of all raiding games EQ1) where people actually had other things to do besides DPS and Healing? Even EQ2 had much more then this.


Yeah thats why on;y a couple 1000 players were able to clear that fight on heroic before it was nerfed.

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I still have yet to see one of these anti dps meter posters explain Cho'gall's fight in wow which I considered easy.


They will not need to, if the encounters in this game are not designed to be dps races etc.


I personally would prefer a combat parser (amongst other addons), but i expect to still be raiding with my guild and still be beating content regardless.

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They will not need to, if the encounters in this game are not designed to be dps races etc.


I personally would prefer a combat parser (amongst other addons), but i expect to still be raiding with my guild and still be beating content regardless.


Enrage mechanics are in raids in this game. Which means dps race.

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I still have yet to see one of these anti dps meter posters explain Cho'gall's fight in wow which I considered easy.




Not an anti-DPS meter guy, but please be quiet. You're giving us all a bad name. Cho'gal was a cakewalk that came down to add management, corruption management and DPS leaders with focus-targets.


In fact not a single stage of that fight really required a whole lot of DPS except for the last stage, and again...DPS leader and focus-targets.


Total chump, especially for the end of a tier of raiding, and a horrible example to use.

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Totally true. Explaining this some more: Addons CANNOT be used to hack an account. They are SCRIPTFILES which only have access to a limited subset of the client API (I already developed several - though small - addons for WoW, so I know what addons can do and what not).


True, there are some executables which claim to be "addon installers" (some are legitimate, some not). So, if you want to be 100% sure, just do not use just "addon installers" and always directly use the zip archive with the lua files. No risk there, then. It's just lua script files then. Personally I *never* used executable "addon installers".

Just going the safe way, and installing all my addons directly from the zips containing the lua files (lua files are essentially text files).


This is not true.

There are currently buffer overflow possibilities in several functions in the lua script language, that could possibly be used to inject hostile code into the WoW client itself.

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lol obvious troll. Theres loads of games with no damage meters with serious end game.


shush go away pls lock this stupid thread


Really name one. Most games have raid content most players can finish and the raids are never nerfed. In wow a few thousand players are lucky enough to clear it before the first round of nerfs make it cake.

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I've played many MMO's my first being SWG and never needed to use a damage meter. You know early on who is pulling their way and who you need to give guidance to. We use to run guild fight nights, helping each other hone out skills without the need for meters.


Made it better to understand each others classes as well, our strengths and weaknesses.


Play the game, work together, dont have a little tool so you can tell your 'friends' they suck!




I would say you weren't their friend if you said that they suck, you look and suggest ways to improve their play.

Edited by Kormarf
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Not an anti-DPS meter guy, but please be quiet. You're giving us all a bad name. Cho'gal was a cakewalk that came down to add management, corruption management and DPS leaders with focus-targets.


In fact not a single stage of that fight really required a whole lot of DPS except for the last stage, and again...DPS leader and focus-targets.


Total chump, especially for the end of a tier of raiding, and a horrible example to use.


Really? You didnt have to burn the adds huh? Or didnt have to burn Cho'gall before he enraged? Im talking pre nerf not after when anyone could kill him. In fact most guild had to dump there third healer in favor of dps just to have a shot of killing him in time. Most guilds issue with the fight was having enough healing with 2 healers and enough dps. Also the whole last phase is a dps burn before the who raid implodes.

Edited by Miotoss
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Damage meters are like gay marriage. If it doesn't affect you, why should you oppose it.


Some people like damage meters to improve their playstyle and find out what skills are best used when ect.


If you don't like damage meters, don't use them. If you're that afraid of getting excluded from groups because your damage is sub par, play with other players that don't like damage meters. It's a selfish opinion to deny DPS meters.

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