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Story: Corellia Companion *spoiler*


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For the story, one companion gets left on Corellia after the ship attack.


Is it always the Lieutenant?


What if u are using the Lieutenant while on the ship?

Will the game choose another companion instead?


I was using Theran and the game used the Lieutenant.



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I got back the Lt quite early on in Corellia.


It's really cool that different companions get left behind.


The LT wanted to download some Empire attack plans so he stayed behind.


What did other companions give for their reason?

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I believe this is tied to both Nadia and LT. By design I'm assuming it goes with what the player would normally have as their romance option (if that character is not being used by the character in the instance).


The game seems to like putting potential romance options in more danger than usual. This is evidenced by a lot of situations Kira gets herself into during the JK story.


This is generally a good thing, putting the romance options in dangerous situations makes the quests more engaging.

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On my female consular Lt crash landed as well. (I did have theran out at the time though.)


The game seems to like putting potential romance options in more danger than usual. This is evidenced by a lot of situations Kira gets herself into during the JK story.


You are probably right. There is also a quest in my female Bounty Hunter's storyline where Torian gets kidnapped (he is the love interest). I bet it would have been Mako if I was a male BH. Just a guess.

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Well I'm a male shadow, and it put Lt. Iresso in the pod. So that kinda kills the romance option theory.


Not sure if it matters, but I happened to have Nadia as the companion out fighting with me when I reached that point in the storyline. Maybe if I would have had Tharan or one of the others out, then Nadia would have been put in the pod. But with her standing right next to me , obviously there is no way the story could have easily had her in another location jumping into an escape pod.



Edited by MithrilSoul
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Well I'm a male shadow, and it put Lt. Iresso in the pod. So that kinda kills the romance option theory.


Not sure if it matters, but I happened to have Nadia as the companion out fighting with me when I reached that point in the storyline. Maybe if I would have had Tharan or one of the others out, then Nadia would have been put in the pod. But with her standing right next to me , obviously there is no way the story could have easily had her in another location jumping into an escape pod.




It defaults to the romance option; if the romance option is in your party, then it switches to the other romance option.

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