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Remove Presence from Crafted Items


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The title says it all. Presence needs to be removed from crafted items or needs to be moved to a Tier 1 RE. There is nothing worse than spending thousands of credits and lots of time on accumulating crafting materials and reverse engineer a T3 item with the Leadership, General's, Commander's prefix. I've just wasted mass amount of materials to RE a schematic that does jack all for me or anyone else for that matter.


The TI Reverse Engineering prefixes are Critical, Overkill and Redoubt. Add the Presence line to the T1 items so that if someone does want to stack presence they can go that direction. This allows materials to not be wasted on worthless schematics (to me).


I can guarentee you that everytime a crafter RE a presence schematic they let loose a long string curse words.


There is no market for presence items. Presence does jack squat for PvP, Flashpoint and Operations. I am sure it looked good on paper but no one is going to carry around three sets of gear PvE, PvP, Companion/Presence gear.


Yup, I'm QQing and I don't care. Worthless stat is worthless. Don't make me waste materials on things I don't want or anyone else for that matter wants.

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No, the companion gains nothing from it.


It's not what it says if we equiped them with a "presence" item!... Aparently bouth stats stacks, from your equip and from companion equip.

Altough i am a fan of presence sinze i start to play as a suport consular. all my gear have presence, and Qyzen Fess gear also, and he rocks! With out that gear he dies like a fly lol.

The diference is huge!

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I would actually like to take it a step further and remove presence from the game completely. The stat is completely worthless - it might have been ok when it was a healer stat, but that is no longer the case. Get rid of it.


tell that to people who level as healers and use a companion to tank for them. or for tanks who level with healing companions

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tell that to people who level as healers and use a companion to tank for them. or for tanks who level with healing companions


Ok. Tell it to me. Healer Consular + Qyzen.

Remove the stat. It's useless. If you take +your stat instead of presence, you're still doing more than your companion is benefiting from the increased Presence.

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I'll concede that it may have some value during the levelling process. I will maintain that it has zero value at end game because the small benefit your companions get from it, is far outweighed by your own need for better stats for end game content that disallows use of companions. Reverse engineering a lvl 49 craftable item to artifact is wasted if presence happens to show up on that item.
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I'll concede that it may have some value during the levelling process. I will maintain that it has zero value at end game because the small benefit your companions get from it, is far outweighed by your own need for better stats for end game content that disallows use of companions. Reverse engineering a lvl 49 craftable item to artifact is wasted if presence happens to show up on that item.


I dunno i still quest and farm at end game so I'll take it if it helps with my companion.

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I have three +Presence patterns for level 49 Ear-pieces. It's almost like some kind of joke BioWare is intentionally playing on crafters. No one is going to buy any of them, and they know it. I bet the developers get a good laugh out of it.


Know what's just as bad? Running a two hour Slicing mission with an unlocked mission item that would sell for over 50k on the GTN, and getting a +28 Presence augment in return. That's happened to me twice. You might as well just vendor those, and pretend it never happened.


I'm starting to think you have a greater chance to get +Presence items/patterns than all the others, just so BioWare can troll their own customers with a "lol you won but you really lost lol".

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I have three +Presence patterns for level 49 Ear-pieces. It's almost like some kind of joke BioWare is intentionally playing on crafters. No one is going to buy any of them, and they know it. I bet the developers get a good laugh out of it.


Know what's just as bad? Running a two hour Slicing mission with an unlocked mission item that would sell for over 50k on the GTN, and getting a +28 Presence augment in return. That's happened to me twice. You might as well just vendor those, and pretend it never happened.


I'm starting to think you have a greater chance to get +Presence items/patterns than all the others, just so BioWare can troll their own customers with a "lol you won but you really lost lol".


Bad Luck, but really random is random. I have 5 purple 49s and two of them have presence stat on them. I don't mind because like I said I farm a lot and quest so I use them, however; I know they probably won't sell due to the perception of how bad the stat is.

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Presence should have been implemented as a companion only stat, instead of as a player stat that only effects the companion.


Or at the very least, put a presence stat on all gear, but dont make it actually fill the slot of anything else.


IE- lvl 10 gear naturally all has 10ish presence per piece, lvl 20ish gear 15ish, lvl 30 gear 20, etc.

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