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Why play a Jedi over a Sith


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Actually, there is something rather disturbing about a cult that preaches about the "evils" of love and why it is bad and should never be experienced. Look, you are right, people who don't like the way jedi do things can simply walk right out the door. But that doesn't change the fact that the jedi are preaching against things like passion and love; things that are healthy to express every now and then and NOT healthy to always repress. Also, not all sith are power-hungry murderous sociopaths. There are sith who don't delve off into the ways of madmen. It's just that the narrowminded against the sith (cough, cough) like to bring into light only those who do. You know, shed light on the terribad and pretend the good doesn't exist. Which is, not surprisingly, kind of how they talk about emotions like love, anger, and fear. They talk about all the reasons why it's bad, then ignore the reasons why they can be useful and even good emotions to have sometimes. Which, as I said before, is very foolish.




And I'm telling you, they do suppress their emotions to a very unhealthy degree. And this has been shown time and time again, as well as the disastrous results of it. Thank the force Luke was intelligent enough to run the NJO in a different way. Luke had been getting it on quite well with his wife MJ, even had a kid, and he didn't turn out to be a homicidal maniac. Like I said before, the jedi of TOR are encouraging the repression of emotions, and it's just not healthy, no matter how you wish to pretend otherwise.


But even the TOR Jedi don't preach against emotions at all. They restrain themselves from getting too attached because they know they'd be capable of doing terrible things if they let themselves be guided by their emotions.


They also don't preach against love, compassion and equal love for any living thing is one of the key points of the old Jedi Order. The problem is attachment: Jedi aknowledge emotion as an innate human characteristic. They just won't let it control them. Plus they don't apply this to anyone but the few force sensitives willing to join and stay in the order.


But it all boils down to this.


a) I've got a Jedi Sentinel and a Sith Juggernaut and this is just a game and I'd play a limping womprat if it offered more content to see...


b) Jedi have control over themselves, while Sith only have control over their bootlicking lackeys. I know what - when push comes to shove - impresses me more.



Edited by Valyxa
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Because you don't want to look like a goth emo reject?


Not our fault on the choice of garments Bioware have given us. If anything I want to put my Sith Sorceror in the clothing options for Republic but because of the silly 'mirror' on clothing where for Republic it has one appearance and Sith another, we're forced to have a limited selection - I hate wearing armour as a Force user and I really dislike all the pipes and stuff Inquisitors have to wear, not to mention having hoods left, right and centre, but I enjoy the class.


I can't even play a sith in this game. I tried.


Most of the ones you deal with are whiny and threaten you, but even if you give them **** most don't do anything about it. Its like dealing with people on forums really, so I guess I can see the allure for some.


And the darkside choices I get myself make me feel more like Darth Puppypunter. Yes yes, I'm incredibly evil just because I can be and I'm going to make sure everyone knows. I swear the real sith masterminds encourage their trainees to act this way to distract everyone from their real plans.


I find it -very- hard to play on Republic side. It's all so disgusting airey-fairy "Oh we must be eager and good!". Most of the Jedi are whiney about being all good and following the Jedi code.

The more fun challenge is to go light side Sith, so you don't blast everyone & everything wih lightning for the hell of it - in the Sith Inquisitor storyline that aspect has lead to contention with NPCs who disapprove of my Sorcerors actions - sparing important Republic characters, letting prisoners go free, not murdering people for the hell of it. Far more interesting than a light-side Jedi.


Because, I love playing the hero.


Must admit I got that out of my system years and years ago. Too much time spent as a Lawful Good Paladin - that will snap anyone out of wanting to be a hero. Much more interesting to be a bit of a git, I think, but personal opinion really.


What I have to say, however, is that the Sith Inquisitor voice acting is superb, for the females at least. It never fails to make me smile when my Inquisitor is threatening someone whilst sounding so sweet and reasonable. Whoever the voice actress was did their job perfectly.

Edited by Callern
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Ok here it is what i think.


For one jedi's in a past had families and such but thats way long ago before the first movie and for another thing Obi-Wan knew about them and did nothing about it if Anakin was a sith by then he would have told the council and he would have been taken prisoner.


Another thing is that who plays a jedi over a sith is the ones who like to be a jedi who likes to do the right thing another thing is you don't have to be a sith to kill people some jedi decide whether or not follow the jedi code so do sith ive seen sith lords be turn to the lightside because is choice nothing else...

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Instead of rollplaying things like a nerd, I as a sith player will look unbiased at what it means in the game.


I haven't seen endgame gear for jedi, but I do know some of the sith looks butt ugly.


The jedi consoler gets a lizardman companion to the dasheed inquistor gets. I would trade if theirs is a tank with taunt.


For warrior and knight, the knight gets some moving beeping trashcan, and warrior gets vette (cute twiellek) who you get to shock depending on how evil you want to be. So clearly warriors got it made.


Hard to say, what are the other perks for each side?

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if there are no jedi to kill sith, sith will kill sith.


Jedi are also by nature selfless, which won't help life expectancy (though can make you a hero with a statue).


IE if something dangerous happens on a ship full of orphans and refugees. A jedi although the epoch of a enlightened powerful being is going to save the useless normals and if necessary to do so, sacrifice their own life.


Sith by contrast, would in any case of mortal danger look out for number one, that unless something is to be gained.

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Sith's = Kill and backstab every other Sith around you.


Jedi = Yes Master, No Master, I ANSWER TO THE REPUBLIC ONLY!


Imperial Agent = Sith's personal bi*ches.




Smuggler = Gimme the loot gimme the loot


Bounty Hunter = You show credits, i kill.



So by those points...Smugglers and Bounty Hunters > The Rest. Not being mindless followers or always having to fear of backstabbers.



However between Jedi's and Sith's. I rather be a Jedi than a Sith. Then if i would've gotten bored of it (roleplay perspective) i would've gone Dark/Fallen Jedi.

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I have a Jedi character and Sith character. I do this simply because sometimes I feel like being an extremely good character who is nice and helps everybody and somes times i feel like being the meanest sob in the galaxy. Someday i'll make a 3rd of one of em and be kinda nice and kinda mean like a real person.
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I'm partial to my Light-Sided Sith Warrior. To quote Skyrim, "What is better, to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?" I understand that the point is supposed to be by being mortal none of us are born good. But you see VERY few Jedi actually overcome their evil nature. Most of them are already leaning toward the light side and get there through dedication. It's far more satisfying to see a dynamic character overcome themselves than a static character do their job.


And again, Sith are at least relatable, they display their emotion and don't hide it, it's easier to understand a character when they actually show how they're feeling.


If thats all you worry about and you think that as a sith you would have more freedom, then I am curious as to what you believe will happen as a sith when you ever do something they even remotely don't like? Or even if you don't... perhaps you would be in the wrong place, at the wrong time. Lets say, you are a sith and your superior just ordered a bombardement on the planet you are stationed on.

Most jedi and the republic should and likely would at least try to evacuate you while with the sith, thats completely out of the question. No one in the sith is going to care.

Thats the kind of organisation you work for.


So why play a sith?


Being a Sith is pure survival of the fittest. If you achieved results, no true Sith would care what you did to obtain them. If you're put on a doomed planet, then you're either strong enough to survive or smart enough to know your superior was dooming you and you avoided it.


If you die as a Sith, you were weak.

Edited by CosmicKirby
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Sith has to much hate, perhaps we think that we live with too much hate in our every day life?


It is nice to get out of it all, and experience a RPG where as the character, isn't completely consumed by our emotions.


Also, Jedi can get romantic, it is just against the rules. AWW Yeah Bad Boy Jedi

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Sith, show their true colors. They do not hide anything. We by nature are creatures of extreme passion. The Sith choose to accept the force for something to be used as a weapon. More then that they choose to accept their own "emotions" tied...to lust, anger, hate..


I am simply blown away someone would choose to deny their own human nature and choose Jedi. Also I recall in "Revenge of the Sith" the woman clearly went after a Sith. Because a Jedi cannot have a girlfriend. some can argue he was technically a Jedi but the moment he accepted that woman as his girl, turned into a Sith.


They believe it's in their mind selfish for one person to consume their mind. Keeping that Jedi cannot have girlfriends. Are ordered to serve and protect. Doesn't quite hit the spot as a Sith looking out for himself.


So why play a Jedi?





Not all jedi hide their emotions only those who eventually fall to the dark side or become grey jedi or nothing at all. Using your example just because he goes after the girl does not mean he becomes a sith but using the old republic views yes he wouldn't be a jedi anymore but after Luke recreates the jedi order they are actually encouraged to be in health relationships and they do marry and have children.....just food for thought.

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But even the TOR Jedi don't preach against emotions at all. They restrain themselves from getting too attached because they know they'd be capable of doing terrible things if they let themselves be guided by their emotions.


They also don't preach against love, compassion and equal love for any living thing is one of the key points of the old Jedi Order. The problem is attachment: Jedi aknowledge emotion as an innate human characteristic. They just won't let it control them. Plus they don't apply this to anyone but the few force sensitives willing to join and stay in the order.


But it all boils down to this.


a) I've got a Jedi Sentinel and a Sith Juggernaut and this is just a game and I'd play a limping womprat if it offered more content to see...


b) Jedi have control over themselves, while Sith only have control over their bootlicking lackeys. I know what - when push comes to shove - impresses me more.




For a people that don't preach against love, they seem to be very much against it. That's like saying the sith don't preach against kindness. Perhaps they don't, but in many was, they are very much against it.


The jedi themselves say they are forbidden to fall in love, marry and have families. Why? Because they fear what could come with love and attatchments. For a cult that preaches against fear, they show a lot of it when confronted with the idea of strong emotions.


The jedi only appear to have complete control, but they really don't. If they did, they wouldn't completely deny one side of themselves, which actually weakens them and takes away from stability rather than adds to it. I'm more into the sith way than the jedi way because


A. I would rather die fast living free than live long with a leash of guidelines around my neck, and


B. The sith are indeed more honest withtheir feelings, as they have the freedom to be so. It's all in perspective. I see the jedi as more full of hypocricy as well. Just how I see it.

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Sith, show their true colors. They do not hide anything. We by nature are creatures of extreme passion. The Sith choose to accept the force for something to be used as a weapon. More then that they choose to accept their own "emotions" tied...to lust, anger, hate..


I am simply blown away someone would choose to deny their own human nature and choose Jedi. Also I recall in "Revenge of the Sith" the woman clearly went after a Sith. Because a Jedi cannot have a girlfriend. some can argue he was technically a Jedi but the moment he accepted that woman as his girl, turned into a Sith.


They believe it's in their mind selfish for one person to consume their mind. Keeping that Jedi cannot have girlfriends. Are ordered to serve and protect. Doesn't quite hit the spot as a Sith looking out for himself.


So why play a Jedi?


The Sith are a true reflection of human nature, the Jedi are the attempt to control that nature.


It all depends how you want to be. Do you let your primal instincts win or control yourself?


That is the beauty of SW and this game, and in a lot of ways life in general. If you be yourself, often it can be destructive and counter productive, if you restrain yourself that can have the same problem. The great art of the Jedi is to restrain and become powerful through peace, knowledge and calmness. its not less powerful than agression, just harder to attain.


In essence being a sith is immature, being a jedi is about being a grown up.

Edited by Hanscholo
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The Sith are a true reflection of human nature, the Jedi are the attempt to control that nature.


It all depends how you want to be. Do you let your primal instincts win or control yourself?


That is the beauty of SW and this game, and in a lot of ways life in general. If you be yourself, often it can be destructive and counter productive, if you restrain yourself that can have the same problem. The great art of the Jedi is to restrain and become powerful through peace, knowledge and calmness. its not less powerful than aggression, just harder to attain.


In essence being a Sith is immature, being a Jedi is about being a grown up.




I have also felt that playing any kind of 'evil faction' is too immature for me. There's some weird trend in our society, of people wanting to play evil things because it stands for everything they're not, or could never do. Me wanting to play a Jedi, makes me more inclined to do so just because I like the maturity in it.


This being said I don't totally not believe in the Sith way, it just doesn't seem mature for me.

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Sith's = Kill and backstab every other Sith around you.


Jedi = Yes Master, No Master, I ANSWER TO THE REPUBLIC ONLY!


Imperial Agent = Sith's personal bi*ches.




Smuggler = Gimme the loot gimme the loot


Bounty Hunter = You show credits, i kill.



So by those points...Smugglers and Bounty Hunters > The Rest. Not being mindless followers or always having to fear of backstabbers.



However between Jedi's and Sith's. I rather be a Jedi than a Sith. Then if i would've gotten bored of it (roleplay perspective) i would've gone Dark/Fallen Jedi.



Smugglers and Bounty Hunters aren't much better. They're mindless followers of credits. So whats better, following your ideals/beliefs or money? Obviously that's a bit of an exaggeration but I much prefer playing a Sith/Jedi (or Imperial Agent) because you're fighting for something you believe in whether its the Republic, Empire, or something else.


I play as a Sith but my next character will probably be a Jedi. Jedi are awesome and remind me of samurais, paladins, or super heroes. My favorite super hero has always been Batman and playing a Jedi that values justice as much as Batman is appealing.


Both sides are cool.

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