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Why play a Jedi over a Sith


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And the number 1 reason to play a Jedi vs a Sith in SWTOR...


Super-short PvP Queues that aren't always Huttball!!!! :jawa_biggrin:


That too :D


But as I am naturally pretty good and caring person, I literally have moral problems with making evil decisions - I just can't play Sith. :rolleyes:

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I was actually going to argue further but then I saw this and gave up. You might wanna cool it on the ad hominem and do some research on what you're arguing. No, they don't suppress emotions. Supressing and not acting are two completely different things, as I've explained three times now in this topic. Someone who suppresses his emotions refuses to acknowledge them at all. The Jedi refuse to let the emotions control them. Read this explanation of the There is no emotion, there is peace tenet:




So again this kinda debunks the entire theory you're basing your argument off of but I'm sure you'll continue to rudely attack me in an attempt to cover your ignorance.


And yet, two padawans are scolded, and threatened to be thrown out of the order, for being in love. Anakin had to actually hide the fact that he was in love and married to be halfway accepted by the order. I also remember a quest for the jedi knight in which a grieving yet angry twilek hated the flesh raiders that killed his wife. The jedi there, instead of offering words of confort in hsi time of grief and need, turned to the player character knight and said


"People wonder why jedi are forbidden to marry or have families. They don't see how attatchments always lead to suffering. Passion and emotions can destroy a person. And jedi destroyed by passion become something terrible."


First of all, notice how he said jedi are forbidden to marry or have families. So basically, Anakin was breaking a huge jedi law by simply having a wife. No matter how you want to look at it, that's very disturbing. Also, the next sentence, which implies that attatchments always lead to suffering. That's either a lie or a statement showing how very ignorant jedi are when it comes to love. Attatchments CAN lead to suffering, especially when the one you care about dies. But it also leads to good things, like close friendships, maternal and fraternal love, romance, trust, brother and sisterhood.


Then you have the next two lines: "Passion and emotions can destroy a person. And jedi destroyed by passion become something terrible." Passion and emotion can destroy ANYONE. And ANYONE destroyed by passion and emotion can become something terrible. I can't count the number of times I've turned on the news and some guy killed his wife and himself because he found out she wanted to leave him. You don't have to be a jedi in order for your emotions to veer off into obsession and make you crazy. All it takes is a bit of knowhow (and sanity) in order to keep this from happening. You know, counseling. Having a bit of talking-to with someone about emotions. The jedi can't do this because they have completely forbidden love. Their idea of therapy is "You're not supposed to be feeling that in the first place!" How the **** is that supposed to help someone? Also, the last two sentences the jedi I quoted says pretty much wins my argument. Jedi repress emotions, because they fear what eotions could bring. And they're either too ignorant about emotions or too lazy to try to counsel their jedi brethren in how to deal with emotions. So they're told to simply cut such emotions as love and anger completely off.


Look, I didn't try to insult you. I merely told you what you needed someone to tell you. That you should pay more attention and use your head, and things will fall in place for you. What I told you before that you said made no sense was so easily determined... Bah, why should I even bother? You'll probably take this as an insult too. Just... grow a thicker skin, okay? And think about something before you respond to it.

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The thing is nobody is forced against their will to be a Jedi. If they want to leave to start a family they can. If you can't handle the tenets nobody is stopping you from walking out the door. There's nothing disturbing about Anakin not being allowed to have a wife. These people want to have their cake and eat it too. There have been plenty of celibate orders and they don't all devolve into power-hungry murderous sociopaths.


My problem is that you keep going back to the idea that Jedi suppress their emotions in an unhealthy way but that's simply wrong as I've shown time and time again. I'm not here to argue whether or not they should be allowed to love and have families, hell the rules change all the time and there have been plenty of periods where they are allowed to have families like Luke's NJO, I'm just here to show that there's a huge misconception about the way the Jedi handle emotions.

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If I was a real Jedi I'd be changing some of the rules, nobody can turn away from Emotions, it's in every creature, That's also why I can't play the Jedi Consular in this game, it shows how weak and pathetic the Jedi Masters are



ONE Sith is controlling so many freaking Jedi Masters? really? if they would accept who they are they would never let some Sith control them like puppets -.- pisses me off


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Because pre-Bane sith are total morons who stabs eachother in the back and are a disgrace to sith and empires. Only until the rule of two in which Sith became smart.


Those pebbles will actually hurt you more than lightning. If you look closely, those rocks are big enough and going at a high enough speed to crack your skull. Lightning on the other hand is only possible brain damage.


Also we all know this Sith Empire will lose the war. Wiki history of galactic timeline if you don't believe me and also considering the Republic is still standing.

Edited by Idunhavaname
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Sith seem incredibly lame to me. They all seem like insecure teens trying to impress each other with how darkity dark dark they are.


*Really* scary people don't spend six hours in front of the mirror trying to get their mascara just so.


My sith Vik is tall with blond hair (no mascara) he really looks like a jedi really. And he's not really all that dark he's just very very prideful

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did anyone notice that NO SITH WAS EVER KILLED IN THE STAR WARS SAGA WITHOUT THE KILLER DEALING WITH HARSH EMOTIONS AT THE TIME!!!!!!!! Yoda was his normal serene self when he fought sidious if he had been angry or just plain emotional i dont think sidious would have lived.
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ALl the people I know IRL that play Jedis are wussbags and douches.


All the people I know IRL that play Sith are cool people.


Just sayin'.


yeah the only people who play/acting the good guys either in games or movies are always the douchs and selfish people.


most good people i know enjoy playing as villains.:p

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I pretty sure if Lighting worked as it did in real life then it would be just as deadly.. Dont know if you are familiar with what happens to your body when your electrocuted.


Im aware of what it could potentialy do (ear burst, paralysis,brain damage,passing out,heart failure etc) but again it's only possible outcome and you can survive. Getting giant rocks thrown at you for 6 seconds is almost a guranteed death unless you have armor made with layers of titanium covering your entire body.


In addition, assuming both leads to death I would choose getting struck by lightning. At least then my face and body wouldn't be smashed for my funeral.

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I get tired of slapping around vette sometimes, so I play my jedi consular occasionally to offset my feelings of guilt and disgust with myself. :p OTH, Qyzen annoys the crap out of me sometimes with his -1 reactions to what I think are decent light-side decisions. Frickin green-blooded hobgoblin. :D


I see what you did there Dr. Mccoy!

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Sith, show their true colors. They do not hide anything. We by nature are creatures of extreme passion. The Sith choose to accept the force for something to be used as a weapon. More then that they choose to accept their own "emotions" tied...to lust, anger, hate..


I am simply blown away someone would choose to deny their own human nature and choose Jedi. Also I recall in "Revenge of the Sith" the woman clearly went after a Sith. Because a Jedi cannot have a girlfriend. some can argue he was technically a Jedi but the moment he accepted that woman as his girl, turned into a Sith.


They believe it's in their mind selfish for one person to consume their mind. Keeping that Jedi cannot have girlfriends. Are ordered to serve and protect. Doesn't quite hit the spot as a Sith looking out for himself.


So why play a Jedi?


If thats all you worry about and you think that as a sith you would have more freedom, then I am curious as to what you believe will happen as a sith when you ever do something they even remotely don't like? Or even if you don't... perhaps you would be in the wrong place, at the wrong time. Lets say, you are a sith and your superior just ordered a bombardement on the planet you are stationed on.

Most jedi and the republic should and likely would at least try to evacuate you while with the sith, thats completely out of the question. No one in the sith is going to care.

Thats the kind of organisation you work for.


So why play a sith?

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Im aware of what it could potentialy do (ear burst, paralysis,brain damage,passing out,heart failure etc) but again it's only possible outcome and you can survive. Getting giant rocks thrown at you for 6 seconds is almost a guranteed death unless you have armor made with layers of titanium covering your entire body.


In addition, assuming both leads to death I would choose getting struck by lightning. At least then my face and body wouldn't be smashed for my funeral.


Both smashing people with rocks and electrocuting are staples of execution, and neither of them leave a pretty corpse.

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The entire debate over which philosophy is superior is actually answered, completely and totally, in the Episode 3 Novel. It comes with the epiphany Yoda has during his fight with Palpatine.


Both are horribly flawed philosophies, locked in dogma that prevents any kind of growth or evolution.


Anakin and Luke Skywalker changed all of that.


Luke - as a Jedi - becomes what the Jedi should have been all along. Luke embraces his passion, but he also controls it. He understands that peace is achieved through acceptance of your emotions, not the repression of them.


Luke is what the Jedi had to become in order to truly accomplish what the Jedi hoped to accomplish, and Yoda realized that while he was fighting the Emperor.


In a way, the love and attachment Luke and Anakin had for each other defeated the Sith and the Jedi, because it merged them.


Edit: On a personal note, I'm very glad my wife doesn't read these forums. I think I might have stepped over the "it's cool to be a nerd" line with this speech.

Edited by Vecke
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Sith, show their true colors. They do not hide anything. We by nature are creatures of extreme passion. The Sith choose to accept the force for something to be used as a weapon. More then that they choose to accept their own "emotions" tied...to lust, anger, hate..


I am simply blown away someone would choose to deny their own human nature and choose Jedi. Also I recall in "Revenge of the Sith" the woman clearly went after a Sith. Because a Jedi cannot have a girlfriend. some can argue he was technically a Jedi but the moment he accepted that woman as his girl, turned into a Sith.


They believe it's in their mind selfish for one person to consume their mind. Keeping that Jedi cannot have girlfriends. Are ordered to serve and protect. Doesn't quite hit the spot as a Sith looking out for himself.


So why play a Jedi?


every ability tied to lightning is very boring.

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Sith, show their true colors. They do not hide anything. We by nature are creatures of extreme passion. The Sith choose to accept the force for something to be used as a weapon. More then that they choose to accept their own "emotions" tied...to lust, anger, hate..


I am simply blown away someone would choose to deny their own human nature and choose Jedi. Also I recall in "Revenge of the Sith" the woman clearly went after a Sith. Because a Jedi cannot have a girlfriend. some can argue he was technically a Jedi but the moment he accepted that woman as his girl, turned into a Sith.


They believe it's in their mind selfish for one person to consume their mind. Keeping that Jedi cannot have girlfriends. Are ordered to serve and protect. Doesn't quite hit the spot as a Sith looking out for himself.


So why play a Jedi?


We are also by nature compassionate, empathetic, and try to achieve a standard greater than our base selves, at least the best of us do.

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One way or another, being Sith always means that you end up dead.


Granted, being Jedi doesn't exactly do wonders for your life expectancy, either, but at least some of the Jedi managed to come out with all of their limbs intact.


if there are no jedi to kill sith, sith will kill sith.

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The thing is nobody is forced against their will to be a Jedi. If they want to leave to start a family they can. If you can't handle the tenets nobody is stopping you from walking out the door. There's nothing disturbing about Anakin not being allowed to have a wife. These people want to have their cake and eat it too. There have been plenty of celibate orders and they don't all devolve into power-hungry murderous sociopaths.


Actually, there is something rather disturbing about a cult that preaches about the "evils" of love and why it is bad and should never be experienced. Look, you are right, people who don't like the way jedi do things can simply walk right out the door. But that doesn't change the fact that the jedi are preaching against things like passion and love; things that are healthy to express every now and then and NOT healthy to always repress. Also, not all sith are power-hungry murderous sociopaths. There are sith who don't delve off into the ways of madmen. It's just that the narrowminded against the sith (cough, cough) like to bring into light only those who do. You know, shed light on the terribad and pretend the good doesn't exist. Which is, not surprisingly, kind of how they talk about emotions like love, anger, and fear. They talk about all the reasons why it's bad, then ignore the reasons why they can be useful and even good emotions to have sometimes. Which, as I said before, is very foolish.


My problem is that you keep going back to the idea that Jedi suppress their emotions in an unhealthy way but that's simply wrong as I've shown time and time again. I'm not here to argue whether or not they should be allowed to love and have families, hell the rules change all the time and there have been plenty of periods where they are allowed to have families like Luke's NJO, I'm just here to show that there's a huge misconception about the way the Jedi handle emotions.


And I'm telling you, they do suppress their emotions to a very unhealthy degree. And this has been shown time and time again, as well as the disastrous results of it. Thank the force Luke was intelligent enough to run the NJO in a different way. Luke had been getting it on quite well with his wife MJ, even had a kid, and he didn't turn out to be a homicidal maniac. Like I said before, the jedi of TOR are encouraging the repression of emotions, and it's just not healthy, no matter how you wish to pretend otherwise.

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Because Jedi don't have to keep one eye on their padawans all the time to make sure they don't stab us in the back. I like having allies I can count on instead of hoping I am PERCEIVED to be the stronger case to support. Plus it's always more fun to KILL UNLIMITED POWER than to play as it. Killing it means you can select the corpse and laugh at it. :D
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