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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

4h. downtime... a SATURDAY???


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You know - there is an easy solution here - BW instead of taking down the servers during prime EU playing time, take them down during prime US playing time..


I mean, we see plenty of US players online telling people who are inconvenienced by server down time during their play time to go outside, read a book, play something else - it's no big issue.. So if they feel it's not such a big issue yet EU players do, just swap the down times around.. I'm sure the server admins wouldn't mind doing the maintenance during daylight hours rather than early morning. :eek:

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Let me fix this for you:


"Awesome. I know it's a little irritating to have to back off the game for 4 hours in the morning on a Saturday, but this really shows that Bioware is taking complaints and criticisms seriously


no that dont justify that add all .. all it shows is that they dont care about europian times , as they could have as well easely make patch times for europian servers too europian times .. as other games do aswell ... alll it shows is incompetentness to the EU player base


but whatever

Edited by Genesizs
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You know - there is an easy solution here - BW instead of taking down the servers during prime EU playing time, take them down during prime US playing time..


If we asked BW to do that it would only be the way to see if USers really are as calm as they claim.


Better way would be different downtimes for different regions. We aren't talking about server cluster here.

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No one would have a cry if they did it like Blizzard does it with WoW. Why can't you people get that? WHY?


Blatantly untrue. I played WoW for almost 7 years, and there was mass crying every single Tuesday about the downtime, which more often than not was extended for hours. Patch days were much, much worse.

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I just can't get around WHY swtor.com has to go down whenever there is maintenance.. Lol, this is 2012 - are they unable to use multiple servers??


Simple really...they shut down the forums to avoid the hassle of the many many many complain posts.


Cowardly way to do it,but there you have it

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Fixing the broken buggy poorly designed systems of a game that is SWTOR > Then prime time play time availability.


Really you poor special snowflakes can't log on because the game is being fixed. Boo freaking hooo. Maybe you would all be better off if they simple left the game in a poor and buggy state.

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Australian players want a word with the OP.


I can't believe you guys are complaining about patch times. Most of the time the client goes down for us during peak time, and do you hear us complaining?


Some people are just so entitled. :rolleyes:


unfair comparison. australians genetically do not get worked up about things.

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It amazes me how unimportant an issue is when it doesnt affect me at all. :confused:


I really,really wish BW would try just one maintanance on US primetime,just to see the reaction on the forums ...it would be an epic cryfest never before seen anywhere :D:D



hmm,I wonder how many americans would go "read a book" then..

Edited by Agobi
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People need to suck it up and understand that these patches and lengthy maintenance won't always be like this.


There is no time that is convenient for everyone. Bioware and EA are North American based, so it only stands to reason that they will schedule downtime at times that are conventient to them.


It's only because the game is new and has a lot of kinks to work out that there so much downtime and patching. Don't worry young bucks eventually you'll get to play to your little hearts content with maybe 2 hours DT weekly.


Until then, have patience.



Or perhaps you'd rather they just leave **** broke?

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Blatantly untrue. I played WoW for almost 7 years, and there was mass crying every single Tuesday about the downtime, which more often than not was extended for hours. Patch days were much, much worse.


No one would cry about the fact that the downtime is always during the day in the EU. People that cry about them taking the servers down are just ignorant of the fact that games of this size need maintenance. Those people do not have a valid complaint because without maintenance, the game simply wouldn't function.


The VALID complaint is the TIME at which they choose to do it because there is NO valid reason to take them all down at the same time, NONE. They should have separate downtime time frames for each server cluster.


If you still don't get it, that's on you.

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People need to suck it up and understand that these patches and lengthy maintenance won't always be like this.


There is no time that is convenient for everyone. Bioware and EA are North American based, so it only stands to reason that they will schedule downtime at times that are conventient to them.


It's only because the game is new and has a lot of kinks to work out that there so much downtime and patching. Don't worry young bucks eventually you'll get to play to your little hearts content with maybe 2 hours DT weekly.


Until then, have patience.



Or perhaps you'd rather they just leave **** broke?


Give me one reason why they *MUST* all go down at the same time. The EU servers aren't even in the US, in case you didn't know, so your point is simply irrelevant.

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doesn't happen in WoW so why would it here?


I guess I'm remembering wrong in the early days of WoW when the servers were down during EU primetime and the American forums were flooded with EU players crying about how they were being treated like second class players.


I also remember how Blizzard used the EU servers as test subjects for the new content patches and that would cause them to crash all the time. Yet again the American forums were flooded with how the EU players were second class.


Every complaint about what BW is doing, Blizzard did the same thing and in some cases still is. No idea why some people believe Blizzard is infallible. A quick glance at their CS and Tech forums suggest that every issue people have with this game, thousands are also having with theirs.

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People accept that weekly downtime on Tuesdays is how it is and just deal with it since most are at work, school wherever but I think it annoys everyone when it's done on a weekend without even an explanation as to why they have to do it on a weekend. Granted it's only 4 hours but it's 4 hours a lot of people could be playing. Wouldn't be surprised if they postpone it.
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People accept that weekly downtime on Tuesdays is how it is and just deal with it since most are at work, school wherever but I think it annoys everyone when it's done on a weekend without even an explanation as to why they have to do it on a weekend. Granted it's only 4 hours but it's 4 hours a lot of people could be playing. Wouldn't be surprised if they postpone it.


I dont have an issue with it through the week but ofc would still prefer a conventional time for the masses


Id really LOVE for it to go down midday in the US you dont know your born tbh

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