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4h. downtime... a SATURDAY???


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The real issue that you couldn't play a game for 4 hours?


Or do you feel bad because the U.S. gets better times than EU.


Either way it's really a meh topic.


Please don't try to make this out to be some super huge conspiracy or it's critical to life as we know it.


Just sad.


Actually, it over ran, it was over 5 hours, Just to get that bit straight.


Secondly, its not about money - its about a level of service that can be expected for customers who all pay the same amount (ironically the EU people actually pay more!)


And finally, I dont think anyone is making out that its a conspiracy - its more that they feel, rightfully so, that either EA or BW simply dont give a flying **** about the EU customers. Because anyone who did would at least have the decency to tell us what is going on.

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If it's a meh topic to you, stop replying. Clearly you don't even have a basic grasp of exactly what people's issues is. Maybe you should educate yourself before commenting further. I certainly will not be entering into any more dialogue with you until you can show that you have even the tiniest idea of why people are upset.


Then why are you upset. Spell it out for me.


Like I edited a bit ago...I PERSONALLY offered to compensate you for your...lol...'lost time'.


What the hell else do you want?

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The real issue that you couldn't play a game for 4 hours?


Or do you feel bad because the U.S. gets better times than EU.


Either way it's really a meh topic.


Please don't try to make this out to be some super huge conspiracy or it's critical to life as we know it.


Just sad.




And I even offered to PERSONALLY compensate for your....lol.....'losses'. Really...


The issue is they delayed the patch for around 8 hours until 8am -> 1PM GMT on a saturday so that it occured during off-peak hours for US. There was quite clearly no need for same maintenance times to occur due to it being a serverside patch and you logged in with the same client before and after the downtime.

Edited by corbanite
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OMG!! This is still being debated!! Honestly, I CAN understand the irritation of EU players. I really can. As I stated in previous posts on this thread, I found Blizzard's maintenance times for WOW to seriously be inconvenient.


What really has me shocked is that the thread is still going strong, peppered with insults and trolling on BOTH SIDES.


I wonder if the mods were told to let a couple of posts of this nature to stay open no matter the content or violations just in a lame attempt to appease the EU players?


I honestly have been ruminating on this and have made every effort to put myself in the place of you guys. My husband and i even talked it over a bit ago. Y'all really do deserve better treatment from BW.


See, it IS possible for someone to change their way of thinking. I admit...my attitude was wrong earlier.

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The issue is they delayed the patch for around 8 hours until 8am -> 1PM GMT on a saturday so that it occured during off-peak hours for US when there was quite clearly no need due to it being a serverside patch


Maybe there was an issue with the patch. Maybe they were still tweaking it. Maybe they went to get some sleep prior to. Or maybe they just hate everyone in EU.


I think the more rational reasons are better.


But go on with your crusade to make this into a major issue.


I'm just happy that BW is addressing bugs, exploits, etc. (and they don't post everything they do in patch notes I'm pretty sure.)


Anyway, carry on with the QQ

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OMG!! This is still being debated!! Honestly, I CAN understand the irritation of EU players. I really can. As I stated in previous posts on this thread, I found Blizzard's maintenance times for WOW to seriously be inconvenient.


What really has me shocked is that the thread is still going strong, peppered with insults and trolling on BOTH SIDES.


I wonder if the mods were told to let a couple of posts of this nature to stay open no matter the content or violations just in a lame attempt to appease the EU players?


I honestly have been ruminating on this and have made every effort to put myself in the place of you guys. My husband and i even talked it over a bit ago. Y'all really do deserve better treatment from BW.


See, it IS possible for someone to change their way of thinking. I admit...my attitude was wrong earlier.


You know, it's great to see people who have the ability to challenge their own opinions, and have the balls to admit when they are wrong.


I mean it.

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Maybe there was an issue with the patch. Maybe they were still tweaking it. Maybe they went to get some sleep prior to. Or maybe they just hate everyone in EU.


I think the more rational reasons are better.


But go on with your crusade to make this into a major issue.


I'm just happy that BW is addressing bugs, exploits, etc. (and they don't post everything they do in patch notes I'm pretty sure.)


Anyway, carry on with the QQ


Try and understand what I wrote before you reply and it wont make you look so stupid when you understand why serverside patches do not have to occur simutaneously in geographically seperate server farms that still accept input from the same client.

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The real issue that you couldn't play a game for 4 hours?


Or do you feel bad because the U.S. gets better times than EU.


Either way it's really a meh topic.


Please don't try to make this out to be some super huge conspiracy or it's critical to life as we know it.


Just sad.




And I even offered to PERSONALLY compensate for your....lol.....'losses'. Really...



Well, I have been thinking about this during the time I was cleaning the toilets and doing laundry in my home....and I must admit, I have tried to put myself in EU players place. If it were me, I'd be pretty annoyed too.


We expect good service when we pay good money. These people have a valid point and BW should at least be looking into evening out the disparity between server downtimes. I don't know how that would happen, but they should at least be a bit more open especially when knocking people upside the head with unexpected maintenance.


I dunno, there is always more than one viewpoint. Learn more by listening, that sort of thing xD

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The real issue that you couldn't play a game for 4 hours?


Or do you feel bad because the U.S. gets better times than EU.


Either way it's really a meh topic.


Please don't try to make this out to be some super huge conspiracy or it's critical to life as we know it.


Just sad.




And I even offered to PERSONALLY compensate for your....lol.....'losses'. Really...


Get a clue. Saturday morning is a preferred play time for a lot of people before getting started with the week-end.


Professionally, this is beyond crappy service.


I don't know any IT company that would dare tell their client they have to take down their servers for a 3h scheduled maintenance during morning or afternoon of any day. This is always done during local night time.


It's not about money, it's about respect and Bioware does not show any to their EU customers.

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For all intents and purposes it went down on a Friday night for me. Very frustrating.


Bioware please consider doing what other MMO's have been doing for years and move your maintenance time back two or three hours.

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Try and understand what I wrote before you reply and it wont make you look so stupid when you understand why serverside patches do not have to occur simutaneously in geographically seperate server farms that still accept input from the same client.


Try not calling me names in the future, eh? I didn't flag you this time, but please refrain.


Now, if that really was the case and they could separate the maintenance right now then why in the world do you think it would be as it is now?


Maybe we don't have all of the facts, yes?

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4pm GMT. That's the entire Saturday gone for EU players. It's as if BW wants EU players to run away from the game.


Well, they succeeded - sub cancelled.


If your going to quit because you cant play for 4 hours I think maybe its better you quit, maybe find a new hobby?

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Try not calling me names in the future, eh? I didn't flag you this time, but please refrain.


Now, if that really was the case and they could separate the maintenance right now then why in the world do you think it would be as it is now?


Maybe we don't have all of the facts, yes?


Exactly.. Why?


There is no reason.. There can not be any reason why they would delay it for 8 hours for the EU.. Unless ofc that was just company policy to schedule things like that for 8am where possible.


I like the game.. check my post history.. no one before today would of called me a hater and I am not.. But this is a silly policy decision which they need to sort out. They need to up their communication with the player base.

Edited by corbanite
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Exactly.. Why?


There is no reason.. There can not be any reason why they would delay it for 8 hours for the EU.. Unless ofc that was just company policy.


Again, you don't have all of the facts.

There obviously was a reason.


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Maybe there was an issue with the patch. Maybe they were still tweaking it. Maybe they went to get some sleep prior to. Or maybe they just hate everyone in EU.


I think the more rational reasons are better.


But go on with your crusade to make this into a major issue.


I'm just happy that BW is addressing bugs, exploits, etc. (and they don't post everything they do in patch notes I'm pretty sure.)


Anyway, carry on with the QQ


You seem to need a few minutes before 'submitting' what you post on this topic. You seem to make 3-4 errors in facts each time and it's getting tiresome reading everyone's corrections/replies to your posts.


Just do a spot of thinking about this topic. Just a minute or two. Not asking you to pop an artery.


1) Noone here wants a refund due to server downtime (yet :p)

2) Noone believes that Bioware hates the EU

3) There is a clear preference towards the NA timezone regarding server downtime

4) Most of us are simply asking for the same treatment...equality.

5) TOR's main competitors treat their NA and EU customers equally. We'd like the same in this game.

6) Thank you for turning up though and enjoy your stay :w_cool:

Edited by Jamus_Divinus
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I didn't even want to play today during the downtime but i still think its complete idiocy.


The communication skills of this team seems below abysmal, they give 15 mins notice for people playing to deploy a patch that solves issues people have lived with for god damn ages...


Seriously, get a grip BW and get your **** together...

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Then why are you upset. Spell it out for me.


Like I edited a bit ago...I PERSONALLY offered to compensate you for your...lol...'lost time'.


What the hell else do you want?


I want maintenance to be carried out a time when the LEAST amount of EU players are affected (i.e through the night).


I want the EU to be treated fairly and equally to the US when it comes to scheduled maintenance times.


I do not want to see any more maintenance during weekends, I do not want to see any more maintenance during the daytime, and I certainly do not want to see any more maintenance during prime time hours. Of course there may be rare occasions where this is not possible, I accept that, but so far, the emergency downtime has been a result of BioWare's own failures.


I want to see patches tested more thoroughly in future to eliminate further downtime after new (and badly tested) patches are applied.


I want BioWare to acknowledge that there are multiple time zones in the EU, and recognise that GMT is the SMALLEST time zone in Europe. Patching should be done to the LARGEST time zone, which is GMT +1.


I want BioWare to understand that this issue is extremely important to many people in Europe and make some kind of statement as to their intent going forward. This is one of the most common topics we see on these boards and it needs addressing, they need to stop burying their heads in the sand.


These are the things that I want. You'll notice at no point did I ever ask for any kind of compensation for what I've lost so far. I don't care about that, what I care about is that BioWare address this issue so that the fewest number of EU players are inconvenienced during maintenance hours.

Edited by Mandrax
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You seem to need a few minutes before 'submitting' what you post on this topic. You seem to make 3-4 errors in facts each time and it's getting tiresome reading everyone's corrections/replies to your posts.


Just do a spot of thinking about this topic. Just a minute or two. Not asking you to pop an artery.


1) Noone here wants a refund due to server downtime (yet :p)

Maybe not in this thread but in many of the others on the same topic...

2) Noone believes that Bioware hates the EU So saying bioware is treating its customers like second class citizens isnt saying that they hate EU?

3) There is a clear preference towards the NA timezone regarding server downtimeNo argument there although they have stated that the downtime was chosen due to low pops across all servers.

4) Most of us are simply asking for the same treatment...equality.Most yes.

5) TOR's main competitors treat their NA and EU customers equally. We'd like the same in this game.That hasn't always been true and still isn;t in many games, visit any forums and you will see similar posts, honestly this is a no win topic.

6) Thank you for turning up though and enjoy your stay :w_cool:Thanks for having us, next time please set out some more of that delicious tea you served last time ...



My comments in Red ;)

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Again, you don't have all of the facts.

There obviously was a reason.



I have enougth facts.. I deduce that the work they carried out did not affect my client because my client did not update.


I logged on to the servers with the same client yesterday as I did today.


I do not go through the US servers to get to the EU servers.


They can bring them online seperately.


These are all the facts needed to know it is a policy decision and not because they can do it no other way.

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