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4h. downtime... a SATURDAY???


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So your failure to comprehend and inform yourself..read the EULA is your bad. Grats.


For about the 10th time - the EULA has no legal standing the the EU/UK because we have different laws.


And this is about customer service and THEM making money. If they keep treating EU customers worse than American customers then they will lose subs over it.

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For about the 10th time - the EULA has no legal standing the the EU/UK because we have different laws.


And this is about customer service and THEM making money. If they keep treating EU customers worse than American customers then they will lose subs over it.


Actually the EULA is for your ACCOUNT, not what your country permits as laws or legal standings. The account you own is actual property of Bioware and is free to do with what they want. My, they could even delete all your characters and there wouldn't be much you can do about it since it's their digital property and services you are paying for.

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Tell you what, when you get a half decent gaming company from Europe to launch a major title MMO and they do all the maintenance to play out better for the Europe side of the house, then the Americans will have something to complain about.


BUT since Europe can't produce many of it's own things such as a MAJOR MMO title, then I don't think we will have to worry about that. All MMOs do global patches, it's just not WoW and SWTOR. Do your research before paying for a game, guess what, LoTRO does it too...when they decide to ever patch and let exploits run free in the wind for 4 months.


I dont know... CCP games is kinda european and they have managed to make most of their customer base happy regardless of huge difference in system complexity between their once single unsharded server cluster and this mess we have here right now...


Point is, there are ways to handle things so that almost everyone are happy with the arangement. It just takes some brains and imagination...

Edited by C-Bee
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OH NO downtime on a Saturday lol.


If you need to base your life around an MMO and its downtime's something is very wrong with you.



Or maybe we are busy the other days and a Saturday morning to lunch server downtime mess up plenty planned swtor gaming. It is more likely that you have no life except for MMO since you are not bothered about game downtime or anything else swtor related.

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4 hrs on a Saturday or w/e it is for you is most of the time? Really?


Well, like I said... I have life and other things to do in it too...


PS: 2nd post from you with absolutely nothing to add to this discussion. :rolleyes:

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Actually the EULA is for your ACCOUNT, not what your country permits as laws or legal standings. The account you own is actual property of Bioware and is free to do with what they want. My, they could even delete all your characters and there wouldn't be much you can do about it since it's their digital property and services you are paying for.


IVe hightlighted the important bit.


the EU has some very tough rules on services that we pay for, actually tougher on online rather than physical sales.


The EULA doesnt stand up against EU consumer laws.

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Posted my own experience in the customer service forum:






Was raiding while they shut down everything... am now locked out of 3 freaking bosses and will not be able to find a group to complete EV because of the shutdown.


I don't care at what time they shut down the server.... you don't do that on a Saturday for a bug old like the game...

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I dont know... CCP games it kinda european and they have managed to make most of their customer base happy regardless of huge difference in system complexity between their once single unsharded server cluster and this mess we have here right now...


Point is, there are ways to handle things so that almost everyone are happy with the arange ment. It just takes some brains and imagination...


CCP also runs one server across a cluster of servers. Yet you don't see Americans crying that it's affecting my play time in the morning because I work a late shift. And at such, to be ignorant and say CCP didn't have these kind of problems at launch either makes you look just as bad as a WoW fan boy. EVE online has been running since what, 2004? Late 2003? IF they were still having these kind of problems now, they would have bigger issues. Just saying.

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Honestly, THIS is the FIRST problem ive had with the game since release. Now the patch they implemented today has caused me to have serious latency and kicks me off when attacking NPCs. even typing up a txt sucks i get 9kMS hitting send *** is up with that??


im assuming alot are having this as well?

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CCP also runs one server across a cluster of servers. Yet you don't see Americans crying that it's affecting my play time in the morning because I work a late shift. And at such, to be ignorant and say CCP didn't have these kind of problems at launch either makes you look just as bad as a WoW fan boy. EVE online has been running since what, 2004? Late 2003? IF they were still having these kind of problems now, they would have bigger issues. Just saying.


Eve has one world, non-instanced. (well two actually, the chinese play on a different server entirely due to their laws on religion in games apparantly).


they have a daily down time of 30 minutes at 10am if memory serves.


Its completely incomparable to this.

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I dont know... CCP games is kinda european and they have managed to make most of their customer base happy regardless of huge difference in system complexity between their once single unsharded server cluster and this mess we have here right now...


Point is, there are ways to handle things so that almost everyone are happy with the arangement. It just takes some brains and imagination...


Ah, but when they patch, they patch early EU hours until late afternoon EU hours... and maintenance is done during the daytime...


They still get complaints.


Go figure.

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For about the 10th time - the EULA has no legal standing the the EU/UK because we have different laws.


And this is about customer service and THEM making money. If they keep treating EU customers worse than American customers then they will lose subs over it.


You are getting the same patch...not when you want it and thats your problem. The earth turns and when bioware can stop that issue and make the sun shine everywhere at all times it will be fixed.


Until then you will not see patches rolled out according to your personal timezone. Unsub if you hate that fact.

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Oh wow, I love the EULA references. "You agreed to that so zip it". Has it occurred to you that you NEED to accept it to play the game? Has it occurred to you that other companies use the same or a similar EULA, yet don't abuse it's legal boundaries and treat their customers well?


I've seen a 10 times better service in League of Legends, which is FREE, and which has more active accounts than WoW for instance. It CAN be done. They compensated with various means for downtimes, and at least apologized when facing issues that could not be solved instantly.


Again, I come back to my original point. I like BW, I like SWTOR, I'm not going away, nor am I canceling my sub, but that does not mean that I agree with the current customer service, the way EU players are treated, and until I see a change in this, I will continue to speak my mind, just like others do, because it's my right as a paying customer!

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IVe hightlighted the important bit.


the EU has some very tough rules on services that we pay for, actually tougher on online rather than physical sales.


The EULA doesnt stand up against EU consumer laws.


While I dont know anything about EU laws I do know that EULAs fall under contract laws and I find it hard to believe that any court would toss out a contract that you agreed to.

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IVe hightlighted the important bit.


the EU has some very tough rules on services that we pay for, actually tougher on online rather than physical sales.


The EULA doesnt stand up against EU consumer laws.


HAHA pretty sure it did when SWG shut down that online petition. There was a major EU push against it, declaring the same thing. Oh hai, you accepted the terms when you created your account and every patch. Thus why it didn't hold up in any court to date, because you accept the terms and thus surrendering most rights to the company.


But again, what do I know, from what I've seen mostly is just EU likes to cry and whine about things even when the servers are up.

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CCP also runs one server across a cluster of servers. Yet you don't see Americans crying that it's affecting my play time in the morning because I work a late shift. And at such, to be ignorant and say CCP didn't have these kind of problems at launch either makes you look just as bad as a WoW fan boy. EVE online has been running since what, 2004? Late 2003? IF they were still having these kind of problems now, they would have bigger issues. Just saying.


That might be becose you have no reason to be upset about how they handle things. Just saying...

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Oh wow, I love the EULA references. "You agreed to that so zip it". Has it occurred to you that you NEED to accept it to play the game? Has it occurred to you that other companies use the same or a similar EULA, yet don't abuse it's legal boundaries and treat their customers well?


I've seen a 10 times better service in League of Legends, which is FREE, and which has more active accounts than WoW for instance. It CAN be done. They compensated with various means for downtimes, and at least apologized when facing issues that could not be solved instantly.


Again, I come back to my original point. I like BW, I like SWTOR, I'm not going away, nor am I canceling my sub, but that does not mean that I agree with the current customer service, the way EU players are treated, and until I see a change in this, I will continue to speak my mind, just like others do, because it's my right as a paying customer!


UM, LoL had this kind of support and down times at launch, but you probably didn't play then. So did WoW, RIFT, SWG, LOTRO, hmm sensing a trend with this one. The game is not even two months old, they wanted to push the date back to launch, but people kept complaining about it. They even said that during the open beta weekends they weren't ready for launch but did it to appease the fans.


And this is what they get...lucky for most of us they can't just simply walk away from their investment.

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You are getting the same patch...not when you want it and thats your problem. The earth turns and when bioware can stop that issue and make the sun shine everywhere at all times it will be fixed.


Until then you will not see patches rolled out according to your personal timezone. Unsub if you hate that fact.




the main competition to this game does this. Other smaller MMos do this.


This is expected of AAA mmos now - this is biowares fault, they got this wrong.

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While I dont know anything about EU laws I do know that EULAs fall under contract laws and I find it hard to believe that any court would toss out a contract that you agreed to.


Its due to exclusion clauses in EULAs.


Ive just had to do exams in contract law for my chartered suveyors status.


You cannot put exclusion clauses into contracts go against statutory rights. Therefore in the EU they are utterly unenforcable.

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That might be becose you have no reason to be upset about how they handle things. Just saying...


Haha no reason to be upset? They break one class of ships to buff another then realize they made a mistake and in an attempt to balance it out break 3 more classes to make the one they originally broke half way decent? You are right, a game where it takes solid time to actually get skills only to have them throw it in your face you are at a sub par level because they changed the way the class of ship plays and it's bonus roles that you've been training for.


But again what would a 90 mill sp piolt who has been playing since 05 know anything about CCP.

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