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4h. downtime... a SATURDAY???


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I THINK this game needs to get some dungeon systems going so we can do quest thn if we wanna do a flashpoint or heroic we can just go straight to it?


There's thread for that. Complain about that there! This is about QQ over downtime last night! Get with the program.

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They bring it down ONE saturday and that was enough to bring you over the edge? man...You must have a hard time functioning in society if you have that little patience for people.


BW is doing what they feel is best...They are trying to make the game better...people just don't realize that the only reason WoW can patch at different times is because all regions are on their own separate client...Its not the truth here.


I'm in NA and would agree to US Primetime downtime...Just because there's other things I can do. I'll have a fun time with my girlfriend...or maybe working...who knows, but the fact is I have other things I can do besides play this.


First of all it was not only this one Saturday but also a lot of Chrismas holiday-days before and second read my post.

I canceld NOT because of one day but because BW shows a very nice "I dont care about my customer" attitude. Instead of changing already bad EU-Downtimes they even increase the pain by adding a Saturday-Prime-Time-Downtime.


I dont know how you handle this in NA but I prefer bring my money to companys who show that they respect me, that they care for my demands and that they try to make everything best for the CUSTOMER.

And this counts for not only computer games.

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I've never seen a forum community whine and ***** and write so many threads about the same thing or just plain ****posting with absolutely no relevance to anything as this one does.


So thanks for being a part ot that.


If this was the SomethingAwful Forums, you'd already be out $10 and LowTax would be laughing.


well if it doesnt bother you that they ( bioware ) is constantly deleting inteligent posts that happen to shed bioware in a bad light ... then you deserve the service you get in the future for the community allowing ti to go on without speaking up is all i can tell you

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Kalantris, reguardless what Bioware does. People are gonna QQ about it. Just do not think your the only country effected by this. No matter what time this happens. There is always going to be QQ. Not defending Bioware. Just pointing out MMO Fact.


They could of done it at different times and avoided this whole fiasco. People were always going to QQ when they do maintenance in the middle of the day on a saturday.


Seriously.. I am not complaining about regular maintenance although other companies do manage to do seperate times with same client (rift for example)..


Where there is no client patch maintenance can be scheduled with ease to be off peak based on server location rather then US location.

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EU players have a legitimate reason to complain here. They keep getting screwed, we don't see the US getting bad patch times, just EU.


Frankly the 'go do something else' or the 'get over it' comments are stupid, if they want to play the game then they should be able to at reasonable hours like weekends.


Just change the patch time for EU players and patch us separately, no one gives a sht if we are patched separately.

Edited by Averran
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Kalantris, reguardless what Bioware does. People are gonna QQ about it. Just do not think your the only country effected by this. No matter what time this happens. There is always going to be QQ. Not defending Bioware. Just pointing out MMO Fact.


Yes, but there's a difference between QQ and customers complaining about crappy service. What Bioware specializes at is crappy service it seems. Downtimes during peak hours, customer service, that can't read, 2 hours in queue in their callcentre, you name it. I'm pretty sure there's a 50/50 chance, that if you come up with a random fail Bioware did exactly that.


How many times do I have to say I'm Australian and get it worse than you? I, of all people, would absolutely love it if the servers went down US prime time. Get over yourself.


How many times do I have to say I don't give a damn about Australia? The game wasn't launched there. There are no oceanic servers. There are US and EU servers. We demand equal treatment from Bioware. Once you get your oceanic servers you can start complaining. Comprende?




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First of all it was not only this one Saturday but also a lot of Chrismas holiday-days before and second read my post.

I canceld NOT because of one day but because BW shows a very nice "I dont care about my customer" attitude. Instead of changing already bad EU-Downtimes they even increase the pain by adding a Saturday-Prime-Time-Downtime.


I dont know how you handle this in NA but I prefer bring my money to companys who show that they respect me, that they care for my demands and that they try to make everything best for the CUSTOMER.

And this counts for not only computer games.


You have a pretty high horse. Do not think any company can match this entitlement.

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So you're saying that EU players, in spite of paying more and being a very large part of the game's subscriber base, should simply just "suck it up" and accept the situation.


I'm sorry, but we're talking 2012 and the world doesn't work like that anymore. If you provide a substandard service to paying customers, those paying customers will complain, and they have every right to do so.


But hey, enjoy your purely American game for as long as it lasts until it goes F2P. Based on how the game's treating EU players and how these EU players are unsubbing in droves, I expect that to happen in 2012, early 2013 at the latest.


example, my guild has lost a fifth of our players already, with another 30-40% seriously considering unsubbing.


It's not just the maintenance times. It's the total disregard for EU players combined with the game being extremely buggy even for a new MMO title as well as generally not being anywhere near what it's been hyped up to be.



They aren't unsubbing in droves. Complaining about unsubbing on the forums isn't the same xD.


And 2012 it may be, but I played wow for years up until LAST year and maintenance ALWAYS cut into my PRIME PLAY TIME....the same thing that these EU people are complaining about.


I paid for the game just like all those west coast people who were sleeping through maintenance.


But I don't feel entitled to something I'm not entitled to. I said 'I Agree' to maintenance times when I installed the game.


It was inconvenient and many times I was unhappy about it, but usually I just did something else.


Again, perspective. It can help one through difficult times like these. :rolleyes:

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First of all it was not only this one Saturday but also a lot of Chrismas holiday-days before and second read my post.

I canceld NOT because of one day but because BW shows a very nice "I dont care about my customer" attitude. Instead of changing already bad EU-Downtimes they even increase the pain by adding a Saturday-Prime-Time-Downtime.


I dont know how you handle this in NA but I prefer bring my money to companys who show that they respect me, that they care for my demands and that they try to make everything best for the CUSTOMER.

And this counts for not only computer games.


It was an emergency downtime and they obviously do care about the customer....Patching means they care...Patching means they're trying to fix things....but I forgot that in Europe fixing things means that you're getting into MY Business, messing up MY time, and not letting ME have MY fun, damn all the OTHERS who are having issues. They aren't important...only ME and MY enjoyment.

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It was an emergency downtime and they obviously do care about the customer....Patching means they care...Patching means they're trying to fix things....but I forgot that in Europe fixing things means that you're getting into MY Business, messing up MY time, and not letting ME have MY fun, damn all the OTHERS who are having issues. They aren't important...only ME and MY enjoyment.


Except it WASNT an emergency. They announced it 6 hours before starting it - coincidentally that was 6 hours before the usual 8am (GMT) maintenance time.


If it had been an EMERGENCY then they should have taken the game down immediately and applied the patch straight away.


No chance of them doing that at 8pm in the USA is there....

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Except it WASNT an emergency. They announced it 6 hours before starting it - coincidentally that was 6 hours before the usual 8am (GMT) maintenance time.


If it had been an EMERGENCY then they should have taken the game down immediately and applied the patch straight away.


No chance of them doing that at 8pm in the USA is there....


No point arguing with a logical American. You're clearly wrong. Your logic is clearly not right.


I still vote for a split from USA. Give the EU our own website, team and forums and let the Americans have their own.


Or put these mysterious NA favoured downtimes at 3PM CST until 7PM.

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That's it for me Im off.


CRITICAL UPDATES are applied IMMEDIATELY, way to convenient that they constantly fall on EURO peak times and US quite times....... waaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy to convenient.


Stephen reid twittered that there would be server downtime 8 hours before there was. They waited for US off peak.

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What I find funny about all this is everyone who is playing agreed to the terms of service, and they are quite detailed in terms of server down time.


So, the people who are complaining, either didn't read it, or did, and are conveniently forgetting the ToS because it gets in the way of their oh-so-righteous consumer raaaaaeg!!11oneeleventyone?


If you order pie, agree to ordering pie, and then when the waitress brings it out you complain that you didn't want pie... well, frankly you're an idiot.


From a consumer perspective, Bioware do not have to return your money because you agreed to server downtimes at any time. And I hardly think that the occasional patch or downtime constitutes a failure on Bioware's part to deliver what they promised.


Just because you had faulty expectations on signing up, does not mean that it's Bioware's fault. They made you no promises, and it's not bad customer service.


Sure, it's not ideal, but it is hardly poor customer service to pull the servers down for patching or fixing serious bugs. And to those who say that they shouldn't have been pulled down to fix a problem that only affected a few people... do you have any stats as to how many people were actually affected?


If you cant sacrifice a little bit of time to allow Bioware to fix the game for people who were unlucky enough to have it, then you are all very selfish, entitled people, and the community will not miss you when you ragequit.


And with this, I am done. There is no sense arguing with fools.

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Really guys? I wouldn't give a **** if they patched during peak hours in US. I would just go pork my girlfriend or play something else. Anything but come here and whine, when I know very well Bioware was doing their best to avoid maintenance times that overlap with the play time of the majority of players.
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Except it WASNT an emergency. They announced it 6 hours before starting it - coincidentally that was 6 hours before the usual 8am (GMT) maintenance time.


If it had been an EMERGENCY then they should have taken the game down immediately and applied the patch straight away.


No chance of them doing that at 8pm in the USA is there....


Because there are PEOPLE that work for the company. The computer doesn't just shut it down and do it automatically. They have to CALL IN the people who work on the systems...They have to make sure they ALL can make it on a day they wouldn't normally be doing this, and they have to make sure the patch is ready...There's logistics here you are ignoring but it must be nice to live in a world that doesn't require labor and manpower to get things done. To not understand that there are people working on the game and that they deserve a decent timeframe too.

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The only way to deal with this is to split the USA and the EU.


Different forums. Different maintenance times to suit those player.


American people and the EU clash like bricks.


I really wouldn't want that... I have a character on a US server in a forum buddy's guild. Plus there are some really great US posters on the boards, I wouldn't want to stop seeing their contributions...


The EU maintenance times don't bother me as I'm usually at work at those times. And even if I'm not, I'll do something different. Though I'll admit, it can be annoying, hehe :o

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How many times do I have to say I'm Australian and get it worse than you? I, of all people, would absolutely love it if the servers went down US prime time. Get over yourself.


Ow get over yourself, except for that first line the rest of my post wasnt aimed at you in particular. But at the general audience who thinks its fine that Bioware shafts their customers. And think it odd that the customers complain when getting shafted.

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What I find funny about all this is everyone who is playing agreed to the terms of service, and they are quite detailed in terms of server down time.


So, the people who are complaining, either didn't read it, or did, and are conveniently forgetting the ToS because it gets in the way of their oh-so-righteous consumer raaaaaeg!!11oneeleventyone?.


OR, are well informed EU gamers who know that the TOS and EULA have utterly no basis in law in the EU/UK and thus arent worth the electronic paper its written on.

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No point arguing with a logical American. You're clearly wrong. Your logic is clearly not right.


I still vote for a split from USA. Give the EU our own website, team and forums and let the Americans have their own.


Or put these mysterious NA favoured downtimes at 3PM CST until 7PM.


Because their argument is ILLOGICAL and doesn't make ANY DAMN SENSE to anyone with half a brain that knows that patches require people and people and patches on off patch days require to call in those people...especially when they are on a saturday morning.


Logistics are hard.

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Yes, but there's a difference between QQ and customers complaining about crappy service. What Bioware specializes at is crappy service it seems. Downtimes during peak hours, customer service, that can't read, 2 hours in queue in their callcentre, you name it. I'm pretty sure there's a 50/50 chance, that if you come up with a random fail Bioware did exactly that.




How many times do I have to say I don't give a damn about Australia? The game wasn't launched there. There are no oceanic servers. There are US and EU servers. We demand equal treatment from Bioware. Once you get your oceanic servers you can start complaining. Comprende?





why are you so rude to oceanic players?


im a us player and think your booware cheerleading is rather unwarrented at the least


a company performing a patch on a weekend for a mmo is not the norm unless it is an emergany for xploit fix and they tend to share the fix with customer base which is the bottom line here .. something you seem to not comprehend


bioware has not shared with us anything that was absolutely need to be patched on a weekend thus far that could not have waited til tuesday


end of story

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You have a pretty high horse. Do not think any company can match this entitlement.


In fact there are alot of companies that can match this entitlement. It doenst mean that you really have to fullfil all ouf your customer wishes. Sometimes its impossible. But you can still do even this things with a good communcation. You can say sorry and explain why you have to do. You can avoid making mistakes a second time or try to correct mistakes like you have done.


To this special case. BW cound have thought BEFORE lunch wheat this patching times means for EU players. After lunch and complaints they could make an announcment "We understand your problems and will fix it until ....", they could have written somewhere WHY it was so important to shut down the server today and offer a small compensation or something.


All things not diffuclt and very normal for every company which has a good customer relationship in mind. One of this things and I would be still paying customer.


If you want to have a famous american example. Look at amazon for examle, or blizzard. They know how to do it.

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