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4h. downtime... a SATURDAY???


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1.1.0c Patch Notes - 1/28/2012





Improved service to reduce the number of player disconnections to the character selection screen.



I'm not sure if everyone was having this issue, but its happened several times while I was on the fleet. Its not just one or two people. From what I saw, by the time I connected back to the fleet it about half the people had been disconnected. (assuming they hadnt reconnected before I could).


So about 50% of the people, the three times its happened in the past week, were dropping back to the character screen. One might not think thats a big deal, dropping back to the character screen... but it also caused additional bugs in the game, forcing people to completely shut the game down, launch, and log back in to fix issues instances/ships.


Who knows what elses was secretly patched. Each time we've had emergency maintenance theres always been something snuck in, thats not in the patch notes.

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it was a weekend and not the NORM for a benign patch to be on A WEEKEND nothing emergany exploited was listed as being fix


it was a stupid decision to patch opn a weekend by whomever made said decision PERIOD




plain STUPID




From what I understand, it was to fix rather urgent exploits...i.e. things that BREAK THE GAME. Clearly you know what is best and what is not. Clearly if you insult enough people and cry loud enough you will get your way.


Honesty...64 pages of this? Yesterday, I commented on this thread and it is STILL ALIVE. the maintenance is long since over, and you people are STILL complaining? Is SWTOR really that precious to you that you must hate on BW and insult people who disagree with you so viciously?


This is a GAME, a diversion...you really shouldn't let it get to you so much when the makers of this game are doing what they have to do to improve it.

Edited by Parali
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See you guys next patch! Pretty sure this is going to be a reoccurring theme every patch. Everybody raging because they cant play for a few hours. Why should ever Bioware release patches and fix the game and let just you play a buggy game? I dont care if it was on a weekend. Why is it like this every time Bioware takes down the servers? Its unbelievable and expected so i'm expecting the same QQ every time. You guys do not disappoint me in this fact. Keep it up!
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Just my two credits here –


BW may be located in Europe, and if it is, I would hope that the realize that there is a huge US populace who plays this game. BW should realize that patching their game on a weekend and not a weekday is similar to shooting themselves in the foot. Weekdays are for play and work days are for work. Keeping patch dates to mid-week and not weekends can help mitigate the company flaming that appears to be going on. People do have lives outside of gaming, I am sure, but the majority of people like to take a break from reality on the weekends. Having to cope with CTD’s, BSOD’s, inability to harvest, locked up controls, and such can drive a person over the edge. :mad: Throw in lousy patch times, such as Prime-Time gaming hours (read: WEEKENDS), and BW may just find people abandoning this game faster than rats scurrying from a sinking ship.


For Pete’s sake – Patch during the week so people can play during the weekend! On a final note, this is a poor way to say OOPS BW: :eek:

1.1.0c Patch Notes - 1/28/2012



o Improved service to reduce the number of player disconnections to the character selection screen.


OK, I am getting my high horse now, I have RL calling. :( I will game when I have free time again.


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because I'm a reasonable adult who has other things to do besides play an MMO.


Because I know the world doesn't revolve around me and if I were crashing, I would want it fixed ASAP


Because I know this patching solution is the best solution because it keep the least amount of people out of the game for the least amount of time (hi US players playing on EU servers and vice versa)


Seperate patch times would work if they were on seperate clients (like Blizzard's game) but they put them all accessible to all players so a seperate downtime doesn't make sense...even for a server side patch...Imagine if half the player base crashed and the other didn't...


Or half the playerbase could exploit a bug that wasn't advertised but the other half couldn't...Do you not see how gamebreaking that is?


At least one other person in this thread uses Logic and has a grasp on how new MMO's work.

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I'm Australian and every MMO patches when I get home from work and finishes after I go to sleep. We'd been trying for years to get WoW to patch the Oceanic servers in the morning our time and it never happened. Know why? Because they were apart of the same data center as the US severs. If the EU wants separate patch times then deal with the fact that you won't be able to switch between US and EU servers.


Or you know, get a life or find something else to occupy your time with instead of ranting and raving like a spoiled child.


Thanks for playing, but try again next time.




I'm sure if it was a bug affecting you that was fixed with this latest patch you wouldn't be complaining.

Sorry, but this is absolutely redicilous. This is the same kind of reasoning, X killed Y, so it's right that A kills B too. I pay for this game and during the week I'm unable to play as my appartment at my university doesn't have a game grade rig standing. So yeah, I'm looking forward to playing a game in the weekends I'm paying for. TBH, if any other company would deliver a product so badly, I would cancel it.


It's always the same; it's always America first, Europe second (and Australia third).

Edited by Averran
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Ok thats it for me. Enough is enough and my subscribtion will be canceled.


The game is very nice but it looks for me that BW dont want my money. I have a full week with working, sports going out so playing games for me works mostly in holidays and on the weekend. Espcially during the DAY and not the night because there I sleep or go out with friends again.

So I have two spots a week where I want to enjoy my PC and play the games I like. And sorry but its not acceptable that I spend most of this time to a "sever not available" page.

Making a MMORPG is not only about game contents, graphics and playing. Its also about the concept behind. I simply cannot believe that today its not possible to have separated downtimes by regions. Or to have downtimes that take only a hour or so. Come on dudes from BW. You cant be really THAT bad programmers. Or you simply don’t care.


Just imagine if whole world would act like Bioware does with us. You want cash from your bank-account? Sorry the bank just has a server maintenance. Please try it at night. Superbowl or Soccer world championship second half of a game and TV switches off showing “close to server down”….


I have one simple rule about computer games. I control them and they don’t control my life. So if BW thinks they can tell me when I am allowed to play or not. Fine but not sponsored with my money. Some things you sometime forget here in forum. You are not only player of this game but you are ALSO the customer paying for a product. And in my little world that means that BW should follow our demands and other way around.


BW maybe don’t care about only one customer leaving now as one little water drop is weak. But enough follow it can move even huge rocks.


CU all and enjoy the game. And don’t be afraid to change if you are not happy with it.

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You don't know that


Like I said, and read carefully


Exploits that haven't been publicly announced, do not normally see the light of a patch note.....


I've seen Item Dupe exploits get fixed in games without ever a mention of them because they weren't widely known...a friend of mine could show you the chat logs of how it was done in WoW and the convo with the Blizzard GM talking about it...but you will never see it fixed in patch notes...


Even if there weren't exploits, the game crashing is gamebreaking to people that its happening to. Quit being selfish.


i do know it


ive played mmos since 1996 and have never seen such incompetence or lack of communication with a playerbase as bioware so far in this one


Patching on a weekend is not the norm unless emergancy ... and even then after its fixed the company will get it out what was happening and why they had to shut servers down at a wierd primetime slot or day of week


so your need to defend bioware here is ridiculus imho


bad decision period by whomever made the call to


1.) not share with community what got fixed and why it was important to close serversd on a weekend to do so before tuesdays patch




2.) just felt like shutting down on weekend to fix something that could have waited til tuesday



either way its piss poor management and or communication to a customer base



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Just FYI, Europeans.


Be careful about how much you complain about this EU maintenance, I just got a warning that I shouldn't say such things from a CSR.


.. Yeah. They're telling me to be silent.


.. Just one more reason I'm happy to have unsubbed.


lol, watch out the CEA could be behind your door right now :p

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Bioware/EA need to be aware they are going to lose subs over this. It was midnight local time and I was still pissed, I can only imagine how "happy" you EU players were for it to be the middle of Saturday, or even the Oceanic/Aussie players.


For BW/EA's sake lets assume there was a 'sploit fix. They need to at least put the fact that there is a 'sploit fix into the patch notes, which aren't being posted till after the fact anyway. We aren't unreasonable, give us a good reason and we will excuse the poor timing.

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Sorry, but this is absolutely redicilous. This is the same kind of reasoning, X killed Y, so it's right that A kills B too. I pay for this game and during the week I'm unable to play as my appartment at my university doesn't have a game grade rig standing. So yeah, I'm looking forward to playing a game in the weekends I'm paying for. TBH, if any other company would deliver a product so badly, I would cancel it.


It's always the same; it's always America first, Europe second (and Australia third, but considering you're all convicts, it's your own fault).


So modern day Austrians are convicts. Let me know what School you went to so I never send my Kids there.


What are you doing at Uni, The cleaning lol

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While I understand these maintenances need to happen, it shouldn't be as long, and it shouldn't be on a Staurday during the day.


I'm a very tolerant person but this is taking the micky.

Edited by Terans
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i do know it


ive played mmos since 1996 and have never seen such incompetence or lack of communication with a playerbase as bioware so far in this one


There is no way you've played a single major MMO and can say that. EQ/SOE was one of the absolute *worst* when it came to communication with the players. There have also been numerous others that have fallen to the F2P graveyard that have had worse communication.


Again, read what you sign people. Read what you sign. I could care less why it was taken down - fact is it was. Everytime I sign in, every time I have to hit that I understand the ToU, I know what I'm agreeing to. You can't be mad at someone else for agreeing to their terms without knowing those terms.

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because I'm a reasonable adult who has other things to do besides play an MMO.


Because I know the world doesn't revolve around me and if I were crashing, I would want it fixed ASAP


Because I know this patching solution is the best solution because it keep the least amount of people out of the game for the least amount of time (hi US players playing on EU servers and vice versa)


Seperate patch times would work if they were on seperate clients (like Blizzard's game) but they put them all accessible to all players so a seperate downtime doesn't make sense...even for a server side patch...Imagine if half the player base crashed and the other didn't...


Or half the playerbase could exploit a bug that wasn't advertised but the other half couldn't...Do you not see how gamebreaking that is?



the ONLY way you WOULD "KNOW" any of that about what the patch was for since they have yet to really tell us anything ....


is if you worked for the company and are shilling at the moment or your just an extreme fan bois to infinity and beyond


either way your posts in this thread are annoying as heck at this point and go beyond apologist and bioware cheering

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From what I understand, it was to fix rather urgent exploits.


The typical MMO company says "This emergency maintenance is required to fix an exploit.:


then throw in:




Improved service to reduce the number of player disconnections to the character selection screen.


Then nobody says anything.

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4pm GMT. That's the entire Saturday gone for EU players. It's as if BW wants EU players to run away from the game.


Well, they succeeded - sub cancelled.


Here too.


I dont see a point in paying for maintenance, so that US players can play for the development we EU and the rest of the world support with our game time.


We pay to have maintenance during our game time, US pays to play game !

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The typical MMO company says "This emergency maintenance is required to fix an exploit.:


then throw in:




Improved service to reduce the number of player disconnections to the character selection screen.


Then nobody says anything.


From what i hear last night alot of people were being effected by it. It couldnt wait tell tuesday

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See you guys next patch! Pretty sure this is going to be a reoccurring theme every patch. Everybody raging because they cant play for a few hours. Why should ever Bioware release patches and fix the game and let just you play a buggy game? I dont care if it was on a weekend. Why is it like this every time Bioware takes down the servers? Its unbelievable and expected so i'm expecting the same QQ every time. You guys do not disappoint me in this fact. Keep it up!



I am reluctant to admit that I agree with this sentiment. Outrage over this is sadly riveting. I 'suffered' through weekly maintenance with wow cutting into my 'prime play time' every week...and MUCH OF THE TIME the maintenance went WAAAAAY over the time frame initially stated.


People need to get some serious perspective.

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the ONLY way you WOULD "KNOW" any of that about what the patch was for since they have yet to really tell us anything ....


is if you worked for the company and are shilling at the moment or your just an extreme fan bois to infinity and beyond


either way your posts in this thread are annoying as heck at this point and go beyond apologist and bioware cheering


Nerd rage lol, You need to get out more kiddo before you pop a vain.

Edited by Kanharn
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The typical MMO company says "This emergency maintenance is required to fix an exploit.:


then throw in:




Improved service to reduce the number of player disconnections to the character selection screen.


Then nobody says anything.


They do not post everything fixed in patch notes. Just an fyi.

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Very lame - can see European players unsubbing in droves rather than be treated second class.


please European gamers have the same issues with the game as we do. The only people complaining are the same ones that will be whining abot how they are casual players and don't have the time to effectively play the game or do anything in the game because it takes so long to do anything and how precious and valuable their time is, and all the other trash that gets spouted, in about 3 months.


All the whining in this thread is tantamount to the same type of attitude that some 20 something fatass mouth breather that stood in front of me at best buy yesterday throwing a hissy fit because the debit machines where down and his 1k limit on his debit wouldn't allow him to purchase his precious laptop. He literally refused to let a cash sale customer go before him because well the debit might be coming up soon.

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