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4h. downtime... a SATURDAY???


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Those who like to ridicule it, go ahead.

But fact remains, the EU player base is not happy.


And right now and im sure there are more, im considering my new sub for this broken bugged game.


Bioware is failing hard with this game so far.

We have been buying a beta product.


Thats how i see it, im a costumer, i pay.

And i decide when its enough.


That point is almost reached.


Monday 2 hours of failing on a Bugged EV boss.

COuntless bugs in the game.

Tuesday downtime, wensday downtime.

Thursday Raid canceld because the server was instable.

Saturday 6 hours downtime during daytime.


its taking the piss, dont push it Bioware.

Edited by Bobiefatt
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Disrespect for emergency maintenance? You don't even know what the servers were taken down for, but it's disrespectful because they made their service unavailable for a few hours on a weekend? No, I don't understand. I missed out on the same gametime, and I'm here in the US. What I understand is that running an MMO requires a lot of fine-tuning, especially in the beginning when there are a ton of other actual game-breaking issues that need to be addressed.


If they came out with a b.s. reason as to why they were taken down? Then I'd jump on your side. Otherwise, I'm going to assume it was a good enough reason to take the servers down for emergency maintenance. I really don't think this was so they could all sit around and have coffee and donuts.


If manteinance would have been an emergency... well they could have take the server down almost inmediatly but... oh!


"1.1.0c Patch Notes - 1/28/2012


Improved service to reduce the number of player disconnections to the character selection screen"


That doesn't seem an emergency and could have de4layed to next tuesday.


So try to get to the point: I want the game improved with patches. I love this game. But i don't want BW ignore EU customers.

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I also work during the week and wanted to log on this morning, when I could not I played a bit of Skyrim, Went to the shops and popped in to a mates.


I didn't come on the forums nerd raging and crying over something so unimportant as a bit of downtime on a game. This is a new MMO unexpected downtime's happen.


Like I said, if you need to base your life around an MMO to the degree you have a paddy online over this issue, something is wrong with you. (Not you, peeps in general).


try doing that when you live in northern norway or sweden, it's -15º C outside and the nearest mate lives 350km away

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I don't get why people can't find something else to do on a Saturday afternoon. Well, besides coming on here to complain, so I have something to do at work. Why can't people look at the bright side??? First of all, it's ONE Saturday in your WHOLE LIFE. It's disappointing, but it's not that bad. Complaining doesn't help, cancelling your account doesn't help, but enjoying life however you can does help. The game will probably be back, and hopefully better than before.


If you're not at work or school or grounded, you're wasting your life on these forums. No one cares about your complaints. That's my 2 cents.


North Americans are raging about this too you know because it happened at 12am Friday night, Saturday morning when far more North Americans could be playing as opposed to Tuesdays when the vast majority of the player base is either sleeping because of school/work in the morning or is at either or. Not to intentionally leave out Aussies but they get their own launch later this year.

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its not just EU players



no FRIGGIN MMO company makes sceduled DOWNTIME on weekends PERIOD


then they tell us nothing as to wait the EMERGANCY was that couldnt wait til a tuesday



overall jjust RIDICULUS and poor management decision


either nto telling us what they HAD to stealth fix or just making an assinine decison to patch something on a weekend that couod have waited til tuesday


either way management at bioware is again ASSININE

What lol, almost all the MMO's I have played from day 1 have had weekend downtime to fix important issues.


Get a grip its an MMO not a cancer care unit..

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Entitled brats.


Sorry - would you care to explain that?


Why are people 'entitled brats' if they complain because the developers took the game down on a SATURDAY to fix something completely irrelavent that wasnt affecting many people, without any warning.


and, to make matters worse, it was done in the middle of the night so as to not effect the americans, but in the middle of the EU day, despite it being announced in the middle of the night for the EU.

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Because we are not morons, nor are we rude or conceited enough to demand things like spoiled children. If you don't like the fact that you can't play for a bit because of server downtime, why are you playing an MMO anyway. And yet then the same people turn around complaining about bugs.


Or maybe it's because Australian gamers have lives outside of this one game. :rolleyes:


To those who are demanding their money back because of "missed gaming time." Are you also going to ask to be reimbursed for the time you go to work/school/the toilet too? What a ridiculous statement to make. If the cost of the game per day is 50 cents, then you're demanding 4 cents per hour for the time you couldn't play?


Wow, talk about pathetic.


I think the point here is that people are NOT playing when they should be able to and that BW offers no valid explanation for this.


People here in Europe have lives outside of game also, which means we cant sit by our PC's all day waiting for game to be available. And it's not just some 'little bit' it's a big part of the game time I can personally put into gaming. Maybe Im just unlucky since the downtimes seem to always hit the fan when Im able to play...


As for demanding money back... well Im not going that far, but I dont blame people who might feel like being cheated becose they are paying for product that they can not access.

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I really don't see why all those (Anerican) people feel the need to jump in here and say it's no big deal?

Apparently it is to some people, and belittling them only makes yourselves look immature.


To the issue at hand - Yes, Bioware has picked once again a maintenance window to limit the amount of US people affected. It's the way they operate, and probably for sound financial reasons.

Do I feel pissed off about this as an EU player? Yes. There's just not a lot I can do about it bar being disappointed in Bioware. Sure, there are other things to do on a Saturday morning/afternoon than play a MMO, but for many folks it's exactly the only time in the week they have no obligations and are free to enjoy "me" time, perfect for a few hours of gaming. For Bioware to trample all over that without good explanation is just cold.





A MMO GAME COMPANY should never have beniegn maintainence on WEEKENDS EVER!!!!!



thats just plain stupid and shows management incompetence period


either by not sharing some stealth ninji emergany fix that was being exploited with the community or just being dumb enough to say and think hey i know we got a patch tuesday but i really am just going to go ahead and fix this benign issue on a weekend night ... all bioware employees and management should have to have a bumper sticker on their vehicles saying ... I am ASSSININE hear me ROAR

Edited by Parali
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Those who like to ridicule it, go ahead.

But fact remains, the EU player base is not happy.


And right now and im sure there are more, im considering my new sub for this broken bugged game.


Bioware is failing hard with this game so far.

We have been buying a beta product.


Thats how i see it, im a costumer, i pay.

And i decide when its enough.


That point is almost reached.


Tuesday downtime, wensday downtime.

Thursday Raid canceld because the server was instable.

Saturday 6 hours downtime during daytime.


its taking the piss, dont ush it Bioware.


No, we have a release product...just like very other MMO, its buggy on release and the entitled Generation think that everything needs to be handed to them perfect and when they want it.


Maybe your Thrusday instability was part of the reason they brought it down...


This is nothing to some of the Released I've been a part of...Servers down for days...and somehow that game is at 10m subs. A few hours isn't going to hurt you



A MMO GAME COMPANY should never have beniegn maintainence on WEEKENDS EVER!!!!!



thats just plain stupid and shows management incompetence period


either by not sharing some stealth ninji emergany fix that was being exploited with the community or just being dumb enough to say and think hey i know we got a patch tuesday but i really am just going to go ahead and fix this benign issue on a weekend night ... all bioware employees and management should have to have a bumper sticker on their vehicles saying ... I am ASSSININE hear me ROAR


if its important, I say go for it...You're being unreasonable...if its a gamebreaking bug (and for people who were crashing, I'd say it was) then it needs to be patched as soon as possible...but I forgot, the universe revolves around EU Customers who have no problems. They don't think of the people who were.

Edited by Parali
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A MMO GAME COMPANY should never have beniegn maintainence on WEEKENDS EVER!!!!!



thats just plain stupid and shows management incompetence period


either by not sharing some stealth ninji emergany fix that was being exploited with the community or just being dumb enough to say and think hey i know we got a patch tuesday but i really am just going to go ahead and fix this benign issue on a weekend night ... all bioware employees and management should have to have a bumper sticker on their vehicles saying ... I am ASSSININE hear me ROAR


Clearly new to the MMO world, all the MMO's I have played from day one have had downtime on a weekend to fix important issues.


I really can believe people are crying over this so much.

Edited by Parali
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Did BW just take down the servers for an emergency patch (as in, not the scheduled weekly one every Tuesday) just for... nothing? Hahaha, just when I thought they were starting to learn.....


Patch notes are ridiculous. I give up on the company, SOE was clearly the better one.

Edited by darthtoph
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No, we have a release product...just like very other MMO, its buggy on release and the entitled Generation think that everything needs to be handed to them perfect and when they want it.


Maybe your Thrusday instability was part of the reason they brought it down...


This is nothing to some of the Released I've been a part of...Servers down for days...and somehow that game is at 10m subs. A few hours isn't going to hurt you




if its important, I say go for it...You're being unreasonable...if its a gamebreaking bug (and for people who were crashing, I'd say it was) then it needs to be patched as soon as possible...but I forgot, the universe revolves around EU Customers who have no problems. They don't think of the people who were.



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Aye, consumers shouldn't whine when they receive soup with a fly in it. Only entitled brats whine for quality they paid for! And even though European consumers pay more, but get the shaft every time it's maintenance time (convenient times obviously are only nescecary for a country that has more fat people than people); they're spoiled brats when asking for a better service. Right. That attitude would serve you well in Soviet Russia.


I'm Australian and every MMO patches when I get home from work and finishes after I go to sleep. We'd been trying for years to get WoW to patch the Oceanic servers in the morning our time and it never happened. Know why? Because they were apart of the same data center as the US severs. If the EU wants separate patch times then deal with the fact that you won't be able to switch between US and EU servers.


Or you know, get a life or find something else to occupy your time with instead of ranting and raving like a spoiled child.


Thanks for playing, but try again next time.




I'm sure if it was a bug affecting you that was fixed with this latest patch you wouldn't be complaining.

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I love how most people who say "go read a book", "go wash the car" are trolling around on these forums. Why don't you take a piece of your own advice for once?


The problem isn't that BW are patching, the problem is that BW are patching at the wrong time again for a MAJORITY of it's subscribers. Those of you who are delusional to think the US based players are the majority, you seriously need to get a map of the rest of the world kido's and see that that Europe, Australia and Russia are out there.


If BW rotated their down-time, then there wouldn't be much to complain about would there?

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Clearly new to the MMO world, all the MMO's I have played from day one have had downtime on a weekend to fix important issues.


I really can believe people are crying over this so much.


Believe it.


Was it really that critical that they do it now and not wait till Tuesday? I mean they have a big fat 8 hours maintenance window to do it


Can't they split the maintenance window to effect different time zones more appropriately?


If you're happy, then great but others aren't and BW need to take note.

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You don't know that


Like I said, and read carefully


Exploits that haven't been publicly announced, do not normally see the light of a patch note.....


I've seen Item Dupe exploits get fixed in games without ever a mention of them because they weren't widely known...a friend of mine could show you the chat logs of how it was done in WoW and the convo with the Blizzard GM talking about it...but you will never see it fixed in patch notes...


Even if there weren't exploits, the game crashing is gamebreaking to people that its happening to. Quit being selfish.


I agree 100%.

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What lol, almost all the MMO's I have played from day 1 have had weekend downtime to fix important issues.


Get a grip its an MMO not a cancer care unit..


no they do not unless it is emergancy ... smart mmo COmpanies and management know much better than to plan downtime for an MMO on a weekend during its busiest playdays of the week


just a plain dumb decison and not sure why you feel a need to defend it unless you work for bioware

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well since its saturday, I wouldn't expect much of anything..


Believe me I know there are people who want to cheat me out of money but if I find out they do, I have the power to fight back...This shoe company has never given me a reason to doubt them and I am loyal to them because they have always given me a quality product.


You are never gaurenteed the service will be up...Your 15 dollars allows you to play the game when Bioware allows you to. They can bring the servers down when they like for whatever reason they like.


You have no right to say the downtime wasn't necessary. You don't know how necessary it was and only Bioware does. If it fixed exploits, they might not say anything...if it only fixed the disconnect issue, enough people must have been having it to be gamebreaking. You're really whinning over having less than 20 cents of downtime...Okay, Bioware, pay him his 20 cents.


First of all your math is off. Peak times are 6 hours monday-friday and 12 hours saturday-sunday (checked). This means it's not 168 hours/week, it's just 54. Assuming there are 4 weeks a month you get 216 hours. Just mentioning, it's sorta offtopic. It's over 30 cents. Now multiply it by 1 million subs and by 2, because they usually take 10 hours from peak times for the EU players a week due to prolonged maintenances and/or emergency maintenances. 60 cents * 1.000.000 = 600.000 EUR/month or 7.2 mil EUR/year. Here's the real number. Souns more important than the 20 cents you mentioned?


I'm not guaranteed the service will be up, but I'm guaranteed they'll do everything in their power to keep it up. Even if it's not in their licence agreement. It's in the EU regulations they need to adhere to. They can't take my money and then bring the service down without compensation. If they continue to operate like this they will finally get fined by the EU. Just like Microsoft, which did the same mistake.


I know, how necessary that update was. I can see the patchnotes and I can see, what they fixed. Most of these updates were not critical, not even above medium importance. Even if there was one or two critical fixes they should have been implemented immediately, without waiting for the US customers to go to sleep (bear in mind, that the patching was done in normal maintenance hours). Not only this - only those fixes should be implemented. It would take way less time. They could leave the rest of the unrelated updates for the tuesday maintenance. And don't start about how the fixes are connected. They're not. Disconnecting is nowhere near around quest bugs.




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I'm utterly perplexed as to why they can't follow WOW's lead and have different maintenance times for the US/EU. I know they have offices in England so geography isn't an issue.


It really stinks of a amateurishness, updates should be applied in the early hours of the morning when most people are sleeping, this seems to be the case for the US but conversely the EU gets treated appallingly.


And on a Saturday? Unacceptable.


SWTOR is an absolutely fantastic game, I genuinely think it's the best MMO I've played and I am loving it. But Bioware are going to annoy subscribers if they keep this up, and because I'm a fan of the game I really don't want this to happen, the game deserves to be incredibly successful but these situations seem to be happening far too much at present.


Sort it out, Bioware!

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no they do not unless it is emergancy ... smart mmo COmpanies and management know much better than to plan downtime for an MMO on a weekend during its busiest playdays of the week


just a plain dumb decison and not sure why you feel a need to defend it unless you work for bioware


Yeah I work for Bioware lol. Reading your comments you work for Runescape to understand so little.

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The maintenance took time in normal hours (which is US off peak time). It's not a coincidence. They already did an emergency patch fixing Ilum and it was done in a totally different part of the day. They actually waited, no doubt about that. The emergency was counted in days, not hours.


If they somehow screwed something up with their server architecture it would be really nice for them to inform us, that this emergency maintenance is connected to their servers, that have issues, that need to be addressed. It would also be really nice for them to say, that since they need to bring their servers down on saturday they're going to give everyone a free day. We all understand emergency procedures.





A free day when the servers were down for a few hours? I understand the frustration, believe me I do. I couldn't freaking play either - I work late nights in the US so this effected me as well. Each time the servers have gone down late (here) it's effected me.


I suggest that you guys start reading before you hit "I AGREE" to anything. It explicitly states that you do not have a guarantee the servers will be up and running when you want, where you want. That's standard MMO policy. If you don't like that kind of policy, I don't think MMO gaming is for you then. This isn't a "US vs. EU" argument as much as this post is making it out to be. It's about the fact that you are complaining about something you consistently agree to. If you've ever watched South Park - think of the centIpad.

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no they do not unless it is emergancy ... smart mmo COmpanies and management know much better than to plan downtime for an MMO on a weekend during its busiest playdays of the week


just a plain dumb decison and not sure why you feel a need to defend it unless you work for bioware


because I'm a reasonable adult who has other things to do besides play an MMO.


Because I know the world doesn't revolve around me and if I were crashing, I would want it fixed ASAP


Because I know this patching solution is the best solution because it keep the least amount of people out of the game for the least amount of time (hi US players playing on EU servers and vice versa)


Seperate patch times would work if they were on seperate clients (like Blizzard's game) but they put them all accessible to all players so a seperate downtime doesn't make sense...even for a server side patch...Imagine if half the player base crashed and the other didn't...


Or half the playerbase could exploit a bug that wasn't advertised but the other half couldn't...Do you not see how gamebreaking that is?

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