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4h. downtime... a SATURDAY???


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It is somewhat confusing that they don't tell us what was patched, but this is somewhat of a predicament. They have to choose one time to update everything, or they have to lock players out of the servers intended for other regions. I have yet to see a game that will allow you to play on a server that is running a different version than your client. The issue at hand is when it makes sense to shut the servers down most. One might assume they're trying to affect the smallest portion of the player base, but that may not be BW's reasoning at all. In my experience, during the week my server dies a little earlier in the night than they shut it down. Maybe later in the game's life, they'll find a time of day that will just cut into every region's lighter hours. Unfortunately there's really no logical way for them to compromise other than moving maintenance to a different time, but still have the same time for every server. TBH, they really can't even decide to lock servers by region now that people have made characters out of their region. The one possibility for this to happen that I can think of is allowing mass character transfers, which still doesn't account for the guilds that would have to break up. In order to allow people to play in the community they favor, they're forced to have this system that seems bound to always make someone unhappy.


It's really up to personal choice whether you can deal with that or not. You have no obligation to be alright with it being like this, but there is logic and not just favoritism involved in this model, if you look at it objectively. We can only hope that BW's eventual goal is to make as many people happy with their game as possible, as should be the goal of every developer seeking to create a long-term, large scale audience.



EDIT: Fixed a typo.

Edited by rickjamesia
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my room mates god and he said that BW fixed nothing critical in patch


once again I ask you to prove it and patch notes prove nothing as there are often many things left out of them.


and the disconnect issue may not have been critical to you, but what about people who were having problems connecting because of it? That's GAMEBREAKING since that's a buzzword we like to throw around these days.

Edited by Mormack
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Yeah I would feel okay with it because that person paid less because he's in a different region than myself and didn't have to pay conversion rates. I also would understand that even if I didn't see the importance of it, there must have been an importance of it since they did it.


Also, I was awake when servers went down..Played some Witcher 2 then went to sleep...You guys could go nap..go out to eat with friends, etc. Its not very difficult.


There are no conversion taxes. They have a lot of bills to pay in EUR (servers, maintenance staff, customer (lol) service). Nowadays there are no conversion taxes whatsoever anyway. There is no real reason behind charging a group of players more because you take the payment in EUR instead of USD. I heaven't seen different prices in internet stores selling their products in USD. The price is converted to the currency you'd like to pay with, so the price varies everytime you buy the same product, but is at least equal or close to equal.


Please, don't start telling me, what to do. I choose, what to do and pay for the choices I want to make. I bought this game and would like to play it, it's my choice. As the law states the company has to provide me with the goods they sold me/rented to me. It's not Bioware's choice to tell me, what I'm suppose to do right now. I'd also expect them to pay for the "fun" I have while not playing the game because of the unnecessary maintenance.


Last but not least - I don't believe you can be so gullible. I have no idea how such a person could survive 15 minutes outside. There are literally tons upon tons of people, who want to cheat you or steal from you. I can't believe you'd just "believe they saw something you didn't". But let's assume you didn't (for just a second). You ask them if the repairs were really necessary. They don't answer in any way. Just keep silent. You see a lot of other customers asking the same question. There's a wall of silence. Would you then start complaining? Or do they really have to sell you something that doesn't even exist for you to start?




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So if the game broke, You'd rather wait till tuesday for a patch than them fix if now.


If the game broke NOBODY would be playing...


What I am asking is for EU to have patching at a time most convenient to the EU. If we needed a patch, they should have done US today and EU tonight. That is what I want.

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once again I ask you to prove it and patch notes prove nothing as there are often many things left out of them.


and the disconnect issue may not have been critical to you, but what about people who were having problems connecting because of it? That's GAMEBREAKING since that's a buzzword we like to throw around these days.


no you prove there was something !

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well it cannot have been that serious otherwise they would not have waited until US off peak


Unless you work for Bioware (in which case you wouldn't be posting here with issues about this) how can you say that they "waited"? For all you or I know, this could have been an issue that didn't even have anything directly to do with the game. This could have been an issue with their authentication servers, or their internal tools may have gone haywire. Yes, those two both have a huge impact on the game itself without being directly related to the game itself.

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Wow. A lot of people here need to grow up and/or get a life. I thought people stopped throwing temper tantrums by the time they entered kindergarten? Entitled brats.
Aye, consumers shouldn't whine when they receive soup with a fly in it. Only entitled brats whine for quality they paid for! And even though European consumers pay more, but get the shaft every time it's maintenance time (convenient times obviously are only nescecary for a country that has more fat people than people); they're spoiled brats when asking for a better service. Right. That attitude would serve you well in Soviet Russia.
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I don't get why people can't find something else to do on a Saturday afternoon. Well, besides coming on here to complain, so I have something to do at work. Why can't people look at the bright side??? First of all, it's ONE Saturday in your WHOLE LIFE. It's disappointing, but it's not that bad. Complaining doesn't help, cancelling your account doesn't help, but enjoying life however you can does help. The game will probably be back, and hopefully better than before.


If you're not at work or school or grounded, you're wasting your life on these forums. No one cares about your complaints. That's my 2 cents.


Here is the thing dude, people wanted to play the game they paid for. Its their right. What if someone works all week and only has a few hours to play on Saturday? You just killed that persons whole game time.


I went out and played soccer and I would have done it anyway but I am still pissed that a company takes down a paid service for an "emergency" patch, takes the forums offline (read only) and then explains nothing about the patch. How about telling us what was so urgent about this patch that it warrants a downtime on Saturday?


And you are wrong about cancelling subscriptions. That is my only way to show my discontent with a product I am being sold. Taking my money elsewhere. Complaining of forums will do nothing. Especially with a developer that is more concerned about silencing the customers than keeping them happy.

Edited by UrbanMonkey
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I really don't see why all those (Anerican) people feel the need to jump in here and say it's no big deal?

Apparently it is to some people, and belittling them only makes yourselves look immature.


To the issue at hand - Yes, Bioware has picked once again a maintenance window to limit the amount of US people affected. It's the way they operate, and probably for sound financial reasons.

Do I feel pissed off about this as an EU player? Yes. There's just not a lot I can do about it bar being disappointed in Bioware. Sure, there are other things to do on a Saturday morning/afternoon than play a MMO, but for many folks it's exactly the only time in the week they have no obligations and are free to enjoy "me" time, perfect for a few hours of gaming. For Bioware to trample all over that without good explanation is just cold.

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Or maybe people work during the week and one of the few times they get to play is.. the weekend?

I also work during the week and wanted to log on this morning, when I could not I played a bit of Skyrim, Went to the shops and popped in to a mates.


I didn't come on the forums nerd raging and crying over something so unimportant as a bit of downtime on a game. This is a new MMO unexpected downtime's happen.


Like I said, if you need to base your life around an MMO to the degree you have a paddy online over this issue, something is wrong with you. (Not you, peeps in general).

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Agree 100%. I couldn't have said it better.


Highlighted for BW and for that USA players who think they are the center of the world. Maybe now, they both understand that EU player ARE NOT SECOND CLASS CUSTOMERS.


Don't misunderstand me, i love the game but i can't stand being abused.




its not just EU players



no FRIGGIN MMO company makes sceduled DOWNTIME on weekends PERIOD


then they tell us nothing as to wait the EMERGANCY was that couldnt wait til a tuesday



overall jjust RIDICULUS and poor management decision


either nto telling us what they HAD to stealth fix or just making an assinine decison to patch something on a weekend that couod have waited til tuesday


either way management at bioware is again ASSININE

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There are no conversion taxes. They have a lot of bills to pay in EUR (servers, maintenance staff, customer (lol) service). Nowadays there are no conversion taxes whatsoever anyway. There is no real reason behind charging a group of players more because you take the payment in EUR instead of USD. I heaven't seen different prices in internet stores selling their products in USD. The price is converted to the currency you'd like to pay with, so the price varies everytime you buy the same product, but is at least equal or close to equal.


Please, don't start telling me, what to do. I choose, what to do and pay for the choices I want to make. I bought this game and would like to play it, it's my choice. As the law states the company has to provide me with the goods they sold me/rented to me. It's not Bioware's choice to tell me, what I'm suppose to do right now. I'd also expect them to pay for the "fun" I have while not playing the game because of the unnecessary maintenance.


Last but not least - I don't believe you can be so gullible. I have no idea how such a person could survive 15 minutes outside. There are literally tons upon tons of people, who want to cheat you or steal from you. I can't believe you'd just "believe they saw something you didn't". But let's assume you didn't (for just a second). You ask them if the repairs were really necessary. They don't answer in any way. Just keep silent. You see a lot of other customers asking the same question. There's a wall of silence. Would you then start complaining? Or do they really have to sell you something that doesn't even exist for you to start?






well since its saturday, I wouldn't expect much of anything..


Believe me I know there are people who want to cheat me out of money but if I find out they do, I have the power to fight back...This shoe company has never given me a reason to doubt them and I am loyal to them because they have always given me a quality product.


You are never gaurenteed the service will be up...Your 15 dollars allows you to play the game when Bioware allows you to. They can bring the servers down when they like for whatever reason they like.


You have no right to say the downtime wasn't necessary. You don't know how necessary it was and only Bioware does. If it fixed exploits, they might not say anything...if it only fixed the disconnect issue, enough people must have been having it to be gamebreaking. You're really whinning over having less than 20 cents of downtime...Okay, Bioware, pay him his 20 cents.

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Read the patchnotes. Find a critical update. Post it. I'll agree with you then. I read the patchnotes. There's nothing critical there. Not one thing.





The patch addressed the "players crashing to character selection screen bug" That had popped up? While not completely game wrecking it was still a critical enough issue to be given high priority as a crash bug and deployed as soon as a fix was involved.


Or am I missing some thing obvious here? Most games a crash bug = patch it now. (Both because of the amount of frustration it has on players, and because some really clever weasels can often turn a crash bug into an item dupe bug).

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Well I for one kept getting kicked to the character select screen over the past few days for no apparent reason. Usually just while walking around rather than triggering anything. Hence this 'emergency' patch makes a hell of a difference to me.


Stop being so damn selfish just because an issue doesn't concern you.

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Unless you work for Bioware (in which case you wouldn't be posting here with issues about this) how can you say that they "waited"? For all you or I know, this could have been an issue that didn't even have anything directly to do with the game. This could have been an issue with their authentication servers, or their internal tools may have gone haywire. Yes, those two both have a huge impact on the game itself without being directly related to the game itself.


The maintenance took time in normal hours (which is US off peak time). It's not a coincidence. They already did an emergency patch fixing Ilum and it was done in a totally different part of the day. They actually waited, no doubt about that. The emergency was counted in days, not hours.


If they somehow screwed something up with their server architecture it would be really nice for them to inform us, that this emergency maintenance is connected to their servers, that have issues, that need to be addressed. It would also be really nice for them to say, that since they need to bring their servers down on saturday they're going to give everyone a free day. We all understand emergency procedures.




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Thirded. :3


I'm guessing the entitlement comes with being the customer and paying for a service not provided.


I'm personally angry about the disregard shown to the EU customer base in general with the poor maintenance scheduling but doing my best to remain mature about it!

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