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Predict SWTOR's lifetime.


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Way too early to tell.


On the one hand, SWTOR has a stunning start in terms of content - story arcs, voice acting, environment. On the other hand, SWTOR has some surprising issues in terms of mechanics - large swathes of missing functionality, bugs in existing functionality.


The next few months will tell the tale, as BioWare continues to roll out the missing functionality and fix the bugs in the existing functionality. I'm hoping that this game is around for a very long time, personally, once they finish it.

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I don't understand posts like this.


Also, to everyone stoked about GW2, I look forward to reading your flame posts about how terrible it is when it's released, and your prediction of the next over-hyped MMO that will be amazingly better than it.

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I don't understand posts like this.


Also, to everyone stoked about GW2, I look forward to reading your flame posts about how terrible it is when it's released, and your prediction of the next over-hyped MMO that will be amazingly better than it.


Secret World? :D:D:D:D:D:D:D

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That is very difficult. The game will last for a long time regardless of whether I think it is good or bad.


What are the interesting questions, though?


Will it be a breakaway success that will rival the success level of WoW?


Will it make back its money and turn a profit?


I think right now there are some issues severe enough with the game that will keep it from growing a bigger and bigger player base and ending up being an "mmo hit".


That said, if they can aggressively communicate that they will handle those challenges to its success (combat responsiveness, customization and in game tools, etc), and actually DO that while not sacrificing TOO much the roll out of new game content... then they at least would have done everything they needed to do to eventually be a breakout success. Some would argue releasing the game in this state already cost them that possibility, but I am not so sure.


More realistically, they will not achieve the daunting goals that *I believe* they have to accomplish. Consequently, it will be a numbers game for the company. They will have to at some point (maybe a year down the road) look at flexible solutions for maintaining monthly profitability. This will include:


- a reduced staff working on scaled down content releases intended to keep the game somewhat fresh while not breaking their budget


- alternative income streams through extra game purchases or maybe even some idea of micro-transactions


- free to play


The company won't throw away everything if the current model they are using can't turn a profit. They will simply find a way to make it turn a profit. Then it will be on their balance sheets as a revenue stream. That's not really "making it big" in the MMO world, though.

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Secret World? :D:D:D:D:D:D:D


FYI: The Secret World will have absolutely no PvP. Without PvP it will flop, and coming from Funcom, doesn't look promising at all considering all their mmorpg's sucked hardcore and flopped on a massive scale in the past.



When I heard it from th developer on their forums, I was quite shocked considering Age of Conan flopping. I always ask myself when will Funcom wise up?!. I guess they don't care. lol.

Edited by SWGVet
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FYI: The Secret World will have absolutely no PvP. Without PvP it will flop, and coming from Funcom, doesn't look promising at all considering all their mmorpg's sucked hardcore and flopped on a massive scale in the past.



When I heard it from th developer on their forums, I was quite shocked considering Age of Conan flopping. I always ask myself when will Funcom wise up?!. lol.


That was my point. FuncomLOL


They seriously just need to shut down. They offer nothing good.

Edited by Jaick
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If SWG can survive as long as it did with what was left of its players. SWTOR will be around for even longer.

Id say look for this one to be going good untill the next Star wars MMO comes out and they shut this down to make everyone move to the new one.

As long as this is the only Star Wars MMO, it will stay going.


As for player base. I would say they will probably lose a good chunk when it comes time to either quit or pay.

I will still be here as Im having a blast. But there are people that made this the perfect MMORPG in their minds and of course are disapointed when it isnt.

Edited by kasanth
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If SWG can survive as long as it did with what was left of its players. SWTOR will be around for even longer.

Id say look for this one to be going good untill the next Star wars MMO comes out abd they shut this down to make everyone move to the new one.

As long as thei is the only Star Wars MMO, it will stay going.


As for player base. I would say they will probably lose a good chunk when it comes time to either quit or pay.

I will still be here as Im having a blast. but there are people that made this the perfect MMORPG in their minds and of course are disapointed when it isnt.


Also considering TOR has developers that actually CARE about the game.

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How long will it be running? Probably years.


How long will it have over a million unique players? About 23 more days.


How long will it be in the top-3 most popular MMO's? Until GW2 comes out.

Edited by Mannic
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Can you name more than 5 MMOs that have been closed down in the past 10 years?


It will be around as long as there are people willing to pay for it and it remains profitable.


Asherons Call 2, Tabula Rasa, Shadowbane, SWG, Matrix Online, Anarchy Online, Neocron, vehicle MMO I forget the name.. etc etc etc


A ton of MMORPGs die..

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How long will it be running? Probably years.


How long will it have over a million unique players? About 23 more days.


How long will it be in the top-3 most popular MMO's? Until GW2 comes out.


This made me laugh. GW2 lol.

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