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How did I miss my romance with Andronikos Revel and can I fix it?


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So I seem to have managed to completely miss out on anything that looks like a romance option with Revel. If I check online, my outcomes to quests like "Fun" are not romantic.


No kissing, no flirting, no nothing.


I'm at level 45, 9k affection and have completed every quest with him save for, what I think, is the last one.


Either I ganked a response or I did something wrong.



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So I seem to have managed to completely miss out on anything that looks like a romance option with Revel. If I check online, my outcomes to quests like "Fun" are not romantic.


No kissing, no flirting, no nothing.


I'm at level 45, 9k affection and have completed every quest with him save for, what I think, is the last one.


Either I ganked a response or I did something wrong.




Might just need to increase his affection to max first. There are both level AND affection requirements for most companion quests, which means you must be close.


I don't remember at exactly what point, but yes they do get it on! :eek: (assuming you have a female character that is lol)

Edited by JohnSixteen
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Female toon.


As for the defining moment, if there was one, I have no idea what it was. I took every flirt option I had, but they just stopped popping up as options.


You are female toon right? Did you decline any flirt options the game seems to have defining moments and the wrong choice and your screwed with Ashara it seems the Jedi visit not sure with Andi sorry.
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Female toon.


As for the defining moment, if there was one, I have no idea what it was. I took every flirt option I had, but they just stopped popping up as options.


Have you read his quest on torhead? They have all his main ones he is involved in. Also did you allow him to kill that other guy??



Edited by LordbishopX
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Female toon.


As for the defining moment, if there was one, I have no idea what it was. I took every flirt option I had, but they just stopped popping up as options.




That's a list of quests available with Andronikus. If you click on the quests and then click on his name it'll show conversations and the points they reward. You can go over some of the convos you've already had with him and see if you possibly missed something. Try to avoid spoilers though but at 45 and 9000 affection there shouldn't be much left to spoil.


At 45 and 9000+ affection I'd think you did miss something and broke the romance line. You never know, it's possible Andro likes his girls to play hard to get and you were too easy. I'm a guy playing a female toon so I just denied every advance he's made, not sure if the line is broken as well, I haven't gotten his affection up anywhere near yours.

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Have you tried courting gifts? I don't know if that's it or not, just a suggestion.


I got it on with him when my affection was around 5k, took all the flirt options, never said Sith-y things to him. After we had "fun" and I gave him a courting gift he started pursuing me for more date type things.

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Yep, I checked the quest list. Seems like this is where something went strange.




I said "sith things"and the quest showed as complete.


Well, if nothing else, I feel better knowing it was likely a glitch.


Oh...ouch. Yeah, I said something flirtatious like "Do you have something interesting in mind?" and to the bedroom we went. That opened up the romance.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd love to know if I can fix this as well because I'm getting the "cold shoulder" too from Andy with my fem Sorc.


BioW.. answer please?


Oh, also, his reaction to a "courting" gift is negative or non-commital



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It appears that you have to immediately start the flirting and sleep with him as soon as you have the opportunity or you lose out. Kind of annoying, but I guess that's just in his nature.


I wonder if putting in a ticket to have a GM reset all conversations would work? Or just back to that one where it went awry.

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DaFoxx -


It was the quest "fun". He asked what I did for fun, and last time I chose something other than "What did you have in mind" which is, it seems, the flirty answer.


But, yeah, I actually build a second SI in order to level up and do the quest to get my romance.


LOL I'm addicted.


If they reset your quests, please please please let me know because I could go back to my other SI.

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hm too bad for you. andronikus and my sorc had fun in the late 20's :)


i let him kill that guy, i never shocked him, i made him captain of my ship, i let him kiss her/ took him to her bedroom :D and ever since shes really nice to her, giving her a personal gift and stuff


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Three days now and still have an open ticket. /sigh. :(


I hope we can get a romance reset. I'm getting squat from Aric Jorgan and he's maxed out on affection. I didn't select any of the flirt options for RP reasons and now it looks like my character is forever alone. I guess my character needed to act more like a drunk sorority girl in order to get some love. =/


Pretty please, Bioware! Allow romance line resets! It'd be a cruel joke forcing people to completely start from scratch just to get it.

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I opened a ticket regarding this as well and was given a standard answer and told


"The romantic option will be made throughout your conversation with him"


Then they said something about not being able to give spoilers and finished by telling me


"I advise you gain more affection with him so that you can have the romantic option"


I have over 8500 with him! I have seen people with less begin the romantic option...I don't understand :(

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Okay, took CS eight days to come back and tell me it was not possible to have his affection reset so that I could get the "romance" part corrected. At least that is what I think they said. It was difficult to tell with how it was worded. /cry


I guess we can only pray that, in an expansion somewhere down the road, that there may be an option to "rekindle" something with him. /sigh


/lonely Sorc in space

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