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Gunnery spec or Assault spec for solo?


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Okay, I'm usually solo, and currently level 29, and so far I've been assault specced all the way, but even if I have Dorne healing me, fights with elites are a toss up about whether I survive. I don't have this problem on my sage, and she's dps with healing from Cedrax. I've tried elites in different combinations - me with Jorgan for his dps, me with 4x for his tankage, and me with Dorne for her healing. I don't know if the problem is my skill rotation, my spec, or what? So any info about which spec would be better in this problem, or soloing in general, would be helpful.
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I am a level 40 gunnery spec and so can't offer you much in terms of assault advice but I do know that gunnery is the preferred class for pve by most. I run with dorne and pretty much only die when I do something really wrong ie pull two mobs at once or don't pull aggro quickly enough from dorne. Edited by LocoFuzzyPants
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I am 46 myself, and using the Gunnery tree, as the mate above me said, u have to do rly something wrong to end up dying with Elara as companion, such as pull 3 elites, but I morelikely did it, cause thought I would b able to manage it.... I also try to keep the gear of Elara updated, cause she is the one that I always bring with me. When I hit 50 I´ll try to gear up the rest of the companions.


About Assault spec, just tried it for a couple of hours, and had to reespecc again to Gunnery, mainly cause I found assault starving in ammo, maybe is just that I should l2p with that specc,


So for me deffo go Gunnery, u got several post around in this forum about priority shots and rotations, so just check them.

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I've played both. Since I PvP a lot, I've ended up just staying assault spec. I'm on Hoth, and can live through two packs of mobs simultaneously attacking me. The advantage of assault is mobility. However, you will run into situations where you need to los, cc, etc. etc.


A few tips for assault:

1) use concussive round for cc.

2) make use of Elara's carbonized stream, don't attack a frozen target.

3) Even with only green gear, Elara can keep herself alive. Let her tank a mob occasionally.

4) don't go crazy with incendiary round, manage your ammo.

5) in a pull with a strong mob and a weak mob or two, kill the weak mobs first.

6) use recharge power cells whenever you can.

7) make use of defensive cds such as no retreat and reactive shield often.

8) you can heal yourself, and please do.


Hope this helped, and good luck! :).

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gunnery is far better. dots on mobs is a waste of time. incendiary is one of the weakest attacks in the game(with a high cost) and only used so you can use high impact bolt, another ability weaker than grav round. the plasma stance has a low chance of applyng unless you're using hammer shot, which is very low dps.


assault is for a little more mobility, which is not needed in pve.

Edited by zeroburrito
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About Assault spec, just tried it for a couple of hours, and had to reespecc again to Gunnery, mainly cause I found assault starving in ammo, maybe is just that I should l2p with that specc,


The only thing you should be spamming as assault is Hammer Shot.


9% extra damage because you're hitting a burning target

16% chance of a 1k DoT + 2s of 50% slow (use to kite)


The DoT from that has a increased crit chance all the time plus a 30% dmg boost on a target below 30% health.


Gunnery has a weak Hammer Shot so they almost entirely rely on cast attacks.



You use that when Assault Plastique, HiB, Full Auto, Stockstrike, Plasma Grenade and Hail of Bolts are on CD (whichever is relevant for the target).



If you want to spam Charged Bolt, well you can but Gunnery is better at turreting and more effective because of Grav Round and their ammo regen abilities.


Assault doesn't use ammo as much but it can and does use its improved Hammer Shot instead.



As Assault til level 50 I know it's just fine for your class missions and all missions you get too.



For HM FP it's fine too.


For HM/NM Operations there is a legit argument that Gunnery is better because a def debuff benefits the team while fire benefits only you (unless the other dps and tank are assault troopers).


In PVP Gunnery and Assault have different roles and you have to play very differently. Both are very usable.




Also, Elara Dorne all the time.




*stats given are from my L50 Commando.

Edited by Gyronamics
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Okay, I'm usually solo, and currently level 29, and so far I've been assault specced all the way, but even if I have Dorne healing me, fights with elites are a toss up about whether I survive. I don't have this problem on my sage, and she's dps with healing from Cedrax. I've tried elites in different combinations - me with Jorgan for his dps, me with 4x for his tankage, and me with Dorne for her healing. I don't know if the problem is my skill rotation, my spec, or what? So any info about which spec would be better in this problem, or soloing in general, would be helpful.


Well I'm by no stretch of the imagination an expert but I'll offer my two cents...


I am Gunnery spec and have used Elara from the day I got her and I have soloed 100%.


I admit that in the first 10-30 levels I would die every now and then because I couldn't handle the situation. But I read everything I can here on this forum and try to learn. And since then I have gotten better and now at level 48 the only time I die is if I make a terrible mistake. Otherwise I storm through Elites 2-3 levels above me with no issue.


It all comes down to knowing your best abilities and using them; exploiting the mob's vulnerabilities, and sticking to your rotation.


Be patient, have fun and know that it gets better... WAY better! :D

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I leveled to 50 going gunnery the whole way and had no problems really. By Hoth I could solo a champion level mob and strongs and elites were no problem at all. With Concussion round I could even take out Elite adds while fighting other groups. Elara all the way.



Gyro's post from the assault perspective seems spot on for them though, and it really does seem like a totally different way to play it.

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