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*Please* let me watch the action -- let me click on their models to target


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This works, like, 1 in 5 times. It's horribly broken.


This is a huge quality of life issue. I grow tired of staring at my party health UI frame and missing out on the fun.


I once read a post from a healer on the forums of the game-which-must-not-be-named stating that he honestly did not know what many of the raid bosses he'd killed looked like. That's not what you want for your players, is it?


Now, there may not be a way to position yourself in an operation so that you can see everyone's overhead health bars, but you certainly can in a flashpoint, and that is what I'd like to do.

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In traditional MMO's like this one you won't really be able to do that. Their intention isn't for healer's to be doing that so I doubt they'd take the time to figure out how to make that easier to do. Although I would suggest you check out TERA because that's exactly what healer's do in that game. In fact there's no traditional tab targeting at all in that game. Even the DPS have to use their mouse targeting reticule to target stuff and skills in that game are based around the fact that you'll be doing that. I hope people don't hate on me but if that's the style you want, I honestly say register for the Tera beta. Game looks like it's going to be really fun.


My only suggestion would be to turn on nameplates but it sounds like you already did that. Other than that, targeting the player models is really hard in this game but I don't think they're going to fix it. Or actually you could move the Ops frame to the middle of your screen. So while you'll still have to click on it, at least you'll be able to keep your eye on the action as much as possible instead of moving your eye all around. :\

Edited by Leiloni
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I agree with the OP. Targeting someone by clicking on their model is way to finicky. Sometimes it works, most of the times it does not. Does not make sense for the user. In Wow you target what you click on, that's it.


Of course in WoW you also have neat nameplates that don't overlap, can be clicked easily and plenty of mods to modify them to your liking.

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That is not some new issue. The problem is not with the game, it's with the players. People are constantly moving and that means pinning down their location is a real pain in the ***, both for the server and your cursor. It's even more problematic because you are working on a plane. You need to remember that 2 people can occupy the same space on your screen but me meters apart becauses they are rendered on a 2D surface.



If you turn their health bars on you can keep track of their HP while looking at the boss and if you increase the size of the operation frames you will be fine

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This works, like, 1 in 5 times. It's horribly broken.


This is a huge quality of life issue. I grow tired of staring at my party health UI frame and missing out on the fun.


I once read a post from a healer on the forums of the game-which-must-not-be-named stating that he honestly did not know what many of the raid bosses he'd killed looked like. That's not what you want for your players, is it?


Now, there may not be a way to position yourself in an operation so that you can see everyone's overhead health bars, but you certainly can in a flashpoint, and that is what I'd like to do.


Use full zoom u see everyone even using health frames much bettr since is all infront of u. If u zoom all the way in and move frames to just off center u see all rad members in ur view and boss very well just gotta get used to it. When ur zoomerd out ur lookin down at ur toon and te frames so u gota be eye level or u wont see either way. Zoom in all the way.

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That is not some new issue. The problem is not with the game, it's with the players. People are constantly moving and that means pinning down their location is a real pain in the ***, both for the server and your cursor. It's even more problematic because you are working on a plane. You need to remember that 2 people can occupy the same space on your screen but me meters apart becauses they are rendered on a 2D surface.



If you turn their health bars on you can keep track of their HP while looking at the boss and if you increase the size of the operation frames you will be fine


Sounds like a problem with the game not the player.

Lag will always exist, it is up to the game designers to come up with solutions to minimize its impact on the player. If they can't figure out how to make a user friendly game then no matter how complex and interesting their game is it will not be fun to play simply because interacting with the game is an annoyance for the player.


No matter how much you pretend like clicking on people is inferior to using raid frames, there are many situations where it is far more effective. For example in a hutball group where you don't know the name of everyone, and have no idea who actually has the ball but can see their character it is much easier to just click the character and heal than to read their name (Which can be challenging at times with all the titles), figure where they are on raid frame and start healing them.

Edited by SageLaL
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I don't ever try to click on the characters to target them. That's not a problem.


My problem, my only real serious beef, is trying to decipher the character names in the Operants windows from the Nameplates with SEVERAL BILLION TITLES all confusing me. There is too much of a delay to me trying to sort out the <name> from the <title>.



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That is not some new issue. The problem is not with the game, it's with the players. People are constantly moving and that means pinning down their location is a real pain in the ***, both for the server and your cursor. It's even more problematic because you are working on a plane. You need to remember that 2 people can occupy the same space on your screen but me meters apart becauses they are rendered on a 2D surface.



If you turn their health bars on you can keep track of their HP while looking at the boss and if you increase the size of the operation frames you will be fine


It's about this game. Other games it's much easier to get a click target, this is a bigger issue for me in PvP but target clicking is very finicky in this game. It's use raid frame or tab select or target assist to find the heal target. The click from mass range whill approaching a fight is much more dificult to achieve. Not really sure why. Click target and bounce target of target being the work around to get ont he right person.


letting me move my target from the bootom of the screen to a higher level would also be a huge huge plus for enjoyment for me.

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