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Are Marauders/Sentinels the strongest class on full potentional?


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Don't know if lying/trolling or just pompous windbag. Probably combination of the two, especially with that last line. A good portion of my warzones, *no one* tops 300k, simply because one side or another wins too fast.


If no one breaks 300k in the majority of your warzones, then your server doesn't have good players. Sorry, but that's the truth, like it or not. I rarely ever see anyone play even close to their class potential, on ANY class.


And no sorry, I'm not "lying/trolling" or a "pompous windbag", these are just facts. Good players can break 300k in any dps spec on any class in the majority of their games. Even in a 3cap Alderaan, there is plenty of time to get 300k or close to it.

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I don't mess up my rotations, and I use my focus wisely. I hardly ever forget to use cooldowns when they are up.


I only premade with my 1 soundrel friend, so I have no healer on me either. If i had a dedicated healer, I would be doing more damage. I am also positive that if I had a full set of battlemaster gear, I could break 600k.


Even with perfect rotations, it is near impossible to kill a GOOD/geared heal specced merc/commando 1v1. In fact I think that if they played as best as the class allows, it is 100% impossible for them to die in a 1v1 situation. If I could change anything about this game, it is healing in PvP.


Heals aren't a problem. Heals out of heavy armor in a class with some cc and MASSIVE ranged damage is a huge problem. This seems blindingly obvious but for a different thread. I have to say your claim of 600k in BM gear is amazing. I've never seen ANY class in any WZ do more than around 480k and those were people absolutely in the zone playing at their peak.


Do you stream or put up youtube videos? I'd love to see your game if you're anywhere near as good as you claim. Heck I'd like to see some 500k+ screenshots from a sent.

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I want to add that even this 483k game: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZzvhacEdZY


was put out by the same sent who gave us this game: http://youtu.be/563WqR2Ls3g


Admittedly the first was twice as long but this shows that even a guy who can have a close to 500k game has bad ones. His other game I found and I haven't scoured his site or anything just clicked on the sidebar, was around 165k.


My point is this guy has bad games and average games and clearly his 483k was an anomaly or else all his videos would be that high. I just find some of these huge claims to be hard to believe with out screenshots or youtube videos or something. I believe it can be done and possibly consistently, but quite a few folks are claiming 400k+ range on average and yet I've never seen anything like that from a sent/marauder. My server isn't as populated as the Fat Man or Swift Sure, but one would think one of our sent's/marauders would be hitting those kind of numbers. It's a PvP server.


Can anyone point me to more screenshots and video's where people are putting up those kind of numbers against 50's? (ie 1.1 and later).

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I want to add that even this 483k game: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZzvhacEdZY


was put out by the same sent who gave us this game: http://youtu.be/563WqR2Ls3g


Admittedly the first was twice as long but this shows that even a guy who can have a close to 500k game has bad ones. His other game I found and I haven't scoured his site or anything just clicked on the sidebar, was around 165k.


My point is this guy has bad games and average games and clearly his 483k was an anomaly or else all his videos would be that high. I just find some of these huge claims to be hard to believe with out screenshots or youtube videos or something. I believe it can be done and possibly consistently, but quite a few folks are claiming 400k+ range on average and yet I've never seen anything like that from a sent/marauder. My server isn't as populated as the Fat Man or Swift Sure, but one would think one of our sent's/marauders would be hitting those kind of numbers. It's a PvP server.


Can anyone point me to more screenshots and video's where people are putting up those kind of numbers against 50's? (ie 1.1 and later).


Oh look, barely anyone over 150k. Must be a bunch of bad players on that server.


*fist pump/chest level*

Edited by McVade
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Heals aren't a problem. Heals out of heavy armor in a class with some cc and MASSIVE ranged damage is a huge problem. This seems blindingly obvious but for a different thread. I have to say your claim of 600k in BM gear is amazing. I've never seen ANY class in any WZ do more than around 480k and those were people absolutely in the zone playing at their peak.


Do you stream or put up youtube videos? I'd love to see your game if you're anywhere near as good as you claim. Heck I'd like to see some 500k+ screenshots from a sent.


I would like to stream, however I talk to friends/girlfriend 90% of the time that I am playing and don't want my skype convos showing up on stream, so I either have to stream with 0 sound or figure out a way to have xsplit not pick up skype. If you know of a way to do this, then I will gladly stream.


Here is a screenshot from like 2 hours ago



I don't average 500k, but I do average between 300k and 400k. I don't think that I have ever had a full game where I did under 200k damage since I hit 50 (besides messing around with hybrid spec). In the screenshot, you can also see that I did a ton of healing. Proper use of cooldowns and self heals give sentinel's extreme longetivity, even if your team has no healers (which most of my teams don't).


Also, that game finished my WZ daily, and from it I got my BM mainhand :)

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I would like to stream, however I talk to friends/girlfriend 90% of the time that I am playing and don't want my skype convos showing up on stream, so I either have to stream with 0 sound or figure out a way to have xsplit not pick up skype. If you know of a way to do this, then I will gladly stream.


Here is a screenshot from like 2 hours ago



I don't average 500k, but I do average between 300k and 400k. I don't think that I have ever had a full game where I did under 200k damage since I hit 50 (besides messing around with hybrid spec). In the screenshot, you can also see that I did a ton of healing. Proper use of cooldowns and self heals give sentinel's extreme longetivity, even if your team has no healers (which most of my teams don't).


Also, that game finished my WZ daily, and from it I got my BM mainhand :)


Interesting, especially your keybindings. Few questions:


1. Some Watchman don't even have Slash on their keyboards. How often do you actually use that?


2. Do you Bladestorm often, or just to catch runners.


3. What's your basic rotation going into battle (I know it changes based on what's happening)


4. Riposite doesn't seem to be there. Am I just missing it or is it off your bars?


5. Can you post/link your exact spec?

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A great sentinel is worse than a great X. A Master Sentinel is better than a Master x.


Basically this. Below the 60% mark, sentinels are just not viable. From the 60-80% marks, sentinels are viable, but at a disadvantage. At the 80-90% mark, Sentinels can wreck havoc, but those players might do better on one of the less-complex classes. At the 90-99% mark, Vanguards/Powertechs are the only class that can compete with us in raw power. At that 99th percentile, the class is unrivaled.


Is that a problem? Not entirely. However, the problem is created by it being a Jedi class that has this. If it was any of the non-Force ACs, Bioware would be able to keep it this way. Since they combined "Flashy","Iconic", "Complex", and "Hard", they're going to have to either endure through massive amounts of "It's too hard!" or they're going to have to cave and destroy one of the most fun classes I've ever seen in an MMO. Kind of like wishing the sun won't come up in wishing that this class won't get dumbed down. Just once I'd like to see a developer straighten their spine and say "Hard is not bad".

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Interesting, especially your keybindings. Few questions:


1. Some Watchman don't even have Slash on their keyboards. How often do you actually use that?


2. Do you Bladestorm often, or just to catch runners.


3. What's your basic rotation going into battle (I know it changes based on what's happening)


4. Riposite doesn't seem to be there. Am I just missing it or is it off your bars?


5. Can you post/link your exact spec?


1) I use slash extremely often. I don't know why any watchman wouldn't use it.


2) I use bladestorm if my enemy is out of meelee range, leap is on cooldown, and they are above 20% hp


3) My rotation is very situation-specific but the main goal is just to get 3 stacks of saber + cauterize up asap. With all the CC and knockback in this game, getting dots up before your opponent gains some distance is the most important part of having consistent dps. This is why I prefer watchman over combat.


4) riposte is 100% useless imo so no, I don't use it


5) I'll think about it ;)


Another complaint with the current PvP system is certain classes get screwed on medals, sentinel being one of them. I've only gotten a 5k single hit medal as focus/combat, I only get healing medals as watchman, and well we can't guard players to get defense medals. I have only hit 10 medals once on my sentinel, and average 7 or 8. On my shadow, I was averaging 10 - 11 medals in the 30s and 40s.

Edited by Sandoichi
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If you're *not* talking 1v1, I would go as far as saying we're bottom of the list, with exception to DPS Guardians/Juggernauts. You'll bust your ***, mastering 35-40 keybindings, and unless you're on a dedicated premade with a pocket tank+healer, you're going to finish middle of the road damage and go pretty much unsung more often than not.


For an unsupported Sentinel to do a ton of damage, the stars kinda have to align just right. It happens for some people and they take a screenshot and post it here as definitive proof the class is fine. The proof is in the pudding though: if every Trooper or Smuggler or Consular posted a screenshot of them topping damage, the bandwidth on the SWTOR would crash. For them, it's expected.


Only one Warzone I've ever played, have I seen a Sentinel/Marauder top damage. A single one. I think that's compelling proof that this class is really lackluster for most in a team environment.


"Incoming defense: So I don't top meters. I just win games. QQ moar baddie."


Yes, and you can do that with any other class too, with the added benefit of working half as hard AND topping meters AND getting recognition. How's this a defense?


while its true, to master this class u have to learn a sh*t ton of keys.... but i fear no class other then OPs 1v1..... and i LOVE 1v1s against republic players in hutt-ball.


its rare that a 1v1 will anger or fustrate me.... i love my SENT.^^

Edited by hoantran
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Good job there not coming off as an elitist. Have fun reading my future posts :D

Unless you plan to man up and just ignore me....... nah lol that won't happen.


I see, your answer to people disagreeing and arguing against you is begging them to ignore you and letting you go around with your little propaganda without any opposition.


I could ignore you, but even if I did, would you shut up? Certainly not. If I ignore you, does that mean the others won't catch up on your little game? Surely not either.

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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Good sents/maras are imo one of the top classes. Sure its a hard learning curve but if you take the time to get good you should become one of the most feared people on your server. Im rank 57 and as watchmen am almost always #1 dps while still doing objectives. 300K+ in 70% of games, almost all games if full length.
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So do you think a Watchman/Annihilation Sentinel/Marauder could be the strongest and best pvp class in game on full potentional compared to other classes who are also being played on full potentional




Once you are geared to 900~ mainhand damage, 30%~ surge and 500+ expertise you are capable of soloing anyone.

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I see, your answer to people disagreeing and arguing against you is begging them to ignore you and letting you go around with your little propaganda without any opposition.


I could ignore you, but even if I did, would you shut up? Certainly not. If I ignore you, does that mean the others won't catch up on your little game? Surely not either.


Begging them to ignore me? no I'm open to debate. Your trying to tell us that things are fine please move along. You're welcome to that opinion. However, going around telling people to can it is stupid. You should read the forums guidelines then come back.


I think thats funny you say I'm spreading propaganda when really its a consensus, maybe one you don't agree with and you don't have to. And I haven't seen anyone who hasn't reacted strongly to a post I've made so saying I'm doing it without any opposition is silly. I commented you should ignore me since you find me aggravating.


Now if I get the idea your simply going after me rather then stating your a opinion on a subject and start to make personal attacks, i will flag you for harassment and/or trolling. That is a warning you can believe.

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Whoever thinks that sentinels finish "middle of the road" damage in warzones is just terrible at the class.


In short games I break 300k damage 90% of the time, and in long games I can break 500k. I'm ALWAYS first or second on the damage list. The only person who can stay on par with my dps is my scoundrel friend.


And no, I'm not super geared either. Last game I did 502k damage with a centurion mainhand, champ offhand, and 5x orange armors.


Sentinel doesn't need a buff at all. Bugs need fixed, but other than that, people need to learn to play.


Also to the guy that thinks dps guardians do bad damage.. LOL! A focus guardian can break 400k by punching his keyboard.


This guy is an obvious Liar or his server is the worst geared server in SWTOR. Although I have no problems with the class and think once you have learned your abilities your are competitive..... There is no way someone running around this poorly geared is doing this kind of damage. Multiple Screen shots or didn't happen.


One thing to be proud of the class you play another thing to lie about your statistics to try to prove a point.

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This guy is an obvious Liar or his server is the worst geared server in SWTOR. Although I have no problems with the class and think once you have learned your abilities your are competitive..... There is no way someone running around this poorly geared is doing this kind of damage. Multiple Screen shots or didn't happen.


One thing to be proud of the class you play another thing to lie about your statistics to try to prove a point.


Liar? Worst geared server in SWTOR? Lol. I play on republic and the empire on my server has a massive guild and many others that all rushed to 50 and got geared really fast. I had to fight their premades in the majority of my matches. I also mained a shadow until the first week of January so when I rerolled my sent, I was very far behind everyone in gear. I already posted my 500k screenshot from yesterday. You want me to take screenshots of being #1 in damage all the time with 300k+? When I rolled my sentinel alt in the first week of January I was hitting 150k-200k+ damage starting in the teens in combat spec. I don't have screenshots of that (because its not a big deal), but I do have a screenshot of my shadow at lvl 14 doing over 220k damage in the last week of December if you want that.


Honestly the PvP community in this game is so sub-par. This kind of mindset is why everyone cries that sentinel is underpowered. Just because you don't know how to play the class and don't want to take the time to learn how does not mean it is underpowered.


If you are only doing 100k damage every game then you are either:

1) Being lazy, not putting effort into playing

2) Not taking the time to learn a good rotation

3) Your spec sucks

4) You sit on objectives all game that no enemies come to

5) You do not possess the skill level needed to be successful in PvP


Take the time to learn and understand the class before posting that it sucks.

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If you are only doing 100k damage every game then you are either:

1) Being lazy, not putting effort into playing

2) Not taking the time to learn a good rotation

3) Your spec sucks

4) You sit on objectives all game that no enemies come to

5) You do not possess the skill level needed to be successful in PvP


Most Jedi Knights/Sith Warriors I see do not break 100k. I do, and when I do, I'm usually the top Jedi Knight/Sith Warrior melee DPS in the warfront.


BTW: Last Tracer Spamming Merc I encountered, I kicked and he spent 3 seconds backpedalling and finally basic attacking me once. He had 325k damage at the end.


Even an elitist like you has to acknowledge something isn't quite right here.

Edited by McVade
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I was 2.5k short of breaking 600k about a week ago. In almost every match I'm in I usually hit 350k+ and often get 400k matches with perhaps once a day to every other day getting a 500k match. All situational and I dont pad my dps.


Now that said, I promise you that powertechs and vanguards are stronger. End of story. If you think otherwise you've never played a good one. I'm arguably the best sentinel on my server of Space Slug. Everyone knows me and everyone knows on our server that troopers/BH are OP. Its that simple. Powertechs in particular are insain and I'll see them usually pull 20% high scores than me on a regular basis. Better survival and better damage. How can anyone call that anything other than OP? Its the only class capable of taking down a guildys sage healer solo. No one else on our server can. All the top players have tried and hes proven time and time again to be the best sage on our server.


This isnt a troll thread - this is just reporting what I've seen. Sentinels are not number 1. I'd say number 3 behind vanguard/powertechs on terms of pvp with perhaps a fantastic operative matching them. I've gone back and forth against operatives and those fights generally come down to who starts first and if you can get a dot off before they try to invis. Even still, I've beat our best operative even when they opened up on me.

Edited by Detcelfer
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Most Jedi Knights/Sith Warriors I see do not break 100k. I do, and when I do, I'm usually the top Jedi Knight/Sith Warrior melee DPS in the warfront.


BTW: Last Tracer Spamming Merc I encountered, I kicked and he spent 3 seconds backpedalling and finally basic attacking me once. He had 325k damage at the end.


Even an elitist like you has to acknowledge something isn't quite right here.


Ranged classes will get high damage quick if they are free to cast. Read what you just said. As soon as you went on him, he backpedalled then auto attacked. If you focused him the entire game, you would have out damaged him. In warzones, I ALWAYS go after ranged classes first.


Look at my screenshot, I doubled/tripled every other person's damage except the guy in second place. Fourth place was another sentinel, but on the losing team (either combat or focus spec). This was in voidstar where everyone is fighting constantly, except for maybe 1 or 2 guys who sit on the door that isn't getting zerged. On my server, knights/warriors are top 5 damage often (usually focus guardians/juggernauts).


I get numbers because I usually have no down time other than being stuck in spawn. I constantly am on their ranged dps/healers, and if there's none left then I go for the meelee. As soon as my target dies, I am immediately on the next without time wasted. In Alderaan I rotate constantly between points because I know that I am the best DPS my team has and it is a waste for me to guard points (though it does still happen a lot where everyone leaves a node I am on and have no choice but to stay). Huttball will be your lowest damage warzone simply because of how easy it is for every other class to get away from you with the obstacles, but I still find myself breaking 300k often on it (if I'm not carrying the ball all game).


I'm not an elitist, I'm just tired of people whining about how much a class sucks when they just don't put in the effort to play it. Sure, Sentinel takes more effort to play but it has a much higher reward than any other class in the game.


I watched that 480k sentinel video someone posted a few pages back. To me, that guy looks like a complete average player. His movements/reaction time is very slow, he is very geared, he had a dedicated healer on him 100% of the match and had 0 deaths/downtime, and it looked like he was fighting undergeared people. If he played his class more towards its max potential, then he would have definitely broken 600k that match, maybe close to 700k. There is not a single doubt in my mind about that. Watching him play felt like I was watching the game in slow motion. Maybe its just me, but that seems obvious.


I just got my battlemaster mainhand last night after I took that screenshot, and I am still using my champion offhand. I have 5x orange armors with 3x 56rated mods, 1x 58 rated mod, and the rest 50rated mods. I use bm implants, champion earring, champion relic, datacron relic. I only have around 8% expertise in my current gear. I don't know how much expertise a full bm set offers, but I'm guessing its around 15%. So that is a raw 7% damage increase (among the other stats a bm set would boost) and 7% damage reduction,. If you factor those in to the 500k match I posted..that would be almost 50k dmg increase just from the expertise, probably another 50k or so just from all the strength/power/crit/accuracy and large boost if I had the mainhand that game, and 7% dmg reduction means that I would survive better. So yes, I would say in a bull bm set, I would have definitely hit over 600k that match, probably around 650k.

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I was 2.5k short of breaking 600k about a week ago. In almost every match I'm in I usually hit 350k+ and often get 400k matches with perhaps once a day to every other day getting a 500k match. All situational and I dont pad my dps.


Now that said, I promise you that powertechs and vanguards are stronger. End of story. If you think otherwise you've never played a good one. I'm arguably the best sentinel on my server of Space Slug. Everyone knows me and everyone knows on our server that troopers/BH are OP. Its that simple. Powertechs in particular are insain and I'll see them usually pull 20% high scores than me on a regular basis. Better survival and better damage. How can anyone call that anything other than OP? Its the only class capable of taking down a guildys sage healer solo. No one else on our server can. All the top players have tried and hes proven time and time again to be the best sage on our server.


This isnt a troll thread - this is just reporting what I've seen. Sentinels are not number 1. I'd say number 3 behind vanguard/powertechs on terms of pvp with perhaps a fantastic operative matching them. I've gone back and forth against operatives and those fights generally come down to who starts first and if you can get a dot off before they try to invis. Even still, I've beat our best operative even when they opened up on me.


I have fought good powertechs and mercs (extremely geared ones with 20k+ health) and I still beat them without issue if they don't have someone healing them and my cooldowns are up. A sorcerer/sniper who plays its class to the max potential is more of a threat to a sentinel than a bounty hunter.


What spec are you and what kind of gear do you have? If you really did get 597k damage then post the screenshot as farther support that sentinels don't get bottom damage numbers.

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Honestly the PvP community in this game is so sub-par. This kind of mindset is why everyone cries that sentinel is underpowered. Just because you don't know how to play the class and don't want to take the time to learn how does not mean it is underpowered.


If you are only doing 100k damage every game then you are either:

1) Being lazy, not putting effort into playing

2) Not taking the time to learn a good rotation

3) Your spec sucks

4) You sit on objectives all game that no enemies come to

5) You do not possess the skill level needed to be successful in PvP


Take the time to learn and understand the class before posting that it sucks.



This, this, this and this again.


Sentinel is awsome.

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Most Jedi Knights/Sith Warriors I see do not break 100k. I do, and when I do, I'm usually the top Jedi Knight/Sith Warrior melee DPS in the warfront.


BTW: Last Tracer Spamming Merc I encountered, I kicked and he spent 3 seconds backpedalling and finally basic attacking me once. He had 325k damage at the end.


Even an elitist like you has to acknowledge something isn't quite right here.


Problem is with Tracer Missile/Grav Round, NOT Sentinels. Tracer Missile should be progressively less effective (stacking debuff of either heat cost or negative damage on the mercenary for repeated uses, would drop off after 5-8 seconds of no use) with greater emphasis on other skills with shorter cooldowns. However, the Tracer Missile spam is far less effective than Pyrotech.


As for most knights/warriors not breaking 100k.... You need a new server. http://i856.photobucket.com/albums/ab129/apocalypse32100/swtor_2012_01_21_18_33_45_342.jpg

That's from last Monday. Top THREE Damage dealt is Sentinel, Marauder, Marauder. I was Focus spec, because I was out on Ilum farming Valor and Focus is better for anti-zerg work there. Had I been Watchman, I'd have probably 50-75k less damage done (because of how much AoE was possible that match, hitting both tank and healer at the same time), but I would also have well over double the kills, the lack of interrupts made that an excessively frustrating match, I don't know how many times I had someone below 10% and my interrupt was on cooldown. Oh, be sure to look in the top right of that screenshot. The game ended ~200 seconds early.

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As for most knights/warriors not breaking 100k.... You need a new server. http://i856.photobucket.com/albums/ab129/apocalypse32100/swtor_2012_01_21_18_33_45_342.jpg

That's from last Monday. Top THREE Damage dealt is Sentinel, Marauder, Marauder. I was Focus spec, because I was out on Ilum farming Valor and Focus is better for anti-zerg work there. Had I been Watchman, I'd have probably 50-75k less damage done (because of how much AoE was possible that match, hitting both tank and healer at the same time), but I would also have well over double the kills, the lack of interrupts made that an excessively frustrating match, I don't know how many times I had someone below 10% and my interrupt was on cooldown. Oh, be sure to look in the top right of that screenshot. The game ended ~200 seconds early.


Lol I think you were able to hit such high damage that fast because of a combination of focus spec + so many healers in the game. There were so few deaths that game, it musta been just nonstop fighting the entire time, plenty of aoe potential. Games like that with nonstop action are a lot of fun, I wish republic on my server had more healers.

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Lol I think you were able to hit such high damage that fast because of a combination of focus spec + so many healers in the game. There were so few deaths that game, it musta been just nonstop fighting the entire time, plenty of aoe potential. Games like that with nonstop action are a lot of fun, I wish republic on my server had more healers.


That game was a top 5 most frustrating game for me, I won't lie. The whole time I was ************ in vent that I was traited wrong and couldn't lock down healers like I normally can. Very rarely in that game did I get more than 2 targets with Sweep, they paired off and stayed separated.


Also, Helm of Graush > -insert any server name here-.

Edited by Apocalypse-
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That game was a top 5 most frustrating game for me, I won't lie. The whole time I was ************ in vent that I was traited wrong and couldn't lock down healers like I normally can. Very rarely in that game did I get more than 2 targets with Sweep, they paired off and stayed separated.


Yeah but at least you didn't die at all. My most frustrating games are when I'm fighting a team that completely destroys mine, and as soon as I leave spawn I am fighting 1v5 and just get perma-cc'd then dead.

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If you're *not* talking 1v1, I would go as far as saying we're bottom of the list, with exception to DPS Guardians/Juggernauts. You'll bust your ***, mastering 35-40 keybindings, and unless you're on a dedicated premade with a pocket tank+healer, you're going to finish middle of the road damage and go pretty much unsung more often than not.


For an unsupported Sentinel to do a ton of damage, the stars kinda have to align just right. It happens for some people and they take a screenshot and post it here as definitive proof the class is fine. The proof is in the pudding though: if every Trooper or Smuggler or Consular posted a screenshot of them topping damage, the bandwidth on the SWTOR would crash. For them, it's expected.


Only one Warzone I've ever played, have I seen a Sentinel/Marauder top damage. A single one. I think that's compelling proof that this class is really lackluster for most in a team environment.


"Incoming defense: So I don't top meters. I just win games. QQ moar baddie."


Yes, and you can do that with any other class too, with the added benefit of working half as hard AND topping meters AND getting recognition. How's this a defense?


im constantly top dmg as watchman "what chu talkin bout willis?"

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