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Deserted Debuff is Stupid when considering all factors


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Hacking? That sounds like something you should be reporting, but I know I certainly haven't seen any. Also I don't believe I know of any game that has punished trade killing. Its not an exploit or a bug, its just a dick move.


WoW Punishes win trading. Actually most games that have an incentive to PVP (MOBAs etc.) punish win trading, or throwing.

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WoW Punishes win trading. Actually most games that have an incentive to PVP (MOBAs etc.) punish win trading, or throwing.


I agree and probably has to do with state of the game.


Early in SWG peeps did fight clubbing and it was punished.


In the last two years of the game peeps did it and they let it go.

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Like you I find the leaving annoying, however if you truly feel your time is being wasted then go do something else.


No one put a gun to your head and said you have to do WZs.


Yeeeah, umm, no. I'm not going to do something else because I have fun when I'm not forced in that situation. And no, that doesn't make it my fault, that person is still the one who left, pure and simple. I can't control what WZ I end up in. That's the furthest you can get from a valid argument and frankly shows self-centeredness.


Before you try to turn that around on me, its far more self-centered to force your problems on others then to dislike it when someone's problems are forced on you.

Edited by Kuari
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OK, lets put it this way. You're either punishing the people who leave or being more likely to punish those who get forced into a badly losing warzone. Frankly I'd punish the person who left because they wasted another person's time. If it was only about the individual who left, maybe all these points against deserter would be valid but the instant you add another person into the equation? Sorry, no.


People are still going to leave, a deserter debuff will not stop that. So now the people suffering will be the people who willingly leave(they deserve it), the people who unwillingly leave and the people who join late to fill the empty spots.


Even if a deserter debuff stopped everyone from willingly leaving, there would still be people who are pissed when they join a losing WZ late. The reason they would still be joining late is because there would still be people dropping.


People need to stop blaiming other people for losing, they do it anyway they can. When you get into a WZ just play win or lose farm or be farmed.


If you feel like you MUST win a WZ get a premade and expect to carry the rest of your WZ. There are people who blame themselves for winning and losing and then their are people who blame everyone else. Which one do people think they are?

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I agree and probably has to do with state of the game.


Early in SWG peeps did fight clubbing and it was punished.


In the last two years of the game peeps did it and they let it go.


Right, but the problem with a new game is if you set the precident that it's OK, then you lose subscribers over it. An example would be DCUO when it came out didn't punish pistol glitchers, I'm assuming because they wanted to retain as many subscribers as they could.


Because it went unpunished, more and more people started to glitch, and slowly the cancer spread until it consumed PVP and everyone quit over it. By the time a fix came out, like a month later, it was too late and the game was dead.


When you're a fresh release and still have high numbers you need to punish this kind of activity just to send the message it won't be tolerated. That way it doesn't replicate.


Also, I'm not talking a perma-ban. I'm talking like a 1 day ban for a first offense. Just enough of a slap on the wrist to say "stop that"

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People are still going to leave, a deserter debuff will not stop that.


It reduces it. You can never completely prevent something, but you sure as hell can reduce it and a deserter debuff has proven time and time again to do so.

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Yeeeah, umm, no. I'm not going to do something else because I have fun when I'm not forced in that situation. And no, that doesn't make it my fault, that person is still the one who left, pure and simple. I can't control what WZ I end up in. That's the furthest you can get from a valid argument and frankly shows self-centeredness.


Before you try to turn that around on me, its far more self-centered to force your problems on others then to dislike it when someone's problems are forced on you.


I never said anything was your fault so you can put your big boy pants back on.


All I said is that the punishment is unwarranted when considering all factors.


We can agree to disagree.

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It reduces it. You can never completely prevent something, but you sure as hell can reduce it and a deserter debuff has proven time and time again to do so.


Same could be said for trade killing and speed hackers, etc.


Just because cause one incurrsion is harder to police versus another does not mean nothing should be done until an easy button is found.

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Right, but the problem with a new game is if you set the precident that it's OK, then you lose subscribers over it. An example would be DCUO when it came out didn't punish pistol glitchers, I'm assuming because they wanted to retain as many subscribers as they could.


Because it went unpunished, more and more people started to glitch, and slowly the cancer spread until it consumed PVP and everyone quit over it. By the time a fix came out, like a month later, it was too late and the game was dead.


When you're a fresh release and still have high numbers you need to punish this kind of activity just to send the message it won't be tolerated. That way it doesn't replicate.


Also, I'm not talking a perma-ban. I'm talking like a 1 day ban for a first offense. Just enough of a slap on the wrist to say "stop that"


I agree and can only wonder if the suits are the ones telling the devs they cannot do anything.

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I don't know. I think the cons outweigh the pros at this point, really.


Like, the other day my abilities locked up and I died while it did. That also kept me from releasing and I was booted out due to inactivy. Through the time I literally spammed the release button, alt-tabbed a few times and yelled at my screen. :p

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a 30 minute debuff is still needed. there are exponentially more people rage quitting warzones, or queuing a warzone then deserting when they want to get to the fleet quickly because their fleet pass is still cooling down, than those that leave due to some emergency or computer failure. it's so rampant, and more importantly, it's totally retarded.


give a grace period to rejoin the same match, which will compensate for most cpu failure. any real emergency will last longer than 30 minutes, and if it doesn't, deal with it :cool:

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There are too many factors that can contribute to a deserted situation.


Crash, power loss, lagg, wife, emergency, etc.


I'll be the first to admit it sucks and that I have gotten into some WZ that go so badly I would rather leave.


After all the illum camping and related valor gain, I think we have to live with the effect.


You know, cause and effect.


Sorry friend, you are wrong.

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I don't know. I think the cons outweigh the pros at this point, really.


Like, the other day my abilities locked up and I died while it did. That also kept me from releasing and I was booted out due to inactivy. Through the time I literally spammed the release button, alt-tabbed a few times and yelled at my screen. :p


This is exactly what happend to me on Wednesday night PT USA. Like a major lag spike or something.

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It reduces it. You can never completely prevent something, but you sure as hell can reduce it and a deserter debuff has proven time and time again to do so.


Usually the people that stay in a WZ just so they dont get a debuff arent going to be much use to a team.


Yes other games have done it and its not a problem, but those other games have less issues than this one.


I am not against the idea of a deserter debuff down the road, I dont really care. I just think there are other issues that are more pressing. Like all of the issues that could cause someone to unwillingly leave a WZ.

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a 30 minute debuff is still needed. there are exponentially more people rage quitting warzones, or queuing a warzone then deserting when they want to get to the fleet quickly because their fleet pass is still cooling down, than those that leave due to some emergency or computer failure. it's so rampant, and more importantly, it's totally retarded.


give a grace period to rejoin the same match, which will compensate for most cpu failure. any real emergency will last longer than 30 minutes, and if it doesn't, deal with it :cool:


Then maybe rather than a debuff, just don't let people leave the WZ once they are in it or for some period of time.

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I would gladly get locked out of a warzone for 15-20 minutes due to disconnects/crashes/whatever to help discourage people from leaving games I'm actually playing in.


It doesn't have to be ridiculously long, it just needs to be longer than the duration of the warzone.


Right now, the options if you're say, losing Huttball by 4 points are:


1) Stay there for 5-10 minutes for a loss and a handful of comms/valor points

2) Drop, queue for 2-5 minutes and be in a new warzone with a chance to win


If you make the options:


1) Stay there for 5-10 minutes for a loss and a handful of comms/valor points

2) Drop, wait 15 minutes for the deserter debuff to run out, and then 2-5 minutes for a new warzone


It would be stupid to take option 2, and really, if there's an 'emergency', you'll should come back with only a little time left on the debuff, and you can take your time with whatever was necessary for you to leave for.

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Deserter isn't that big of an issue in this game considering the majority of your commendations/valor/exp/credits are tied to medals rather than wins. If you are not participating you really aren't getting much out of the warzone.
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a 30 minute debuff is still needed. there are exponentially more people rage quitting warzones, or queuing a warzone then deserting when they want to get to the fleet quickly because their fleet pass is still cooling down, than those that leave due to some emergency or computer failure. it's so rampant, and more importantly, it's totally retarded.


give a grace period to rejoin the same match, which will compensate for most cpu failure. any real emergency will last longer than 30 minutes, and if it doesn't, deal with it :cool:


People dont rage enough when they DC from a WZ. They are still playing the game so lets give them a 30 minute debuff when our bad game forces them to leave the WZ against their will. That should get them to quit.

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grace period that allowed you to get back into game in case you had crashed or disconnected.


This needs to be in the game if there is going to be a deserter status. Heck, it needs to be in regardless. It's very frustrating losing commendations and daily victories by getting booted to the character select screen all of the sudden. Even though it only takes 5 seconds to log back in, we're out of the match.

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Same could be said for trade killing and speed hackers, etc.


Just because cause one incurrsion is harder to police versus another does not mean nothing should be done until an easy button is found.


And yet a deserter debuff should have nothing to do with speed hackers and trade killing.


Usually the people that stay in a WZ just so they dont get a debuff arent going to be much use to a team.


Yes other games have done it and its not a problem, but those other games have less issues than this one.


I am not against the idea of a deserter debuff down the road, I dont really care. I just think there are other issues that are more pressing. Like all of the issues that could cause someone to unwillingly leave a WZ.


You don't hold off what you can easily do while you try to figure out what you can do about other issues.

Edited by Kuari
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