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Mass Murder, Aka Bonus Objectives


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As a Sith Juggernaut who really hates anything that gets in my way, I'm totally okay with massacre. In fact, I'd do it for free. It's FUN. My apprentice once said that she might switch to a vibroblade, because lightsaber wounds don't bleed (I don't think random fluff one-liners are spoilers). I sympathized. Cauterization is no fun.


Shoot at me? That's a killin'.

Shake your fist? That's a killin'.

Look at me funny? Oh, you'd better believe that's a killin'.


[Empire accent]I mean, just look at all these...undesirables...daring to breathe the same air as a Lord of a Sith.[/Empire accent]


Okay, okay, I actually do agree that it seems VERY strange to do the bonus objectives that require a lot of killing as a light-aligned character. But what could be done? You can't reward players for NOT doing something unless there's effort involved, and choosing a dialogue option isn't effort by any stretch of the concept. Having infiltration and subversion options would be awesome but impractical for most of the classes because they're just not trained in it. IMO, It's just as large a stretch of the imagination to see my heavy-armor, metal boot clad Juggernaut crawl through air vents as it is to see a Sage (gasp) killing things that are trying to kill him/her.

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In some cases the, the area allows avoiding enemies (even without any stealth), in some not.


It would be nice if avoiding enemies would offer some kind of reward as well. It's not that it's that easy all the time. Of course, the problem is that may be far more difficult than not engaging enemies. I suppose the existing mob placement is not optimal for that.

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This is one nice thing about being a Shadow Consular, most of the time I could achieve the mission objectives with a minimum of collateral damage. Although, that does lead to strange situations in the Cut-scene dialogues, like in the retaking of the Guardian Holds on Corellia where they say things like "wow, you sure made a mess of them, we can just stroll out" when in fact I'd not killed more than a handful of Dark Council members that I couldn't mind-maze my way past.


In the same story area, however, it was nice that after each cutscene, areas that you'd "taken" became held by Green Jedi or Voss Commandoes or whatever -- I wish more areas worked that way. It's similar to how WoW's phasing system "hides" the transitions by sending the player somewhere outside the phase and then back into a new phase, except here it's happening during/after the Cut scenes, which is a lot less disruptiive.

Edited by Ancaglon
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Who says you're killing all those people? Most of those quests say something like "Defeat" or "Dispatch", not "Kill". And hey, if you come back a few minutes later, there they are, hale and healthy!


You're not killing them, you're non-lethally removing them from the fight.

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By stabbing them repeatedly with a Lightsaber, oft times with a jumping smash. Yep, that'll do a body good.


Well, if we're going to quibble about game mechanics, then even the squishiest of characters can take a good number of hits with a lightsaber or blaster before they're even in need of medical attention, much less in danger of dying. Heck, I can park my Powertech in front of you and hit you with a flamethrower repeatedly, and I imagine it's going to take more than one to take you down.


And if we're ignoring all that, then there's plenty of methods of non-lethally ending a fight with a lightsaber. Sure, they might be injured, but they're alive, and that's probably a good sight better than what they were thinking of doing to you.


And like has been mentioned, the vast majority if not all of the targets of these missions are hostile enemy combatants, so you're also quite welcome to allow them the first blow.


My point is, if it bothers you that much, then try changing your perception. To me, it seems like Bioware was very careful with their wording for this very reason; City of Heroes did the same thing. You're not killing anything, you're "defeating" them. Whether that means knocked out, injured to the point where they can't fight further, or outright killed is up to you.

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My point is, if it bothers you that much, then try changing your perception. To me, it seems like Bioware was very careful with their wording for this very reason; City of Heroes did the same thing. You're not killing anything, you're "defeating" them. Whether that means knocked out, injured to the point where they can't fight further, or outright killed is up to you.



i'll go with this. i'm just tired of MMO pacing is all. I bet you a AAA title you can find more creative ways to space out the story that don't leave me saying 'god, *another* 20 minute speeder ride to have to 'defeat' *anotehr* 30 mobs to get my story fix.


Your average novel doesn't have this many fight scenes - or even movies. This medium doesn't need to, either.


I want to play all eight classes to story completion... i just don't want to grind out 48 x 8 levels.

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