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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

You guys know the funny thing about this?


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Out of all the pvp threads, out of all the general discussion threads of people asking bioware to fix things, Bioware... has yet to give a response to any of us on these forums. They are all worried about Launchers and manual patching it seems.



But that's just what I'm seeing.


Try the devtracker bro.

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Lol at me trolling when you bring nothing relevant or new to the discussion


Just the same rehashed crybaby thread that we have hundreds of.


You bring nothing either. OP just discussed how there is a lack of reply and you come out swinging for no reason. Maybe you need to go back to WoW? I didnt play it so I cant. Why not be constructive instead of flaming everything. E-thuggin doesnt get you anywhere but labled a troll and ignored.


There are serious problems with the game. If you dont care or tired of reading about it, then why are you reading about it. Nobody wants to hear you blah blah blah go back to WoW, cry me a river, go punch an oncoming car stupid nonsense.


Be helpfull or **** imo

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Mostly because they have no obligation to cater to all the emotional children on this board. I'm sure if somebody came up with a thought-provoking adult discussion, they might contribute. Ha! Good luck with that.


No, they are under no obligation at all. However, when your paying customers bring up questions about your product on your forums, it is pretty good policy to keep them updated. Nothing out of the ordinary, of course, but the silence from this team is a bit bothersome, at least to me.


From what i understand, they have a pretty experienced PvP team. I was hoping for a little more i guess.

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It's probably a case of the PvP team sitting there going "Well, where do we start? They're complaining about everything!". I don't blame the community either, because almost everything about PvP is problematic.


Population imbalance, Ilum performance issues, Ilum design issues, PvP quest design, absence of real open-world PvP, random bag system, gear progression, bland warzones, same-faction warzones, ability delay, animation delay, random bag system, expertise, ugly PvP armors, carbon copy characters due to PvP gear being required, too much CC, bad CC immunity system, random bag system, hour+ warzone queues on low pop servers, advantages to certain factions in certain warzones, poor/no attempts at class balancing, advantages to certain mirror classes, warzone AFK'ers with no penalties, Baron Deathmark, cap-swapping/kill-swapping, buggy warzones, disconencts, no ranking system, mercenary commendations don't exist, and the random bag system.


I wouldn't know where to start responding either.


You got beef with Baron Deathmark? You got beef with me!



Edit: Also, Baron Deathmark is working as intended.

Edited by TheRealTorrne
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LOLL! Calling everyone baddies, then going on to claim #1 problem has to do with lewt


shows you can't read. That is simply my list of Changes Bioware needs to make to the pvp. Nothing more. 1) has nothing to do with his 1).


Also not calling everyone baddies, just those that complain left and right about how horrible this pvp is and how imbalanced bla bla, while its not.

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I agree that this is unacceptable. Bioware needs to AT LEAST acknowledge some of the issues people have posted about. This confirms to the community that they are aware of the problem. I don't even care if they don't post saying they are fixing it. I just want them to say:


"Hi guys. We are aware that players are being sent to the Character Selection screen on instant Warzone queues. We are also aware of the community response on Ilum and will look into some possible adjustments. We have also been reading feedback on Resolve and appreciate your responses! We realize it may need adjustments and will run it by our PvP team."


By posting something like this, they are giving their community things to look forward to thus motivating them to keep playing. This means less unsubs and more resubs. This means less whining about common issues on the forums and more meaningful threads.


A simple acknowledgement of an issue goes a long way in MMOs and I wish Devs from MMO companies would communicate more with their community.

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The sad thing is, they have, you just haven't bothered to read it.


First go here to see latest comments:



Then here about faction imbalances:



Then there's another article there somewhere about future plans of PvP (which covers 85%-90% of what is being complained about)

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Out of all the pvp threads, out of all the general discussion threads of people asking bioware to fix things, Bioware... has yet to give a response to any of us on these forums. They are all worried about Launchers and manual patching it seems.



But that's just what I'm seeing.


Like most companies, they address what they know they can fix and when they have a plan in place. I would take their silence as one of two of these reasons.


Either they don't think they can change things without significantly impacting the other parts of the game or they are still working on an approved response to the rightfully rabid mob.

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The sad thing is, they have, you just haven't bothered to read it.


First go here to see latest comments:



Then here about faction imbalances:



Then there's another article there somewhere about future plans of PvP (which covers 85%-90% of what is being complained about)


from darth hater, so you have a point that they have things planned. his point I think is some communication in this forum. But i could be wrong.

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from darth hater, so you have a point that they have things planned. his point I think is some communication in this forum. But i could be wrong.


I mean that's fine. Mine point was they have responded, maybe not in the PvP threads themselves. To be claiming otherwise and faulting them for not doing so is wrong.

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from darth hater, so you have a point that they have things planned. his point I think is some communication in this forum. But i could be wrong.


To give them some benefit of the doubt, just about everything about the Level 50 game sucks right now


1) Crafting gives nothing worth having, especially after the Biochem nerf. So almost no one is crafting at Level 50.


2) Warzones are boring after running the same 3 1,000 times, and the Level 50 bracket isn't working out well. So the 50 bracket WZs aren't popping as much.


3) Open PVP in Ilum is worse post-patch than it was pre-patch. It went from quick and reasonably entertaining (because it was quick) to slow and incredibly boring. (Whoever thought up the "armament" mechanic really needs some lessons in PVP).


4) Space combat is miserable. It's just the same lower level missions that you've run a few dozen times except in easy mode (as opposed to the "completely brainless mode" they were pre-40 or so). There are no real Level 50 rewards for completing missions (unless you want to run 50+ missions for one random Level 50 artifact that your character might not even be able to use).


5) Itemization is poorly done. MMOs thrive by constantly holding carrots out in front of players. Bioware gave players all the carrots when they hit 50.


6) Questing is no longer part of the game. There is no reason to quest post-50. There's no need for more experience. The rewards are virtually non-existent. There are no factions to be concerned about. It's like BW learned nothing from MMOs over the past 2-4 years.


With all that mess on their plate, I can understand why they aren't able to focus any real attention on PVP. It's probably down a ways on their list. Probably best to just alt and hope they figure their game out sometime soon (though it took them a bunch of years to give us a game that lasted one month).

Edited by Yozbick
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