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I'm embarrassed to wear my Columi gear around.


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I have to agree with majority here. SWTOR has the ugliest looking armor. The grind is awful at 50 and when i got first piece of champion eliminator helm i almost threw up.


Who the hell designed that ugly garbage? could you please post here so that i can share what ever you were smoking while designing it? it really killed the excitement and i don't care for champ gear now.


ROLF the grind? The game has been out not even two months and its already a grind for you? You want Bioware to develop more gear for the winy brats at level 50? The people with no lives that spacebard to 50 in 3 days? More operations to maybe? NOW, or you will quit? Stop trying to ruin the game you sad losers and get a real life.

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Oh no, you posted in blue text. You must be really important or at least think you are! ;)


Seriously, whenever I see someone post in a colour that isn't the board default, it sets of my teenager trying to "express them self" alarm & I skip the post.


If what you are about to say is worth reading leave it in default post colour as it will more likely be rad by others and not skipped.


You may have some points in the passage but I will never know as you chose blue text.




It amazes me that in this day and age ppl are still predjudice towards colour. If ain't white, I ain reading it.



*I jest of course*



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ROLF the grind? The game has been out not even two months and its already a grind for you? You want Bioware to develop more gear for the winy brats at level 50? The people with no lives that spacebard to 50 in 3 days? More operations to maybe? NOW, or you will quit? Stop trying to ruin the game you sad losers and get a real life.


Started playing on the first day of head start and hit 50 3 days ago. So no i didn't spacebar through anything and i only have one character. I have no idea from where you got the no lifer thing but i suggest have a look in the mirror?


But yeah the end gear looks ugly and takes couple of days to realize that massive grind in store for you past lvl 50. You really don't need to play 24/7 to realise an obvious truth.

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Oh no, you posted in blue text. You must be really important or at least think you are! ;)


Seriously, whenever I see someone post in a colour that isn't the board default, it sets of my teenager trying to "express them self" alarm & I skip the post.


If what you are about to say is worth reading leave it in default post colour as it will more likely be rad by others and not skipped.


You may have some points in the passage but I will never know as you chose blue text.


Personally the only posts I don't read are people I've written off as not worth listening to, I make that judgement by actually reading their posts in the first place, and the few that insist on posting in colours that end up hurting the eyes when you try to read them.


Still you will probably never read this, since your teenage alarm is tingling (I'm 29 btw)

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  • 4 weeks later...
Funny... I like most of the gear I've seen in-game. I just recently got schematics that will allow me to outfit all of Havoc Squad in identical custom gear filled with daily commendations mods/armoring/enhancements... doesn't look too bad. Keep your panties on though, the ability to pull from endgame gear is coming in 1.2, along with a bunch of new schematics.
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Maybe they should focus on having the Operations drop "mod sets" that are a class set of mods that are better than what can be obtained elsewhere...and support that system by putting effort into making as many orange quality items as possible.


This way raiders will still get the best PvE stats but can CHOOSE how they look.

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I haven't seen a single item lvl 30 and up for my (female) Sorcerer that I'm even remotely interested in using.


I 'try on' everything, and a sample of my responses:


Seriously? Ugh.

Oh how ridiculous!

...Now that's just stupid.

WHO could EVER think that actually looks GOOD?

Please, not the shoulder-floaties-with-a-bare-midriff AGAIN...

(and last but not least:)

I hope whatever gaming dev originally thought gigantic shoulders 'looked cool' regretted it after actually entering puberty.



I literally have not seen ANYTHING better than the Black Talon level gear. It's the only gear that looks reasonable, and remotely 'fashionable', and not embarrassing to wear.


I don't feel more 'uber' as I level up, I feel more like I'm a failure from clown school, because at least clowns have reasons for the ridiculousness of their outfits.


Excellent post.

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even in games with vanity slots you tend to see the majority of players still wearing the same few sets of gear the community has deemed "the best looking"... so that won't really solve it...


BW has said they are going to make it so mods can be pulled from endgame gear and put in other orange gear which should help... and i'm sure as updates and expansions come they will add more diverse looking gear


the only MMO I've ever seen with true diversity in what players look like is APB (and it's re-release APB reloaded) but that game was basically built around playing gangster barbie dress up


You should play CoH. Everyone looks different and the character customization is the best I have seen in any game I have played.

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You should play CoH. Everyone looks different and the character customization is the best I have seen in any game I have played.


Ahh this is an interesting point. I would like to point out one game where the cosmetic system actually produces a terrific variety of looks...you don't really see THAT many people looking the sameish, and very few that you could call identical, and that is LOTRO.


The reason their system works is that you can use pretty much any item in any slot as a cosmetic...from lowbie pieces to raid sets. The other thing that adds to the variety is the large variety of dyes that are available.


But to the point of CoH. I really like superhero MMOs. I very much wanted to play CoH, but I discovered it well into its development cycle and I generally don't like to play games where I missed so much of what has happened over the years. I jumped on Champions Online when it launched, but unfortunately while it has many good things going for it, there just isn't enough content to keep me satisfied.


But one thing both games share is the insanely diversified character CREATOR. That is why there is so much variety. They give you so many options at character creation it is almost impossible for 2 characters to look the same.


I was hoping, as I am sure many of us were, that SWTOR would launch with a lot of different-looking alien race choices, and a very robust character creator. Unfortunately that did not happen. I think that alone would have quieted a lot of the criticisms people have about sameness, armor sets, and character appearance. Hopefully they will beef up the character creation system and add the races we all want in the future...I think a lot of people will be disappointed if that does not happen.


But ya I am totally with you on how awesome the CoH character creator is. I've done a few trials just to see how the game was, and man I could spend hours playing with the character creator alone lol. That is something I think a lot of people enjoy, it lets them express their own sense of individuality when they create their characters, so they feel the character they play in game is much more a representation of themselves and their own unique vision of the game.

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Please, tell me you are an ex-wow player so I can laugh at this irony.


God WoW had some of the laziest item designers in the history of MMOs. SO MANY pieces in the entire level range looked EXACTLY the same. Sure they made a few cool sets along the way, but honestly I thought their armor and weapon design was among the most boring and repetitive ever.


And they just kept rehashing stuff over and over and over...

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They went out of their way to make sure everyone hated the top tier armor in this game.

I was wondering, who do loves the end gear and which one do you like guys?


Because, so far I never ever read someone writing he loves the end gear and that's disturbing.

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