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What makes a sentinel focus spec different than a guardian focus spec?


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Guardians get a completly different skillset of special abilities as they level, so even though the skill tree is the same, their base specials are totally different.


I see. So focus Sentinels do more dps than Guardian Sentinels I assume?

Edited by RakeHoxven
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CD is the same -6s with all talents however Guardian's do more damage due to a 30% more damage talent and the ability to add sunder armor on enemy targets. While Sentinels have cheaper Sweep (only costs 1 focus) and better group utility (Transcedence can be up at all time)
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CD is the same -6s with all talents however Guardian's do more damage due to a 30% more damage talent and the ability to add sunder armor on enemy targets. While Sentinels have cheaper Sweep (only costs 1 focus) and better group utility (Transcedence can be up at all time)


its actually weird as transcendence is defensive, and our early tier form buff increases damage reduction by more. While the guardian can get a 6% higher dmg bonus from shi cho form and another 6% strength, ontop of the extra 30% damage from sweep. So their sweeps will do way more damage than ours with all those combined. While we take slightly less damage and then can constantly buff the group to take less damage.

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