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full bm mara


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i put this in a diff thread, but i prolly should have put it here. To give you guys an idea of what to expect when fully geared here has been my experiances so far.


disclaimer: I am full battlemaster, I am valor rank 71, i have /played 21 days


my best stats to date and i am told by multiple people that i am one of the better maras on the server (granted some of it has to do with my gear, but a lot of it has to do with the fact i have played a ton and this class takes a bit to get used to)


rage: 580k dmg (no healer, 6 deaths, game went entire length both sides) i think i had 9 medals, biggest single hit to date with my aoe everything popped with rage buff etc is 6800, i usually average 3500-4500 crits, with buffs etc 5000 this being smash (i am just now hitting 400 biochem so ill have more buffs soon)


anni: 450k dmg in huttball (no healer, 0 deaths, again game went entire length) biggest single hit 4k this being annilation, biggest bleeds ive seen tick is like 1300 a tick (again everything popped) 10 medals is the most i have gotten (our stunbreak will give you the 2.5 and 5k heal with enough hp)


carn: 400k with healers, in huttball 2 deaths biggest single hit was 5100 (force scream with gore active) i have not played this much so i prolly suck @ it more then the other 2 specs... most medals here again is 9


i guess my entire point of this is that i see noobie 50s getting 12 medals/ doing same dmg numbers with no gear, and no skill. Being an entirely dps class i should not have to be fully geared to get the same kind of numbers a non geared 50, or hell even a bolstered non 50 can get...


is my class bad? hell no i kick the **** out of people now that i have put the time in. Although i have accepted that we are more of a support class, even though we should be able to do more dmg then any other class (we only have dmg specs)... i am the best ball running class in the game aside from juggs, and i help a jugg out with speed boosts, getting into scoring positions, or giving them a target to jump to.


sorry for bad grammar/ bad english i am way to lazy to actually spellcheck or make better sentences, i am just giving you an idea of what this class can do fully geared... i'd imagine with no deaths and the right group in voidstar i could get 700-800k... we have some other maras almost full bm that do anni and they too get the same numbers i do, so it isnt that i just suck, it seems like this is our top end for dmg...

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IMO- You need a healer to hit your top end damage. With cloak of Anni, cloak of carnage, defense forums, and other talents that benefit from being attacked. (Cloak of pain is up almost 100% of the time). At least as Anni that's how I come close to 600k in a Huttball.


As far as your rage to anni to carnage I get about the same difference in damage for each spec. I find rage to be about 10% more damage over Anni and Anni 10-15% over carnage. Though I tend to survive better as Anni and I like to sit on healers.


I agree we take a bit to ramp up but our top end seems more then competitive with the top end of other classes.

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Yeah we might be able to reach what other classes can dish out, but its 100x hard for us to do it then any other class. I can walk into hut ball and be top dps as a level 15 merc. The dual saber class is just one of if not thee hardest to play and if payed well we are just. on par with other classes, when they get more CCs then us More shields a stun that doesnt make us a sitting duck, and any sort of push pull oh **** button.. other then a 4 sec stealth which doesnt work half the time.
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Yeah we might be able to reach what other classes can dish out, but its 100x hard for us to do it then any other class. I can walk into hut ball and be top dps as a level 15 merc. The dual saber class is just one of if not thee hardest to play and if payed well we are just. on par with other classes, when they get more CCs then us More shields a stun that doesnt make us a sitting duck, and any sort of push pull oh **** button.. other then a 4 sec stealth which doesnt work half the time.
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IMO- You need a healer to hit your top end damage. With cloak of Anni, cloak of carnage, defense forums, and other talents that benefit from being attacked. (Cloak of pain is up almost 100% of the time). At least as Anni that's how I come close to 600k in a Huttball.


As far as your rage to anni to carnage I get about the same difference in damage for each spec. I find rage to be about 10% more damage over Anni and Anni 10-15% over carnage. Though I tend to survive better as Anni and I like to sit on healers.


I agree we take a bit to ramp up but our top end seems more then competitive with the top end of other classes.


eh when i have a healer i run the ball, so i normally max at 300k or so... im not one of those that thinks i need to top the charts, i play to win... the big games i get is when its 2am no guildies are on and im curious what kind of numbers i can put up... 80% of the time i am rage, i prolly could get better with anni too, but you are right if i had a healer id prolly put up 500-600k with anni, i spend a ton of time runnin around getting health buffs/ out of combat to heal. it also doesnt help that everyone is always gunning for me now (the joys of being in a good guild and normally winning most games)...

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I really think that's it, the downtime. A ranged class has a lot less downtime, 0 if they know what there doing and playing bad players. Did not mean to kill your rant I agree with a lot of it.


Also badges are just dumb. A healer can do 800k healing and get 3 badges.

Edited by TheHorsemen
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Yeah we might be able to reach what other classes can dish out, but its 100x hard for us to do it then any other class. I can walk into hut ball and be top dps as a level 15 merc. The dual saber class is just one of if not thee hardest to play and if payed well we are just. on par with other classes, when they get more CCs then us More shields a stun that doesnt make us a sitting duck, and any sort of push pull oh **** button.. other then a 4 sec stealth which doesnt work half the time.


I'm sorry you feel that way and by no means am i harking on you im just going to state my oppinion. i do agree that we take longer to ramp up.. comes with playing a complex class. I however do not agree we are on par by anymeans. i find that once ramped up(btw i play anni/carnage rage is good just not my style) i am a fear int he eyes of the enemy. i blow ppl up faster than grease lightning. When in huttball as anni i usualy get no deaths with 8-11 medals and 500k+ dmg done and score at least 2 goals usualy 3. by no means are we op seeing what other classes have for utility. but as for laying down the hurt we excell imho better than others.... if you master the complexity it becomes like driving a car, 2nd nature. the thing i see ppl saying is anni is bad due to dispells and the lack of heals from bleeds... just in case(not saying you are not) make sure you swipe while in a group after hiting DS because it is a melee atk and you apply 5 bleeds right off the back. thats enough to keep you healed not to mention rupture and if u refresh it put on another target then annialate one and watch him crumple. imo carnage is great also for dmg output as i also do 500k+ with it. the problem with carnage is it has so many ways too keep you on target however you lose the bleed heals from anni and must play cautiosly in staying alive.... now rage...rage,rage,rage.... this spec if someone is not swiping in anni should def be the number onedmg output, smash hits hard and on multiple targets... the problem is its very much burst no sustainment in dmg... however it overall would be a chouice if not anni for 2/3 warzones aka deathstar foor doors and civil war for turrets. as for huttball it can work well or if u find yourself in a lot of situations where its 1v1 or 2v2 its not that much help. granted smash even on one target hits amazingly hard and u have a 2nd leap granted its only 10 meters. but after all that id just say we are above par but compared to utility of range id say we are ON par as of surviving.

Edited by Warlordomega
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I'm sorry you feel that way and by no means am i harking on you im just going to state my oppinion. i do agree that we take longer to ramp up.. comes with playing a complex class. I however do not agree we are on par by anymeans. i find that once ramped up(btw i play anni/carnage rage is good just not my style) i am a fear int he eyes of the enemy. i blow ppl up faster than grease lightning. When in huttball as anni i usualy get no deaths with 8-11 medals and 500k+ dmg done and score at least 2 goals usualy 3. by no means are we op seeing what other classes have for utility. but as for laying down the hurt we excell imho better than others.... if you master the complexity it becomes like driving a car, 2nd nature. the thing i see ppl saying is anni is bad due to dispells and the lack of heals from bleeds... just in case(not saying you are not) make sure you swipe while in a group after hiting DS because it is a melee atk and you apply 5 bleeds right off the back. thats enough to keep you healed not to mention rupture and if u refresh it put on another target then annialate one and watch him crumple. imo carnage is great also for dmg output as i also do 500k+ with it. the problem with carnage is it has so many ways too keep you on target however you lose the bleed heals from anni and must play cautiosly in staying alive.... now rage...rage,rage,rage.... this spec if someone is not swiping in anni should def be the number onedmg output, smash hits hard and on multiple targets... the problem is its very much burst no sustainment in dmg... however it overall would be a chouice if not anni for 2/3 warzones aka deathstar foor doors and civil war for turrets. as for huttball it can work well or if u find yourself in a lot of situations where its 1v1 or 2v2 its not that much help. granted smash even on one target hits amazingly hard and u have a 2nd leap granted its only 10 meters. but after all that id just say we are above par but compared to utility of range id say we are ON par as of surviving.


Paragraphs are your friend.. and my my what a complete load of tosh.

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I'm sorry you feel that way and by no means am i harking on you im just going to state my oppinion. i do agree that we take longer to ramp up.. comes with playing a complex class. I however do not agree we are on par by anymeans. i find that once ramped up(btw i play anni/carnage rage is good just not my style) i am a fear int he eyes of the enemy. i blow ppl up faster than grease lightning. When in huttball as anni i usualy get no deaths with 8-11 medals and 500k+ dmg done and score at least 2 goals usualy 3. by no means are we op seeing what other classes have for utility. but as for laying down the hurt we excell imho better than others.... if you master the complexity it becomes like driving a car, 2nd nature. the thing i see ppl saying is anni is bad due to dispells and the lack of heals from bleeds... just in case(not saying you are not) make sure you swipe while in a group after hiting DS because it is a melee atk and you apply 5 bleeds right off the back. thats enough to keep you healed not to mention rupture and if u refresh it put on another target then annialate one and watch him crumple. imo carnage is great also for dmg output as i also do 500k+ with it. the problem with carnage is it has so many ways too keep you on target however you lose the bleed heals from anni and must play cautiosly in staying alive.... now rage...rage,rage,rage.... this spec if someone is not swiping in anni should def be the number onedmg output, smash hits hard and on multiple targets... the problem is its very much burst no sustainment in dmg... however it overall would be a chouice if not anni for 2/3 warzones aka deathstar foor doors and civil war for turrets. as for huttball it can work well or if u find yourself in a lot of situations where its 1v1 or 2v2 its not that much help. granted smash even on one target hits amazingly hard and u have a 2nd leap granted its only 10 meters. but after all that id just say we are above par but compared to utility of range id say we are ON par as of surviving.



Meanwhile you got a Mercenary spamming 1 or 2 keys from 30 yards taking no risks and doing as much or more damage than you, while you on the other hand have to juggle between 10 abilities just to dps and pay constant attention to your surrounding not to get killed.


On par huh?


You obviously haven't played another class other than marauder, you would know how much easier the other ones are.

Edited by Demorase
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part of it could be the server as well. I am on a preorder server so everyone on both sides are pretty hardcore. That being said most ppl are geared/skilled prettydecently, so obviously do less dmg then with ****** players with no gear. it also doesnt help #s that noobies dont tend to pvp as much on our server, mostly the same groups of people. Are those 500k + games nowadays against only 50s? the games i put down are against 50s, i don't count the oldendays when u could wtfpwn a level 10... lol Edited by fucau
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Meanwhile you got a Mercenary spamming 1 or 2 keys from 30 yards taking no risks and doing as much or more damage than you, while you on the other hand have to juggle between 10 abilities just to dps and pay constant attention to your surrounding not to get killed.


On par huh?


You obviously haven't played another class other than marauder, you would know how much easier the other ones are.


For the Ahole that assumes way to much.... I do have a 50 sorc and a 50 mara to compare with and a rising 39 BH/merc. one your invalid the moment you said 10 buttons to mannage.... if your a clicker not a button masher this should be a joke as your face is on the screen the whole time. i however play certain classes certain ways. with the delay ability i use buttons for maea while on my sorc i click and move with the keyboard. wither way your eyes should never have to leave the screen so awareness shouldnt be hard at all. next time, can we assume that you wont be assuming things. because by no means do i think we are op as a class... i do think we are in dmg because yes a sorc can do our end/match dmg but how many times does he die compared to a melee? he has more time up and im pulling his dmg that easily? so yes OP in dmg. surviving i say we are on par because of def cd's. but like i said before its just MY oppinion im not sating anyone is wrong so lets try to keep the "****** is bigger then yours" compettition out of here pls. I was just trying to help or give an over view i dont need you going into rage faze over nothing but an oppinion

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I think to help make us a real support class we need to be able to apply debuffs to our targets that benefit the whole ops group(increased dmg, crit strikes, etc). As it stands all we get is bloodthrist every 2 min(whoopdie fricken doo) and predation(meh). Its like BW started making us a Support class but didnt finish.
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For the Ahole that assumes way to much.... I do have a 50 sorc and a 50 mara to compare with and a rising 39 BH/merc. one your invalid the moment you said 10 buttons to mannage.... if your a clicker not a button masher this should be a joke as your face is on the screen the whole time. i however play certain classes certain ways. with the delay ability i use buttons for maea while on my sorc i click and move with the keyboard. wither way your eyes should never have to leave the screen so awareness shouldnt be hard at all. next time, can we assume that you wont be assuming things. because by no means do i think we are op as a class... i do think we are in dmg because yes a sorc can do our end/match dmg but how many times does he die compared to a melee? he has more time up and im pulling his dmg that easily? so yes OP in dmg. surviving i say we are on par because of def cd's. but like i said before its just MY oppinion im not sating anyone is wrong so lets try to keep the "****** is bigger then yours" compettition out of here pls. I was just trying to help or give an over view i dont need you going into rage faze over nothing but an oppinion


First of all, just to rant on your supposedly better play style, i find it hard to believe that as a clicker you can even compare to the reaction timing of actually binding your keys and pressing them.


Based on your description of your play style you are constantly watching your spells rather than the actual game play, waiting to click your next move, this /= good play style, in any game as a matter of fact, but to each his own.


That said, you say you have a 50 sorcerer and a rising bh, and you are saying Marauders are "OP" in damage, yet what the original post was describing is exactly opposite, and i agree, im in half rakata half columi gear and as a raid leader i watch boss fights from various dps perspectives, ive seen snipers deal ridiculous amounts of damage compared to my own, Ive seen sorcerers Do the same As my co raid leader and real life friend plays sitting right next to me and ive seen his numbers, i don't even want to talk about mercenary bounty hunters,,,, tracer missile elohel.


Being the hardest class in the game to play and being one of the most gear dependent would assume that once mastered you would be dealing amazing amounts of damage, yet i just see us as slightly under or equal with superior gear.


Anyway a lot of this is from my own point of view and who knows.. im probably sooo terrible at this game that mashing my buttons is too hard.. i dont know...

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first of all, just to rant on your supposedly better play style, i find it hard to believe that as a clicker you can even compare to the reaction timing of actually binding your keys and pressing them.


Based on your description of your play style you are constantly watching your spells rather than the actual game play, waiting to click your next move, this /= good play style, in any game as a matter of fact, but to each his own.


That said, you say you have a 50 sorcerer and a rising bh, and you are saying marauders are "op" in damage, yet what the original post was describing is exactly opposite, and i agree, im in half rakata half columi gear and as a raid leader i watch boss fights from various dps perspectives, ive seen snipers deal ridiculous amounts of damage compared to my own, ive seen sorcerers do the same as my co raid leader and real life friend plays sitting right next to me and ive seen his numbers, i don't even want to talk about mercenary bounty hunters,,,, tracer missile elohel.


Being the hardest class in the game to play and being one of the most gear dependent would assume that once mastered you would be dealing amazing amounts of damage, yet i just see us as slightly under or equal with superior gear.


Anyway a lot of this is from my own point of view and who knows.. Im probably sooo terrible at this game that mashing my buttons is too hard.. I dont know...


qft +1

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Being the hardest class in the game to play and being one of the most gear dependent would assume that once mastered you would be dealing amazing amounts of damage, yet i just see us as slightly under or equal with superior gear.


^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ THIS



IF nothing else, medals are broken as CRAP.


A level 20 bounty hunter can get as many medals as a level 49 marauder fully geared.


First fix I can think of: Give medals for scoring the ball, capping a point on alderaan, or planting/defusing the bomb on voidstar.

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I really think that's it, the downtime. A ranged class has a lot less downtime, 0 if they know what there doing and playing bad players. Did not mean to kill your rant I agree with a lot of it.


Also badges are just dumb. A healer can do 800k healing and get 3 badges.


well that my friend is just a bad healer.


There is no reason why a healer can't hit a high heal mark, get a kill, a little damage, and maybe even some objective points.


A healer with 800k damage and 3 medals is some d-bag standing in the acid just to heal himself get crazy heal numbers for the charts. This does not help the team.


I have seen healers like this though. I was shocked at how bad they were. I was dying and the healer who was at half health healed himself all the way to full, even though the guy i was fighting was down under 10%. A heal my way would have saved me. a blaster bolt my target's way would have saved me.


These people earn each and every medal they get.

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i put this in a diff thread, but i prolly should have put it here. To give you guys an idea of what to expect when fully geared here has been my experiances so far.


disclaimer: I am full battlemaster, I am valor rank 71, i have /played 21 days


my best stats to date and i am told by multiple people that i am one of the better maras on the server (granted some of it has to do with my gear, but a lot of it has to do with the fact i have played a ton and this class takes a bit to get used to)


rage: 580k dmg (no healer, 6 deaths, game went entire length both sides) i think i had 9 medals, biggest single hit to date with my aoe everything popped with rage buff etc is 6800, i usually average 3500-4500 crits, with buffs etc 5000 this being smash (i am just now hitting 400 biochem so ill have more buffs soon)


anni: 450k dmg in huttball (no healer, 0 deaths, again game went entire length) biggest single hit 4k this being annilation, biggest bleeds ive seen tick is like 1300 a tick (again everything popped) 10 medals is the most i have gotten (our stunbreak will give you the 2.5 and 5k heal with enough hp)


carn: 400k with healers, in huttball 2 deaths biggest single hit was 5100 (force scream with gore active) i have not played this much so i prolly suck @ it more then the other 2 specs... most medals here again is 9


I'm surprised carnage was the lowest damage of the three. I think it does pretty good damage with berserk and shii-cho form in combination with vicious slash (it doesn't cost any rage and hits one additional target) I was able to put up some good numbers on the board at release

Edited by HBninjaX
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i put this in a diff thread, but i prolly should have put it here. To give you guys an idea of what to expect when fully geared here has been my experiances so far.


disclaimer: I am full battlemaster, I am valor rank 71, i have /played 21 days


my best stats to date and i am told by multiple people that i am one of the better maras on the server (granted some of it has to do with my gear, but a lot of it has to do with the fact i have played a ton and this class takes a bit to get used to)


rage: 580k dmg (no healer, 6 deaths, game went entire length both sides) i think i had 9 medals, biggest single hit to date with my aoe everything popped with rage buff etc is 6800, i usually average 3500-4500 crits, with buffs etc 5000 this being smash (i am just now hitting 400 biochem so ill have more buffs soon)


anni: 450k dmg in huttball (no healer, 0 deaths, again game went entire length) biggest single hit 4k this being annilation, biggest bleeds ive seen tick is like 1300 a tick (again everything popped) 10 medals is the most i have gotten (our stunbreak will give you the 2.5 and 5k heal with enough hp)


carn: 400k with healers, in huttball 2 deaths biggest single hit was 5100 (force scream with gore active) i have not played this much so i prolly suck @ it more then the other 2 specs... most medals here again is 9


i guess my entire point of this is that i see noobie 50s getting 12 medals/ doing same dmg numbers with no gear, and no skill. Being an entirely dps class i should not have to be fully geared to get the same kind of numbers a non geared 50, or hell even a bolstered non 50 can get...


is my class bad? hell no i kick the **** out of people now that i have put the time in. Although i have accepted that we are more of a support class, even though we should be able to do more dmg then any other class (we only have dmg specs)... i am the best ball running class in the game aside from juggs, and i help a jugg out with speed boosts, getting into scoring positions, or giving them a target to jump to.


sorry for bad grammar/ bad english i am way to lazy to actually spellcheck or make better sentences, i am just giving you an idea of what this class can do fully geared... i'd imagine with no deaths and the right group in voidstar i could get 700-800k... we have some other maras almost full bm that do anni and they too get the same numbers i do, so it isnt that i just suck, it seems like this is our top end for dmg...



There are major fluctuations in overall damage in warzones and it can be very misleading. I am also a marauder in mostly bm gear (missing bracers gloves oh and 1 relic because this bag system blows) currrently at valor 77 and approaching 25 days played. That out of the way, and back to the main issue with warzone damage being misleading for lack of a better word... warzone and make up of opponents always skews damge numbers. I've had games where I do around 600k damage as annihilation and almost 200k healing while only killing a dozen or so people simply because the other team has multiple healers cross healing and no one dies because of all the healing/absorbs and tanks guarding. Then there's the exact opposite where you get 1 rage marauder that does 600+k damage because everyone is constantly clumped up for maximum smash crits constantly. So just numbers in a warzone alone is not a substantial/true representation of a spec's capabilities.


as far as annihilation numbers go, if you find a sorc you can get 5k singele hit medals quite regularly with annihilate, and with fully consumables/buffs ds stacks can crit 1600's or higher depending on targets. I've played at least 23 of my 25 days played as annihilation and can't seem to steer away from it because it's so powerful. I think carnage is too reliant on a short buff duration (being gore) and if you get controlled during it you lose out bigtime in the damage department. My least fav spec was carnage... rage got boring and annihilation is just more fun in general imo of course :)

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Okay mr. ! lol, I love it when people get on the forums an talk about how L33T they are lol. And if you play a mara and dont user 10 buttons you are play wrong. I'm sorry but you have no idea what you are talking about.

I'm not saying maras are bad, i ONLY play a mara, and i also have a lvl 14 BH merc JUST so i could see what all the talk was about. But i play mara as my main and only toon. MY points was that EVERY class other then the JK/SW clases can do EVERYTHING we can do.. BETTER and more simple. I have a FULL bar of talents that i use PLUS half of another bar. While my lvl 15 merc can sit and hit 6666676666766667 and do the same amount of DPS. While at lvl 14 have a stun that doesnt make him a meat stick to beat on, oh and a AOE knock back. Also he doesnt have to be right next to the target to do dmg. I LOVE the play style of the mara i like to be in the mix, and ill play the class because i enjoy it. BUT others do it better. LOTS better. I just want force push and a stun that doesnt also stun me.



Edited by KenJaxom
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I think to help make us a real support class we need to be able to apply debuffs to our targets that benefit the whole ops group(increased dmg, crit strikes, etc). As it stands all we get is bloodthrist every 2 min(whoopdie fricken doo) and predation(meh). Its like BW started making us a Support class but didnt finish.


it does feel that way... but we're supposed to be a full dps class, and our dps isn't fantastic.

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anni: 450k dmg in huttball (no healer, 0 deaths, again game went entire length) biggest single hit 4k this being annilation, biggest bleeds ive seen tick is like 1300 a tick (again everything popped) 10 medals is the most i have gotten (our stunbreak will give you the 2.5 and 5k heal with enough hp)



Isnt the unleash restores 10% health a carnage talent?




Edit: NM. It is a 2nd tier rage talent.


I guess its ok to pickup that talent rather than going more into carnage.

Edited by Audenlol
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Okay mr. ! lol, I love it when people get on the forums an talk about how L33T they are lol. And if you play a mara and dont user 10 buttons you are play wrong. I'm sorry but you have no idea what you are talking about.

I'm not saying maras are bad, i ONLY play a mara, and i also have a lvl 14 BH merc JUST so i could see what all the talk was about. But i play mara as my main and only toon. MY points was that EVERY class other then the JK/SW clases can do EVERYTHING we can do.. BETTER and more simple. I have a FULL bar of talents that i use PLUS half of another bar. While my lvl 15 merc can sit and hit 6666676666766667 and do the same amount of DPS. While at lvl 14 have a stun that doesnt make him a meat stick to beat on, oh and a AOE knock back. Also he doesnt have to be right next to the target to do dmg. I LOVE the play style of the mara i like to be in the mix, and ill play the class because i enjoy it. BUT others do it better. LOTS better. I just want force push and a stun that doesnt also stun me.







i have a level 24 mercenary, i have 2 knock backs and a stun and a second stun for 60 seconds in pve. Looking forward to getting a ranged snare. I'm putting up the same dmg in warzones as my level 50 who is 3 piece BM and the rest champion (valor 62). I don't even have the talent that vents heat on crits and i can tracer/railshot all day. If anyone does come close tiger uppercut does just as more much dmg then any marauder ability except annihilate or a 4 tick smash in rage, and knocks ppl back and is available ANYTIME with a super short cd. Pretty rediculous that it does the same dmg as a 5 rage consuming annihilate.


Seriously, I hate to be the of my word is fact guy, but if you don't agree with this you have never played other classes with the same enthusiasm that you'd play your marauder with. You will never experience knocking 4 ppl of a bridge with an aoe knockback, knocking a 5th off with uppercut, then killing a 6th in voidstar with a marauder; something I have done on my merc.

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I'm confused how people manage to get ~500k dmg in pvp matches as Annihilation.

Highest ive got so far was roughly 400k, which was with a healer backing me up.

I'm not really under the impression i'm doing anything wrong though, but i can barely ever get above 300k

I'm fully geared in champion armor.

Got 72% crit multiplier, ~30% crit chance, Accuracy 100.xx% (i never seem to miss)


I open with a charge, immediatly activate Deadly Saber, go over to Battering Assault, Annihilate, Rupture.

Always keep my bleeds up whenever they are active. use my relic whenever i can, i'm 400 biochem so i got the buffs (i use power short buffs btw).

I'm running with 31/7/3 spec.


I try and fight the entire time i'm able too, yet still have trouble even hitting 300k


Are people just exaggerating the numbers, or am i missing something here?

Edited by XionoraSoulfire
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I open with a charge, immediatly activate Deadly Saber, go over to Battering Assault, Annihilate, Rupture.


always ALWAYS use Rupture before Annihiliate because Annihilate has 50% chance to finish the CD of Rupture


so if you have no rage it's Battering Assault, Deadly Saber, Rupture then Assault and annihilte and if you're lucky rupture right after.


If you open with Force Charge then you won't even need Assault but i like to keep force charge to instantly recover from knockbacks and to disrupt, it always depends on the situation though.


Anyway, Deadly Saber and Rupture are the 2 first abilities you should land no matter what.

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