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    Charlotte, NC
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    MMOs and lacrosse
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  1. I play annihilation but only when there is a carnage mara in the group. Perd helps in rated so much both for objectives and just in large team fights. I think im 70-6 or something in rated everygame was in juyo forum.
  2. Do the new lightsabers require alloys from instances?
  3. I do nothing but PvP as that is all I enjoy in this game. From what I understand orange gear with augment slots and all the pvp mods/hilts/enh from WH will be BIS. I can gather most the mats for most of the armor from running crew skills while pvping. Weapons (I need 2 being a mara) require 3 alloys from instances. Assuming a crit rate of 10% I will need 60 alloys from HM 4mans. With 25% chance to win the roll I am looking at 240 HM runs to get BIS sabers? I have done all the hardmodes and while there easy they are boring and take time. Other then buying 240 alloys will there be another way to get augmented weapons so we can get BIS to Pvp? At 30mins a run it will take over 100 hours of nonstop instancing to get these weapons. Tell me I am wrong and VIA PVP we can add augment slots or something? Will quest reward/com turn in orange items have augments?
  4. It builds fury can be used for burst off GC talented reduces our shield more damage then VS per GC via an assault at the net cost of 1 rage The only time I don't use it on CD is when I need the rage for a dot or anni
  5. First off I love Cloak of Annihilation, keeps my 20% shield up a lot. (+1 point in cloak of carnage) This spec is the first hybrid spec I tested when I hit 50. The spec is fun but its less damage then full anni and a lot less healing. You posted decent damage scoreboards but I bet its lower then your norm. With Short fuse being moved maybe that will open up some more hybrid specs we shall see.
  6. Enjoyed the video Do you not use your rage(force) dumb in pvp? I see you at 12 rage(force) a lot.
  7. I really think that's it, the downtime. A ranged class has a lot less downtime, 0 if they know what there doing and playing bad players. Did not mean to kill your rant I agree with a lot of it. Also badges are just dumb. A healer can do 800k healing and get 3 badges.
  8. IMO- You need a healer to hit your top end damage. With cloak of Anni, cloak of carnage, defense forums, and other talents that benefit from being attacked. (Cloak of pain is up almost 100% of the time). At least as Anni that's how I come close to 600k in a Huttball. As far as your rage to anni to carnage I get about the same difference in damage for each spec. I find rage to be about 10% more damage over Anni and Anni 10-15% over carnage. Though I tend to survive better as Anni and I like to sit on healers. I agree we take a bit to ramp up but our top end seems more then competitive with the top end of other classes.
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