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why do ppl blame bw for ppl cheating?


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lets take a step back and look at cheating in any form of society...do ppl blame the structures that are in place..or the ppl who exploit them..theres very easy solution to kill kill traders....grp up and gank them,,i suspect as time goes on we will see this more(ppl gang banging the kill traders i mean)...but the question remains why blame BW when they arent the 1s doing anything wrong?
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I dont think its that people are mad because cheating can happen. That pretty much occurs with every game. I think people are mad because there hasn't been a strong stance against it or even communication on BW part that they are actively working on it.
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I dunno man...people blame 'the system' and 'society' fairly often for the problems that people have. It's even easier here because a single entity has such control over all these systems in place.


Not that I necessarily agree with the BW bashing, but I don't think it's surprising to see how it occurs so often.

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i disagree... bw have firml stated in the TOS what is cheating and what is not...ppl are blatanty exploiting that....what more can bw do?...they cant realistically ban every 1...just the cost of observing every1 cheating then banning them wud far outweigh the costs of the ppl exploiting Edited by iainmckenna
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lex they have said there looking at it..in fact there s bi g huge post about it on ur first post of forums..but thats not my point..my point is why are u angry at bw and not the cheaters?


Because their lack of foresight and hindsight caused it to be possible. Every MMO developer before this figured out "Oh.. letting people from opposite factions talk to each other leads to stupid things."


It was also a known issue, and nothing was done to prevent it from occuring.


And now, what will happen is they will finally investigate it because of massive community complaints, and they will put in some sort of patch, which will create yet another barrier in the way of "fresh" 50's.


Basically, BioWare's lack of taking action on this is a de-facto acknowledgment that they know that Ilum is completely unplayable as is, but rather than turning it off and preventing massive gear inflation for the current 50's, they're just leaving it turned on.


So basically, in a nutshell I blame BioWare because they are quite frankly doing everything wrong when they had plenty of games that have come before to show avoidable pitfalls. 5 minutes of market research would have corrected many of the problems on Ilum, and with the faction imbalance situation as it stands.

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Lol. What can they do?


Ban people. Do it by the score, and make it obvious to everyone who's being banned for what. Let people know you're going to eat the big one if you do x activity, and have banned players to prove it. People would be less willing to risk their account if there were visible punishments being handed out.


Remove some of the exploits altogether. No reason you should be able to hop up the ship on pub side voidstar and already be at the doors by the time the game actually starts. No reason you should be able to use stuck to go through walls in alde and skip the walk to the turrets that non-exploiters have to do. Etc... Especially after people have filed bug reports and posted on forums about them for weeks.

Edited by Crimsane
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ok malarik..so blame the police for burgalries also..my point is when will we stop this charade annd just get rid of the idiots..it isnt only biowares responsibilty...no mmo or game in the history of time has ever stamped out cheating..if u have suggestion im sure bio wud luuurve to hear it


my suggestion is this..unlike any other game we have a community...adn believe it or not..pl u know who are cheatting are also cheating u..u cant expect the devs to solve this lol..as sum previous posters have said...how?...it is upto the community to help bw...not just say..aint my prob..u sort it out bw...they cant...co-operation is needed..its quite obvious

Edited by iainmckenna
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What can *WE* do about the people? Nothing.


What can BW do. Lots. What are they doing? Who knows?


Who is at fault for not fixing bugs/exploits etc found in beta?


You certainly can't expect people that have been taught to take the easy road not do these types of things, can you?


POTBS had a pretty good game until they publicly announced that crossteaming, ie cheating, was allowed except in few instances. From that point on the game declined rapidly and now they are attempting to backtrack. Much too little too late.


What impression does this give to the paying customer when they hear that these things were huge known issues in beta and BW can't be bothered to fix them before going live.

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talizarr..u can report and report again..the community needs to work with bw..u cant just wash ur hands of it ...say its all bws responsibility..then also blame bw when they cant handle it..apply that same logic to irl..and u will quickly see how it is ridiculous to suggest that


and yes i can very well blame ******* for exloiting ...why wudnt i?..if sum1 left there window open wud u sneak in take there tv then say...well they left there window open..its there fault


cheating is cheating..regardless who allowed it..u dont have to do it

Edited by iainmckenna
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Broken system. Not cheating, certainly not exploiting. Factions can talk in say, system currently is soulgrindingly bad, and does it say when you fly into Ilum how you are supposed to complete your dailies? Just keep reporting, I'm sure having their CSR inboxes filled with incessant whining will solve it all. Get off it.
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ok atma name me 1 mmo that has stamped out cheating..if u can ill happily unsub and go play that game..but ill bet u 1million credits u cant


No game can ever completely "stamp out" cheating. That's why I said "many of the problems" and "avoidable pitfalls", and not "all of the cheating" and "all of the problems."


Literacy is hard, I know.

Edited by AtmaTheWanderer
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keep checking...but my point is...instead of making hreads on forums about cheaters..u cud have reported hat guy i n game...take screenshots...hell use fraps if u need...thy will watch it all eventually..just dont blame bw is my point..put urself in there shoes


and atma trying to be a smart arse isnt what this thread is about


pls goto the under 14s category if ur going to ttalk about literacy

Edited by iainmckenna
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lets take a step back and look at cheating in any form of society...do ppl blame the structures that are in place..or the ppl who exploit them..theres very easy solution to kill kill traders....grp up and gank them,,i suspect as time goes on we will see this more(ppl gang banging the kill traders i mean)...but the question remains why blame BW when they arent the 1s doing anything wrong?


haven't seen anyone blame them, just mad that they aren't doing anything to stop it. that's a huge difference

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How many PvP exploits have they fixed so far? Voidstar gate jumping? Nope. 12v8 team exploits? Nope. Huttball immune to melee? Nuh-uh. Grapple instant death? No sir.


I can keep going. They don't fix anything, save Ilum which they screwed up the day before and didn't revert the hundreds of thousands of valor that went out across the servers that day.

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