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why do ppl blame bw for ppl cheating?


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xenthum the void sta is fixed btw..stop watching 3 month old utube vids


ur next 1 12 v 8 is very easily solved..leave the arena.huttballl immune to mellee..i have never herd nor seen that..but i will watch...grapple instant death..i have no idea what u mean by this being an exploit

Edited by iainmckenna
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Because their lack of foresight and hindsight caused it to be possible. Every MMO developer before this figured out "Oh.. letting people from opposite factions talk to each other leads to stupid things."




There are far less games out there where you can not talk to they enemy.



WoW beeing the famous exception, while in EvE smacktalking the enemy is traditional.


The problem is that you get a reward for killing someone, whithout any consequences for the killed one. That is the problem, not that they can talk to each other.

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Mad at biowares since:

1) It was pretty obvious that if they implemented it in current form it would be exploited, it happened in other MMOs and one though Bioware would learn on mistake of others...

2) Since there still was no strong stange on that matter - no one is punished, not even answer tellign they will fix the mechanic that allows that exploit. Which is a really really bad sign for the game in long term.


Its either Bioware starts banning exploiters, or in few month theres only exploiters who will be left in this game, as all honest players would move on.

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ok atma name me 1 mmo that has stamped out cheating..if u can ill happily unsub and go play that game..but ill bet u 1million credits u cant


AoC had exact same issue as SWTOR - people farming each other for PvP xp to gain PvP levels fast. Guess what? Community basically told - you fix it and punish them, or there will be no community and just exploiters that would move on since they maxed otu everything anyway. And guess what? All of the exploiters were banned/rolled back.


It was amusing what percentage of "leet pvpers" suddenly disappeared, and then week later reappeared with 0 pvp levels and more timid then before.

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stop blaming devs for the actions of idiots..it isnt the devs faults...the players cud quite easily say..thats an exploit lets not do it...ur argument is completee and utter bollox..as the saying goes..u cant polish a turd


as i understand ur basically saying every is a cheat and its up to the devs to stop them cheating?


well no we arent ...sum of us enjoy playing a game...and my whole point for this thread was for ppl to report cheats..not just join in then say..'well bio didnt stop us so its ok'...that is the most ridoinculous argument for cheating ive ever heard


i didnt get caught so it ok...oh go away

just report them..and keep reporting..or bw can do nothing

Edited by iainmckenna
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