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Is it possible to turn Jaesa to the dark side as after you recruit her?


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Just what the title says.


I have looked everywhere and it seems most people are just upset that they can't romance her as a LS SW which I really don't care too much about. The only reason I'm a LS SW at the moment was because I was working on raising Vette's affection and cause I wanted the little sandcrawler pet.


Now when I went to recruit Jaesa I picked mostly dark choices although I did spare her parents and Karr but my plan was to make her turn to the dark side, not so much for the romance but because I think it would be awesome to see her fall from the light side.


I'm not one of those people who really cares about my alignment so I would really like to know if anyone has actually turned Jaesa to the dark side (ie. make her a murderous crazy psycho*****) without her parents murdered and having kill her master.


It really wouldnt make sense if bioware would make her alignment decision based solely on one cutscene without any buildup or anything. I've read that she turns to the dark side really fast but I'd think that you should get at least a few chances to before its completely locked for good.


I've also read that you have a cutscene with Jaesa shortly after you recruit her with her asking if she should be light or dark, is this true?


If anyone has been able to turn Jaesa to the dark side from her default light side I'd really appreciate any response.

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You can turn her. However, you really didn't do much to turn her while she was vulnerable. Essentially you failed at being evil at the critical points.


Also, given your affinity to the light it wouldn't even make sense for you to be able to do such a thing until you yourself were on the Dark Side.


Perhaps, given this is supposed to be a long running MMO, if you turn to the Dark Side in the future they could add some story/quests to let you retry this task.

Edited by JediKabuto
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Well I did choose the majority of the evil options I just spared him cause to me it seemed like a far greater punishment to let him be humiliated by his peers and live a life knowing he had lost everything, on top of that I thought it would make Jaesa more eager to see my way of things.


I mean seriously, Palpatine had totally manipulated everyone and acted good sometimes to fulfill his own goals and ended up being the freaking emperor! He didnt even kill anyone really until the empire really started to form. So what the hell is with these BS absolute evil choices? Imo you have to understand both sides of the force to be truely evil or good otherwise your just a singled minded ***** or douche.


But anyways, you said it is possible to turn her afterwards? cause I honestly dont mind going dark, in fact I was looking forward to having a evil companion so I could finally start actually being a dark sith without vette looking over my shoulder all the time.

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Dark Jaesa sucks imo, she's far too cruel for a girl who was light side until a moment ago. I generally choose dark side options except when civilians or innocents are involved, and once I lost almost 300 points with her, forcing me to do the choice again with another companion. I also have to tolerate her "le't kill al the light side sith"/inquisitor behavior, wich is prompting me to go back to Vette.
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Dark Jaesa sucks imo, she's far too cruel for a girl who was light side until a moment ago. I generally choose dark side options except when civilians or innocents are involved, and once I lost almost 300 points with her, forcing me to do the choice again with another companion. I also have to tolerate her "le't kill al the light side sith"/inquisitor behavior, wich is prompting me to go back to Vette.


Sounds like you should have picked LS Jaesa. I love DS Jaesa, I think she makes perfect sense (You SHATTERED the foundation of her entire belief system, which she had believed in since a child. You replaced it with the sith philosophy; that the strong survive and the weak perish and that is HOW IT SHOULD BE. Her ENTIRE LIFE has been shattered and re-formed; she's like Anakin turned into Vader. I thought it was appropriate).


I like slaughtering jedi every chance I get, and I'm glad I finally got somebody who can appreciate it and get + loyalty instead of - when I choose the evil option :p

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Sorry OP, AFAIK its a binary choice at the offset of which Jaesa you'll end up with.


AFAIK there aren't ANY companions which can be corrupted. Somebody told me you could corrupt Vette if you just keep at it, and I think they were trolling because I just ended up with massively negative affection with vette.


Companions do not have an alignment really, they're all neutral and stay that way. They equip gear based on your alignment. Which is kinda awkward, LS Jaesa can't use blue sabers if you're DS, and DS Jaesa can't use red sabers if you're LS.

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You can't. Simple as that. You have to be DS 1 or above to get DS Jaesa and vice versa if you want her LS. Not sure what happens when you're neutral though but I imagine game simply counts how much DS and how much LS choices you made and bigger count wins.


Once you get either of her "versions" you're stuck with it.

Edited by gibmachine
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Sounds like you should have picked LS Jaesa.


I've been told that it depends if you're light or dark side when you pick her. So I guess I had to be light to get her, but then I didn't know that evil Jaesa is too evil for me :rolleyes:



I like slaughtering jedi every chance I get, and I'm glad I finally got somebody who can appreciate it and get + loyalty instead of - when I choose the evil option :p


I like that too, and I like kiling Sith too to rule alone :mad:

I simply dislike that she punishes me hard (-300) when I make my (very) few light side choices. However, nothing that a Quinn switch can't solve.

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You can't. Simple as that. You have to be DS 1 or above to get DS Jaesa and vice versa if you want her LS. Not sure what happens when you're neutral though but I imagine game simply counts how much DS and how much LS choices you made and bigger count wins.


Once you get either of her "versions" you're stuck with it.


I'm neutral, and Jaesa literally asked me what side she should go. I had the option between telling her to embrace the dark side or stay on her own ways.


I went Light Side, 'cause I didn't want a crazy *****. But now I'm apparently trying to destroy the empire from the inside, and all her convos are dedicated to that. Sigh.

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I love DS Jaesa, I think she makes perfect sense (You SHATTERED the foundation of her entire belief system, which she had believed in since a child. You replaced it with the sith philosophy; that the strong survive and the weak perish and that is HOW IT SHOULD BE. Her ENTIRE LIFE has been shattered and re-formed; she's like Anakin turned into Vader. I thought it was appropriate).


Jaesa wasn't raised as a Jedi. She was a handmaiden and the daughter of servants in a royal house. She grew up watching the weak (commoners) serving the royalty (strong). All the warrior does (light or dark) is show Jaesa that Nomen Karr was a hypocrite. There's nothing really shattering about that.


And Anakin's fall to the dark side came from his own paranoia. The only event that could be considered shattering was the knowledge that he had killed his own wife. Which happened after he had ground out a bunch of dark side points on the Jedi younglings.

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I'm neutral, and Jaesa literally asked me what side she should go. I had the option between telling her to embrace the dark side or stay on her own ways.


I went Light Side, 'cause I didn't want a crazy *****. But now I'm apparently trying to destroy the empire from the inside, and all her convos are dedicated to that. Sigh.


was this during the quest when you get her? or afterwards? at the moment I'm back at neutral cause I was going to go dark until I read the replies on here. I know when I recruited her I didn't choose any of the "we can fix the empire from the inside" options all of my responses were telling her to embrace the dark side and I fought her a few times and even now when I talk to her she says that my path is uncertain which she never did before so I don't know if lowering your alignment did that or if its just something she says.


Also, does anyone else find it weird that (apparently) you have to pretty much kill everyone Jaesa loves and cares about in order to the dark side and join you? I mean I'd understand turning to the dark side after that but why join you and then go all bloodthirsty sex crazed maniac over you? It just doesn't add up, in every other fallen Jedi/light sider turned Sith/dark sider related story I've ever read there is a progressive fall due to uncertainty, paranoia, lust for power, etc, not a complete personality change the instant something bad happens.


I really don't think that Bioware put much thought into her story which really doesn't make sense considering their rep with romances. With romances you have to keep grinding and grinding by giving gifts and saying the right things to get affection and it takes awhile to get them to even acknowledge you in that way and if you did everything right then you finally get to have a relationship/sleep with them and I would think that turning someone from light to dark would be the same way and visa versa. Granted you do get an entire act to choose how your actions will affect her but it really is a poor attempt cause you never even see her until your about to recruit her, its not like you can influence her in any way directly. And honestly, I didnt even know she was a companion until I had the option to tell Malgus that I could corrupt her. so I looked it up. Before I had just thought all of act 1 was just another one of Malgus's BS missions that I had to complete to get to the real story.


I really love this game but its playing out far too much like Mass Effect/Dragon Age and by that I mean every one of your actions or choices affects something in the long run, which I love except, in a normal Bioware game if you want to experience everything you make save files so you can reboot to see the different choices you make or just make a new character altogether. And I would do that in this game except... for the mmo part of this game. It takes a long time to get from 1-37, I've maxed out 2 crafts, I have a crapload of credits from crafts (which I could just transfer but still), I have a bunch of hard to get titles, and most importantly I have every single datacron up until Taris which I sure as hell dont want to get again. So to give up all of that just to get a personality change which should have better developed is totally not worth it for me but it is a shame, oh well.

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was this during the quest when you get her?


During. Just a note, I let Nomen Karr live, let the other jedi on tatooinee live, let her parents live, pretty much did everything light. I also denied the dark side version of me.


But I was still given the option, merely because I was neutral, and not light side or dark side aligned. So I know for a fact it has nothing to do with what you choose.

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[rant]I find the affection system of the only two companions I have now besides T-7 to be quite mind boggling and questionable honestly. For Mako you practically have to be a goody good and make light side choices to gain affection. Same with Vette, and it's even more frustrating with her because then you are a freakin' SITH! As a Sith, you really shouldn't be making ANY light side choices, but I find my self kinda sheep herded into doing so, so I can get good affection with Vette wothout spending all my credits on companion gifts. T-7 makes sense, because you're a Jedi and are expected to make light side choices. I think alignment shouldn't have anything to do with affection and it should be based more on how you talk and interac with the companion. [/rant]
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s a Sith, you really shouldn't be making ANY light side choices, [...] Jedi and are expected to make light side choices.


I don't agree. Choices somehow are more complex. If you make all dark side choice as a sith you are classic dumb bad guy. On Tarsis, for example, the reigning Darth congratulates you if you make light side choices which help the Empire in their mission. Being evil doesn't mean kill everything in sight.

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Since I choose dark side all the time, yes I have killed everyone in the stories, almost dark side lvl 4 :) (character lvl 33) I turned her and damn does she love the dark side. Nearly +100 each time I choose dark side options :) Vette became annoying, also the gifts get to me, not knowing if they work, wasting heaps to only get +0 :( All the Jedi will DIE! Glad to have a hot sith following me around that enjoys slaughtering as much as I do now :)
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[rant]I find the affection system of the only two companions I have now besides T-7 to be quite mind boggling and questionable honestly. For Mako you practically have to be a goody good and make light side choices to gain affection. Same with Vette, and it's even more frustrating with her because then you are a freakin' SITH! As a Sith, you really shouldn't be making ANY light side choices, but I find my self kinda sheep herded into doing so, so I can get good affection with Vette wothout spending all my credits on companion gifts. T-7 makes sense, because you're a Jedi and are expected to make light side choices. I think alignment shouldn't have anything to do with affection and it should be based more on how you talk and interac with the companion. [/rant]


just wanted to add, that you can get an easy 300 CP for vette just by running Black Talon solo.

i got vette to 9k affection by lv 30 just doing that - didnt give her one gift.

(obviously you have to know the right convo answers, the 300cp also includes 200 DS)


Also I read that you can corrupt vette by not removing the shock collar,

I think she asks you 4 or 5 times to remove it, if you dont, you finally get a quest

that makes her a Slave forever, from then she likes your dark side choices.

(I havnt done it myself tho) but i believe you then dont get any more quests from her

at all - personally it seems silly to close off those quests just to hear her say "die scum"

and for a few DS pts - which you can get anyway.


I would like to know if you can recruit Dark Side Jaesa, then go Light Side

what happens then ? Does she come for you when she's "sensing" light side sith ?

Edited by cerveau
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Just finished chapter one on my warrior last night and I can confirm that you can get Dark Jaesa *without* killing anyone that is supposed to be important to her. I let the master on Tatooine live, sent her parents to live on Dromund Kaas, and let Nomen Karr live. I was also exactly neutral at the time (2900 light, 2900 dark).
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Just finished chapter one on my warrior last night and I can confirm that you can get Dark Jaesa *without* killing anyone that is supposed to be important to her. I let the master on Tatooine live, sent her parents to live on Dromund Kaas, and let Nomen Karr live. I was also exactly neutral at the time (2900 light, 2900 dark).


i think its just based on ur faction, if ur dark u get dark jaesa, if ur light, u get light jaesa.

as you've proved if ur neutral - u get to choose.

i was dark, killed her parents but let Nomen karr live, and I got dark jeasa.


Id like to know, now you have dark jaesa, are you going light side to see wot happens

with her ?

Edited by cerveau
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Jaesa wasn't raised as a Jedi. She was a handmaiden and the daughter of servants in a royal house. She grew up watching the weak (commoners) serving the royalty (strong). All the warrior does (light or dark) is show Jaesa that Nomen Karr was a hypocrite. There's nothing really shattering about that.


And Anakin's fall to the dark side came from his own paranoia. The only event that could be considered shattering was the knowledge that he had killed his own wife. Which happened after he had ground out a bunch of dark side points on the Jedi younglings.


I have to agree with this. There's absolutely nothing to justify just how far Jaesa falls if you go DS, particularly if you spared her parents and former master, but still turned her. If anything, DS Jaesa should be a pragmatist -- someone who calls on the darkside to aid her, but is so jaded by the lies of either side that she remains somewhere in the middle.


It doesn't make any sense at all that, upon finding out that one Jedi is a hypocrite, she totally falls off the deepend. In fact, there is no 'Anakin moment' for little miss Willsaam -- and you telling her to kill her master doesn't count, since she's already bat**** crazy at that point (which is reaffirmed by the fact that, even if you spare Karr, Jaesa still goes off the deep end).


I don't like LS Jaesa's open rebellion against the Empire, and I detest what it does to my characters, but, ultimately, that's the more believable character model for her (especially when none of my Sith warriors have ever been nearly as crazy as she gets if she goes dark). And, honestly, I have hopes that in a future expansion, that Jaesa could be coaxed into a more realistic, neutral view of the force.


But DS Jaesa? There's no going back with that cat. She's insane.

Edited by AJediKnight
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So many people want to romance her too...yuck. I'm all about crushing my foes with an iron fist and eliminating the weak and strong alike, but she just wants to do it for kicks. At least I have a purpose to what I do. Edited by DiLune
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I sent her parents to live on Dromund Kaas, Killed the master on Tatooine and made her kill Nomen Karr. I got Darkside Jaesa.. Shes not totally ******* psycho crazy like everyone thinks.


She had her entire view on life proved wrong, and she finally got to let her emotions be shown... It threw her a curveball and shes adjusting to it. For my marauder right now shes systematically wiping out all the Sith that aren't loyal to the empire.. Thats a purpose... I think shes also hotter then vetter by far!

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I literally just finished chapter one, and with that said:


I am level 33, and at Dark III.



I had a choice of Dark Side (was option one) and Light Side (was option 3), I don't remember what the middle choice was, as to me it was only Dark Side for her.





Choices I made leading up to finishing the chapter.



Killed dude on Tatooine, killed her parents. I made her kill Noman Karr.


Edited by Keggar
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  • 3 months later...
Just finished chapter one on my warrior last night and I can confirm that you can get Dark Jaesa *without* killing anyone that is supposed to be important to her. I let the master on Tatooine live, sent her parents to live on Dromund Kaas, and let Nomen Karr live. I was also exactly neutral at the time (2900 light, 2900 dark).


I have looked for this post for the last 2 hours, thank you muchly friend! :D

You have answered my question, and made me happy. ^.^

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