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Five things BioWare needs to add post launch in order to keep subscribers


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I like what you wrote here. Open world PVP could be a lot better. More social functions are going to be really important too.


Add ons personally I could care less about. Pretty sure after 15 years, I know how to play video games. I don't need any more help than what the developers put in the game. I see people complain about add ons a lot. People want them too, but the general consensus is they aren't planned to be implemented at all.


Im not talking dumb addons, good addons. Just look at games like Minecraft that are mod centric, they are very good. Could they incorporate as much stuff? No, because it's a mmo, but it could be a really good start for modding.

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Five changes BioWare needs to make post launch in order to maintain subscribers:


5.) Combat Log - Not having a combat log -as a mmo player- is really frustrating. Not only does it affect the PvE crowd, it affects the PvP crowd too. It's really frustrating not knowing which abilities you should use and include in your rotation in order to achieve the best damage output in PvP and PvE


I cannot stress enough on how much this is not really needed and yet people are so hung up on it from WOW. As a raider, avid lover of FP and operations and run them whenever I get the chance. A combat log is not really needed. Completed every FP and operation I have ran so far and not needed this.


It's your personal opinion and thats great that you have one. Actually needed in game. Yea, not so much and it wont hinder subscriptions not being there.


4.) Addons - A big part of WoW's success was user integrated addons, now it's not a large thing they should focus on, however they should add this. A majority of things ranging from UI customization to DPS meters can be created by users, causing less of a hassle on BioWare for the little stuff!


I could see wanting this and how helpful it would be to have then. I would like a mouse over macro myself. I'm cool with addons as long as BW NEVER, EVER has to design encounters around everyone having them. At that point they have crossed the line. You can fill in the blank on what helps out in the convenience area and those that go way to far.


Game designers should never have to design around an addon.



3.) Social - Now im not here to compare the social features from WoW to SWTOR,im here to compare the social features from SWTOR to games like LOTRO and SWG. See, WoW never really supported Social features that much apart from chat bubbles and guilds; most of it (Goldshire, outside Orgimar) was created as a place to hang out for the community. However, im not here to discuss this. I'm here to discuss how BioWare should add stuff to cantinas (like minigames) so people are attracted to them. See, completing these minigames would reward social points to players and sometimes credits. Also, Guild Capital Ships would be nice.


Not really needed to hold subscriptions. This is not SWG and never will be and I'd like to hear what LOTRO had in this area cause I can't remember doing any there.


Sure adding some minor stuff to pass the time is one thing and some I'd like to see. Game breaking or hurting subscriptions. No, not hardly.


Again it's all a personal opinion and not something everyone wants or even needs. I rather see more FP and operations created then this for end game. If I'm wasting time in game, there is no reason to not do dailies.


2.) Better OWpvp - I can not stress enough about how bad OWpvp is on illum, it's literally a zerg fest, farming, cluster-****. BioWare, take a few pointers from games like DaoC or Warhammer online when it comes to PvP.


Again, this is a person playstyle and not a widespread problem. I understand Ilum has it's probelms. Fix that and be done with it. PVP'er will be happy and the other 50% could careless.


1.) More stuff to do at endgame - I can not stress how annoying it is, that in every single mmo you do the same exact thing. Oh do some dailys, craft some stuff, do some warzones, flashpoints, and raid. No, well, I still want to do all that stuff, but im legit tired of that crap. I want to see new stuff like Open Space, or Swoop Racing, something new to endgame.


This really goes along with number 3 and is not really needed anytime soon if at all. Sure, some of it would be nice but hurt subs cause I can't swoop race. Not going to happen.


Open space combat sounds more like an entire expansion than a side game. I rather see it done big and done right than added as a minigame.



I hope you enjoyed this thread, please feel out your thoughts! Also a like and a sub wouldn't hurt :)


Addons are about the only thing I can really agree with here. The rest is nothing but fluff and personal preference.

Edited by Quraswren
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Quoted for truth, sick of dumbing down games with 3rd party programs


I don't buy the "dumbed down" excuse when there are entire communites dedicated to theorycrafting in WoW, where the numbers are attained from addon support amongst the players.

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