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Leave space combat alone!


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Since when? All we ever see in the movies, are bits and pieces of space(except for battle of Yavin & Endor) which...you know look like they are on a flightpath(much like this space) majority of Star Wars takes place on the planets.


and in the movies we dont control where the characters run to either, so thats a very pointless thing to say (the "ships look like they follow a flight path in the movies" thing that is).

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I never said I did unlike you with your "my's" and "I's". The majority of people on these forums (which devs use as a basis for feedback) want a combat revamp, so yes the majority of the community wants the opposite of you.


1. You don't know that the majority of the people on the forum want a revamp. This is a naked-eye observation and an opinion. You don't really know this.


2. Even if you did, this forum is a tiny, tiny minority of the player base. You can't jump from "the forum wants it" to "the community wants it." You just don't know that.

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For me personally the mini arcade game that space is now just doesn't fit in with an MMO world. So much more can be done with space.


yes I want the game as complex and huge as it can be.


Then you may want to broaden your conception of what makes an mmorpg.

I remember an MMORPG called Valkyrie Sky. A free to play that was really cool, all of the combat and quests were done via a top down vertical scrolling "bullet hell" shooter style. Complete with classes and stats and powers.


MMORPG's are capable of so much more than most companies are willing to invest in.

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Space in this game...now stay with me here, the game is called STAR WARS right?


STAR = Space.......


Simple right?


I mean SHIPS, SHIPS, SHIPS and well...more ships, planets, a galaxy, SIZE - distance, enormity!! Oh not to mention zero gravity, space combat...


Part of a role playing game is to give the impression that you are PART of that environment and immersed in the "realm". Yes the story is good, but beyond that I don't see how BIOWARE tried.


Okay class! now that we have that simple concept...


Why play a space game? To give the player the "feel" of being in space, because you can use the ships!!!! Weapons, "flight", tactics, challenges etc.


BIOWARE, year 2008-2012, Modern day ability of programming, computing, graphics, understanding of physics, space, math blah blah...


What year was SWG released??? Space in that game was pretty damn awesome! yeah it had it's draw backs. However space in this game is a serious, not a step back, but collapse of effort on the Dev's part and companies involved.


Should space in SWTOR be like SWG? No probably not, should it be a major ELEMENT of STAR WARS....HELL *********** YEAH!


So those that are happy with their Nintendo era "Space game" err <cough> "Star Fox" clone. Then obviously you are happy with what ever looks pretty and not something worth while investing the mental energy to learn to play and enjoy the environment and the variables that come with such an environment.


Again this is supposed to be a STAR WARS game and of which SPACE is a key element...


But hey, such is the route of many games these days because they are simply to complicated the "We want every thing to be one click" generations coming along.


Hey BIOWARE, what about the "hey we enjoy something worth learning and investing time more then just money" generation....?


meh, anyway, I realize my post won't change the mind of whoever gestated this abomination they call space, but maybe someone might care what a paying customer thinks and would be willing to pay for.

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Space is obviously a big part of star wars. And when you buy a star wars game it should (atleast on my opinion) have a good/great space interraction/freedom?? Can't find a better word for it.


You don't need 15 controls for good space combat. W,A,S,D M1, M2, 1 and 2 should be enough, and maybe shift for boost. You use all of those buttons in game anyway so it shouldn't be too hard.


when BW put in spacecombat they had a vision for its use and i think they nailed it. It's just supposed to be a distraction that temporarily takes you away from character progression, that's all. No one knows how many ppl are queing up spacecombat everyday and enjoying it, so you cant say by what margin how many want sweeping changes.

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No. They do take forum opinions into account. They've said as much. Several times.


I know. But it's not the complete picture, and a few threads on "I don't like space combat" doesn't mean "everyone wants a revamp," which is the slight of hand you're trying to pull here.


This forum is a tiny, tiny, tiny minority of the people who play this game.


This forum is a tiny, tiny, tiny minority of the people who play this game.


Get it?

Edited by JustTed
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Since when? All we ever see in the movies, are bits and pieces of space(except for battle of Yavin & Endor) which...you know look like they are on a flightpath(much like this space) majority of Star Wars takes place on the planets.


Also there is the Battle of Naboo, in Episode I, the chase scene between Kenobi and Jango Fett in Episode II, the opening sequence in Episodes III and IV, and there are plenty of scenes in Episode V that take place in/around the Milenium Falcon. That is quite a lot of screen time for something so insignificant.

Edited by SithZigg
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Since when? All we ever see in the movies, are bits and pieces of space(except for battle of Yavin & Endor) which...you know look like they are on a flightpath(much like this space) majority of Star Wars takes place on the planets.


Battle of Yavin 4, Battle of Endor, Numerous chase scenes, almost 80% of Empire Strikes Back had the Falcon running through space.


Major things happened in space, and I'd like to be part of that same thing. The tunnel shooter does not give me that feeling at all. My smuggler does not... smuggle.

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2. Even if you did, this forum is a tiny, tiny minority of the player base. You can't jump from "the forum wants it" to "the community wants it." You just don't know that.


Well like I said, those that dont want it should start speaking up. The devs see all of these threads requesting a space combat revamp, what do you think they are going to think? the people that actually post feedback on the forum are actually a pretty good source as they took the time to give the feedback when other did not. You seem to not know what you're talking about and assume that you and TS are perfectly fine with space combat the way it is.

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and in the movies we dont control where the characters run to either, so thats a very pointless thing to say (the "ships look like they follow a flight path in the movies" thing that is).


I do agree that Erickson was full of ****, when he made that crack about he doesn't remember Han and Chewie "dickin' around" in space.


As I also don't remember Han sending Chewie out on a mining runs, to make armor padding for his vest. I also don't remember Luke having to bullseye 30 wamp rats in his T16 skyhopper, before he could meet Old Ben, and take the quest to get his advance class.

Edited by Fiachsidhe
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Because it feels like a smartphone app with fancy graphics? It's not that it's bad, it's more lost opportunity on what it could, and in other's opinion, should be.


The reason it feels like a smartphone app is because the lead designer from Bioware Edmonton that they had do it.... used to make iPhone apps for them.

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I know. But it's not the complete picture, and a few threads on "I don't like space combat" doesn't mean "everyone wants a revamp," which is the slight of hand you're trying to pull here.


This forum is a tiny, tiny, tiny minority of the people who play this game.


This forum is a tiny, tiny, tiny minority of the people who play this game.


Get it?

Chill, man. I agree.


But that guy's probably right when he says that people should voice their opinions about a feature, one way or another. Because the devs do look at it, and weigh it for what it's worth.

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Space pvp combat would be neat but TOR is a part of the KoToR series and space combat was hardly a focus. I would rather have them focus on the storyline/flashpoints and pvp then space combat. As it is it is a nice mini game to get some quick exp to break the leveling grind.
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1. You don't know that the majority of the people on the forum want a revamp. This is a naked-eye observation and an opinion. You don't really know this.


2. Even if you did, this forum is a tiny, tiny minority of the player base. You can't jump from "the forum wants it" to "the community wants it." You just don't know that.


Youre kidding right?

the space combat thread was the longest running thread in the history of the forums before the wipe...

it had at least 30 iterations before they wiped the forums, 20 of witch had polls that showed that more than 50% of players wanted free-flight space combat (more than 50% the earlier you look).

And since threads here are closed after what, 1.000 posts?, that means at least 30.000 posts have been made on this subject in the OFFICIAL thead about it...


that means that people care... and its not a "naked-eye" observation or opinion.


and stop using the "forum is a tiny minority" argument since it means nothing at all... it could just as well mean that EVERYONE that isnt posting on the forum wants better space combat.

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"Again this is supposed to be a STAR WARS game and of which SPACE is a key element.."


...it's an MMO, i fail to see your logic why it needs to have a flight sim bolted on to it.


are you not following your own thread? numerous people have already stated that it does not need to be a flight sim..stop making that stupid assumption. also, lol @ your "an mmo is only about character progression" you're so ignorant, how old are you?

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Well they could keep everyone happy.


Revamp space completely so it is another whole MMO within this one.


Those that like ground MMOing can stick to that, those that like space MMO can do that, those that like both can do that and finally the people that like the arcade MSM bowling type space combat can have arcade machines installed in the cantinas to break up your day!


Everyones happy!


Its win win!

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It didn't have space combat on release. It came much later.




Yes I know that, however given what space was in that game, then.......why is BIOWARE not able to do that today, or 2-3 years ago?


Hell there are games that are over a decade old, that are far better when it comes to space simulation.


I don't want to pay 15$ a month for a 3 minute carnival ride.


I want a ship I can customize and explore a solar system/galaxy with. Bob and weave my way into the "blind spot" on a cruiser to take out a critical component. Dog fight a squadron of fighters, reinforced by a light cruiser. Disable a shuttle and board it for an objective.


Space in this game isn't anything close to that.

Edited by CeiLican
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I don't remember Han sending Chewie out on a mining runs, to make armor padding for his vest. I also don't remember Luke having to bullseye 30 wamp rats in his T16 skyhopper, before he could meet Old Ben, and take the quest to get his advance class.


The movies?


I also remember a Smuggler being absolutely, positively no match for a Sith Warrior in the movies.


We get the setting from the movies, not the rules. If we got the rules from the movies, this would be World of Forcecraft since everyone know a Smuggler is no match for the Force.

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