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Leave space combat alone!


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Space is boring and poorly made IMO.......



Such a large minority of the movie is in space therefore we cannot ignore this part of the MMO and make it into a diversion that is substandard to the rest of the game. it is currently this way.



I do not demand or even desire it to be a flight sim or much be changed other then the poor content. the levels at which the space battles progress are ok but all they do is make the same battles a little more difficult and call them something else.....This stinks of laziness IMO.

there are a few new levels with mines and madalores and whatnot but in general the space is boring and mindlessly numbing.



I am tired of Aric Jordan screaming on the headset we are gonna crash as the game launches



i am tired of the jedi in his little ship screaming FOR THE JEDI...as there is no emotion...only the force.



The targetting of sub structures on capital ships and screening ships is damn tragic.....Not real sure how i can target a gun on the far end of the ship through the body of the ship but in TOR you can....



I can hit asteroids BRAVO....but i can fly through the mass of a capital ship/screeing vessel and remain unscathed.



The rewards you recieve tokens or whatever are not usable til lvl 50...you may dpend them on the good stuff but cant use it til 50'ish other then ship upgrades


Did I mention that i spaced Aric Jordan with my robot because he said my crew were getting a little "thick" and that catman for side seat driving!!!!

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The industry has spoken...and seeing as how my spaceship parts keep selling on the GTN, so have players.


I’m making a AAA MMO, I have a budget of 200 million dollars, my target audience is the MMO genre that exists in the market today. I do my research, for years, looking at history of what worked and what didn’t. I’m going to include the most popular game play by today’s standard that’s going to appeal to the largest fan base to increase my chance of success. I release my product…


… it doesn’t have a flight sim. Why is that?


Because MMO players don’t like flight sims. Sure there are a few handful of overlapped customers that favors flight sims but they’re not really my target audience.

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So let me ask you this. Have you NEVER in your 18 years of life


When you have to start off a long rebuttle with something like that you may as well stop. You went from back peddling to full tilt damage control.


Pretty sad seeing as what the discussion is about. There was never a need to even go there to try to attempt to lend support to your opinion. you need to learn to take opinion and set it to the side when dealing with a topic that requires facts...which once again have not been addressed. Perhaps in your next post you can give a long list of whatever else that has nothing to do with refutting the current discussion.

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I love the people who's main counter to an obviously popular position to assume that forum people are different from 'regular' people and constitute an inherently skewed and different representation.


Btw I also have to point out that I loled at the guy who minimalized Space Combat into "most of the fighting was done on the planets" Even a cursory look at the movies would reveal how incredibly just plain wrong that opinion is.

Edited by Aram_Darksun
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I’m making a AAA MMO, I have a budget of 200 million dollars, my target audience is the MMO genre that exists in the market today. I do my research, for years, looking at history of what worked and what didn’t. I’m going to include the most popular game play by today’s standard that’s going to appeal to the largest fan base to increase my chance of success. I release my product…


… it doesn’t have a flight sim. Why is that?


Because MMO players don’t like flight sims. Sure there are a few handful of overlapped customers that favors flight sims but they’re not really my target audience.


Dont know why you replied to me with that...thats what I have been telling them for 4-5 pages now :p

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Keep the current space mission style for solo play. They are a fun diversion and very cinematic. Also give us a more in-depth version for group play and pvp, with more control of our ship and a more free form flight style. Make it optional and advancement in it only affect itself, and not impact other areas of the game so that players can choose if they want to advance in this more difficult space play.


In addition, I would personally love to see cool things like space ship raids on the enemy team fleet and the enemies defending in their ships, and free flight options within the systems around the planets and pvp options there, etc., but I can't imagine how that would actually function and work out without being just bad...

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Four or five ships? I remember space events with over one hundred player ships participating! That was cinematic. And heroic, and everything else an MMO should be. Not to mention all the missions, soloing a corvette for the first time, etc... Space combat should be moving forward in an newer MMO, not taking us back to Descent 3.



Oh, that just sounds epic! I'd LOVE to have that kind of experience in a Star Wars MMO! :D


I guess it felt cinematic because we role-played it (which I imagine is easier done with 4-5 ships than with 100).






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Oh, and to whoever said SWG closed down due to lack of players... Not true (Vanguard is still going). The license expired. Lucas Arts has zero incentive to have two competing games using their IP, so the license wasn't renewed. Simple economics. My bet is even is SWG had ten times the player base, LA would still have shut it down.


yes zero incentive, because people were'nt playing the game. Do you honestly think they would shut it down if they were making a lot of money with it? thats ridiculous

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yes zero incentive, because people were'nt playing the game. Do you honestly think they would shut it down if they were making a lot of money with it? thats ridiculous


Actually that depends on operating costs.


Asherons Call is still running with I believe less than 6,000 players. Hit 12 years recently.


Then again, we are talking about Sony here, its not just about profit,its about a decent sized profit.

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When you have to start off a long rebuttle with something like that you may as well stop. You went from back peddling to full tilt damage control.


Pretty sad seeing as what the discussion is about. There was never a need to even go there to try to attempt to lend support to your opinion. you need to learn to take opinion and set it to the side when dealing with a topic that requires facts...which once again have not been addressed. Perhaps in your next post you can give a long list of whatever else that has nothing to do with refutting the current discussion.


Right. So calling me a liar supports your argument? Again I re-iterate what I said above, repeatedly throughout his thread, there is more interest in this type of game than you think, and there has been interest in space themed games from as long as I have been playing online games. It does NOT change what I said in any way shape or form that I equate all multi-player online games I have played in my mind as MMO's.


If you want to be Anal about the definition, fine, feel free, but I'm not. I equate all multi-player games I have played online as MMO's, even if some were strictly speaking, only the precursors of the genre. That does NOT make me a liar, as you repeatedly stated. Nor does anything you have said, refute anything I have said.


let me repeat myself, again.. because you are obviously NOT reading it right.


Since I have been playing online games, there has been continual discussion amongs the people I have talked with, wondering when a decent space themed game would come out. When graphical based games (MMO's) hit the scene the discussion turned to when a decent space themed MMO game would come out. From my experience in playing many online games (25 years worth of experience). There has been a constant interest in a space themed combat game within the groups and servers I have played on.


I stated that I believe there is a greater interest in this type of game than you think. I never stated that the majority of players are interested in this type of game. I stated that many people play the 'popular' games because that is all that is really out here, or that is what their friends play, or because they couldn't find anything else.


You on the other hand, have continued to attempt to put words in my mouth I did not say. You have continued to attempt to manipulate things I said to mean something else (failing to consider that people define things differently) and you called me a liar, not once, but at least twice, and implied it several times.


Sorry cupcake, but you have no high ground to stand on here.


Have a nice day. Politician.



Edited by Saitada
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Bioware already announced they're revamping the space aspects several times now so...whats the point of this thread again? You dont even know what Bioware is changing...yet you tell them to not do anything with it when you could, in fact, like it more than what space combat currently is. You could always, you know, wait out the months until Bioware is ready to announce the details.
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I couldn't disagree more with the OP.


I would much prefer a free-flight full-on space flight sim in the style of Wing Commander or X-Wing/Tie Fighter tacked solidly onto this MMO.


That said, if people enjoy the current system (which I find not-at-all compelling), leave it in if you expand space combat, and continue to support it as well....Then everyone can be happy.

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Space flight in this game is not much more than an arcade game to play between lulls in activity on the ground, I can't fault the graphics, which are quite stunning, but the lack of real control or having anything to do with missions on the ground make it a waste of time, in my opinion.
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Click my name, click on my post history.


Enjoy your big cup of wrong...you dont even know why im having this discussion and you have ignored the parts of the posts where I stated I have no issue with expanding the current space combat including the very quote you used where it states (its not my issue).


Yes I do understand why, I just went back through again and I have to say it does not matter why you are here defending the space system, some of us are quite unhappy and as you said "not your issue". The current space combat system is a complete catastrophe and expanding on it will be an even bigger catastrophe. Your point appears to be that MMOs are MMOs and flight isn't a big deal, but this is star wars pal and to top that off the game was originally stated to have a space combat system years ago, they didn't do their jobs and what we have is a hot mess. So their tactic was to mislead a sizeable number of people who were interested in space combat into accepting a turret game. How people can defend that is beyond me.

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Actually that depends on operating costs.


Asherons Call is still running with I believe less than 6,000 players. Hit 12 years recently.


Then again, we are talking about Sony here, its not just about profit,its about a decent sized profit.


agreed. if asherons call found it profitable and able to pay the salaries to keep the game running that works.


And in the case of SWG i'm sure george lucas IP played a big part of it. In the end you need X amount of players to pay your bills and not enough ppl were interested in that.

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I dont PVP because of the horrid FPS and i'm not the only one. Your such a big champion of forum minority you should know FPS is a major issue in this game right now. It's not a stretch to suggest it could be the same.


its a mini game it doesnt need to be complicated to be successful. Ever heard of angry birds? its quite popular. But i guess those millions of fans are mentally retarded to you?


I'm not there yet, but from what I understand, at level 50, you can reroll an alt, you can do dailies as new content is released, you can do PVP (which you mention causes "horrid FPS" issues, which may drive people away from it), or you can do space combat on rails that you compared to Angry Birds.


Do you see people paying $15 a month to play Angry Birds?


In addition to new content for the class story lines, and continued work to improve PVP, I would think that a fully-realized free-flight space expansion would go a long way towards keeping people interested in this game once they reach level 50.


Like I said in a previous post, that doesn't mean that they have to remove the current on-rails system if people enjoy that.

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agreed. if asherons call found it profitable and able to pay the salaries to keep the game running that works.


And in the case of SWG i'm sure george lucas IP played a big part of it. In the end you need X amount of players to pay your bills and not enough ppl were interested in that.


The story going around after SWG announced the end basically stated that SOE didn't renew their licensing contract with LucasArts. I'm guessing it had a lot to do with the licensing fee. AFAIK, LA didn't get a third of SWG's profits like it supposedly does with TOR, so I'm assuming LA upped their price and SOE refused to pay it. Some tin hatters say this was done to help guarantee a successful TOR launch, but we'll never know.




The thing is, if SWG was brought back on line, I'd be playing it again in a heartbeat.

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Yes I do understand why, I just went back through again and I have to say it does not matter why you are here defending the space system, some of us are quite unhappy and as you said "not your issue". The current space combat system is a complete catastrophe and expanding on it will be an even bigger catastrophe. Your point appears to be that MMOs are MMOs and flight isn't a big deal, but this is star wars pal and to top that off the game was originally stated to have a space combat system years ago, they didn't do their jobs and what we have is a hot mess. So their tactic was to mislead a sizeable number of people who were interested in space combat into accepting a turret game.


how did BW not do their jobs or mislead anybody? They never stated space combat was anything more that what it is now in game.




How people can defend that is beyond me.


because they like it the way it is now. And they have a different opinion than you

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who needs hard data? What you cant come to a simple conclusion based on whats out there right now? I'd say your missing the obvious.


Only if you ignore EVERY factor that contributes to a successful game. And don't forget, SWG lasted 8 years.


Do we really need to go down this road again?


Wow is a fantasy/elf game. SWG is a Star Wars/Sci-fi game.


Wow has a lot of subs.


SWG didn't have a lot of subs prior to closing.


Therefore, SWTOR is doomed to failure because it is a Star Wars/Sci-fi game and not a Fantasy/elf game. That's a "simple conclusion based on what's out there right now."


Makes sense right?




Terrible logic.

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