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Leave space combat alone!


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Space is obviously a big part of star wars. And when you buy a star wars game it should (atleast on my opinion) have a good/great space interraction/freedom?? Can't find a better word for it.


You don't need 15 controls for good space combat. W,A,S,D M1, M2, 1 and 2 should be enough, and maybe shift for boost. You use all of those buttons in game anyway so it shouldn't be too hard.


Can't remember Kotor having that much freedom and options when it came to space...

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I don´t know in what time-period you live but for the last 15-20 years almost all space flight sims were controlled by mouse and keyboard.

You really have to go back to Wing Commander or X-Wing times to find a game that required a joystick.


Take a look at Darkstar One or Tachyon or Freelancer or online games like the Battlestar Galactica browser game. They all had/have more or less simple controlling schemes with no extra hardware required.


...if its more than my mouse and space bar i'm not interested. And i've read some of the threads out there. Do you know what some misguided ppl are asking for? a bolted on flight sim to an MMO.

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Honest question here but umm any perticular one you're referring to?


I also think with speed controll and group setting flying in circles would be less of an option.


Any online Ace Combat and Eve online at frigate level. If everyone's a frigate it's just orbit as close as possible and keep firing. Only difference here is that you have to have your enemy in front of you in TOR unlike the full range of firing you have in EVE, so you're forced into circles and loops.

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I enjoy the little invisible railroad shooter minigame.


I would love a full fledged space combat system, and I certainly would not complain about seemless implementation into the planetary surface.

It does not have to be overly complex.


But that will not happen in this game because the theme park MMO does not allow the required level of freedom. The design stopped that from day one from happening.

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...if its more than my mouse and space bar i'm not interested. And i've read some of the threads out there. Do you know what some misguided ppl are asking for? a bolted on flight sim to an MMO.


link would be nice honestly i haven't seen any threads asking for that. and whats wrong with more than mouse and space bar any reason or just opinion?

Edited by madmarsh
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James Ohlen already let this little tidbit out of the bag - Space Combat – We will continue to add missions to the space game. We also have a special project going on right now that will expand space gameplay in a significant way... for now the details will have to remain under wraps.



Sorry OP it seems they are already doing what you do not want them to do. I for one am glad that they are. I like the space game, but it could be so much better, apparently Bioware thinks so too.




... that could mean anything so dont pretend you know what the changes are. There are a lot of ppl who like it the way it is and if BW makes sweeping changes its going to turn a lot of ppl off. Look what happened to SWG

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... that could mean anything so dont pretend you know what the changes are. There are a lot of ppl who like it the way it is and if BW makes sweeping changes its going to turn a lot of ppl off. Look what happened to SWG


your saying jtls turned ppl off do you have proof. how do you know that so many ppl like it the way it is i absolutely hate tunnels.

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... that could mean anything so dont pretend you know what the changes are. There are a lot of ppl who like it the way it is and if BW makes sweeping changes its going to turn a lot of ppl off. Look what happened to SWG


That had nothing to do with JTL, WOW launched right around that time and more or less killed off what little SWG had left in the way of players... after that it was just slowly hemmeriging, but i know alot of players that stayed just for the space game...

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You know what a free form flight sim ends up as when it's multiplayer--people doing endless circles/loops around each other. Since we're limited to frigates there won't be a chance to get bigger ships and modify playstyle, It will always be circles and loops.


In short, it's not fun.


Um that is what dog fights are and that in and of itself is where skill and luck and lack of skill come into play to be able to trick/read your opponent, exploit a mistake, or make a break and get out of the dog fight with your ship in tact.


PVP in space/flight IS a game of circling hence the term dog fighting. As long as there is flight, there will be dog fights.

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I don´t know in what time-period you live but for the last 15-20 years almost all space flight sims were controlled by mouse and keyboard.

You really have to go back to Wing Commander or X-Wing times to find a game that required a joystick.


Take a look at Darkstar One or Tachyon or Freelancer or online games like the Battlestar Galactica browser game. They all had/have more or less simple controlling schemes with no extra hardware required.


It isn't a matter of requirement considering those that would want a sim aspect for space, probably already have a joystick and throttle is that is half of the immersion right there.


I need to load up LOMAC, been while.


Now where did I put my joystick.....be back in a bit.

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Um that is what dog fights are and that in and of itself is where skill and luck and lack of skill come into play to be able to trick/read your opponent, exploit a mistake, or make a break and get out of the dog fight with your ship in tact.


PVP in space/flight IS a game of circling hence the term dog fighting. As long as there is flight, there will be dog fights.


i love dog fights i think it would keep me paying for the next 2 years.

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SWG lost a lot of customers to the NGE and the 'lesser' changes in the content patch before it.


Then other MMO popped up all over the place.


JTL did not bring back the people that left the game utterly disgusted by what the devs made it into, or at least not for any length of time.


I got my free month for testing the changes, gave it a second try and did not like the rest of the game. The JTL part alone did not bring back the core game that had been ruined in 2 massive gameplay changing events. I even met half my former guild. All of them had come back for testing during that month, and none of them did stay.

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I'm of the opinion that all you need to do to fix space combat is remove the rails.


The controls would not need to change at all, you'd still be constantly moving forward, but you get your freedom and no changes are required to be made to the current missions as far as objectives go. It also still allows for other "Trigger" objectives... This ship doesn't come into the combat area until that thing is destroyed, etc.


The only thing I'd add to that is an exhaustion-like barrier so that you can't just go flying out into nowhere forever.

Edited by Elblai
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... that could mean anything so dont pretend you know what the changes are. There are a lot of ppl who like it the way it is and if BW makes sweeping changes its going to turn a lot of ppl off. Look what happened to SWG

Like others said, it wasn't space that turned people away from SWG in fact that drew some back, it brought me to the game and I know that others stayed more so for the space then ground/PVP.


It was organized for group PVP on some levels, had variables for ships/components, required tactics and team work.

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I'm of the opinion that all you need to do to fix space combat is remove the rails.


The controls would not need to change at all, you'd still be constantly moving forward, but you get your freedom and no changes are required to be made to the current missions as far as objectives go. It also still allows for other "Trigger" objectives... This ship doesn't come into the combat area until that thing is destroyed, etc.


The only thing I'd add to that is an exhaustion-like barrier so that you can't just go flying out into nowhere forever.


so like bf3

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Look what happened to SWG


Hmm, not trying to argue but IMHO JTL was the one feature most of us in that community really loved till the end...



I mean FFS, Google Earth has a flight sim, how hard can it be..? Just sayin'.

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Any online Ace Combat and Eve online at frigate level. If everyone's a frigate it's just orbit as close as possible and keep firing. Only difference here is that you have to have your enemy in front of you in TOR unlike the full range of firing you have in EVE, so you're forced into circles and loops.


Ok I'll go take a look, thanks.


Like someone already said, dogfighting is a part of any flight combat but I do gather its not one you enjoy. That said no one is forced to pvp. Could be no different in this case.


Outside of pvp I would still like the current missions to have the option to be off rails. In part for the freedom as well as finishing all objectives in half the time in the current incarnation, I could save some time by just flying to the jump location.


As well I want to be clear that I do not thik space combat is broken, I would simply like a bit more out of it.

Edited by Halacs
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It's pretty easy to figure out what will happen with space in the future. We may get something along the lines of guild capital ships and maybe even co-op space missions. However, the biggest question to you need to ask yourself when coming up with an new idea for SWTOR is "Does it add to the story?".


Everything BioWare has done with SWTOR has been about story. I don't necessarily believe this is the best policy when creating an MMORPG, but it IS very apparent that it is at the core of everything BioWare does. Free flying around space doesn't do anything for BioWare's story-centric world. This means it's probably not going to happen, regardless of whether or not it would be cool.


This could change, of course. However, it is likely that it would only change fairly drastically if the game was bleeding subs. At that point, they would hopefully listen to what the playerbase is asking for and go ahead and implement it.

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It's pretty easy to figure out what will happen with space in the future. We may get something along the lines of guild capital ships and maybe even co-op space missions. However, the biggest question to you need to ask yourself when coming up with an new idea for SWTOR is "Does it add to the story?".


Everything BioWare has done with SWTOR has been about story. I don't necessarily believe this is the best policy when creating an MMORPG, but it IS very apparent that it is at the core of everything BioWare does. Free flying around space doesn't do anything for BioWare's story-centric world. This means it's probably not going to happen, regardless of whether or not it would be cool.


This could change, of course. However, it is likely that it would only change fairly drastically if the game was bleeding subs. At that point, they would hopefully listen to what the playerbase is asking for and go ahead and implement it.



Does the current space combat add to the story at all?


I do believe you can complete the class story without flying a single mission.

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Maybe a parallel to BF3 in take a look at the Metro Map, it is linear for the most part but there is some freedom on the players part to interact how we see fit on the map. The objective is clear, but we control our character with in that area. We can freely move between objectives etc and freely engage in combat.
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