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Stunned on Illum (again)


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P L E A S E Add some type of global cooldown for stuns!!!


I'm a 50 Trooper Commando, running the sh$tty daily's on Ilum, trying to get my champion gear. I realize there is pvp balance issues and the Republic is outnumbered on many servers... but I'm hanging in there.


I'm not claiming to be pvp expert nor a pvp noob, I've finished many matches with top damage and kills.


BUT - today I'm on Ilum trying to capture (to gain the warzone bonus) and I see 2 Imps heading for me. Now I expect it to be somewhat of a slaughter, but here is how it played out:


I get stunned - use my escape ability (which has a 2 minute cooldown), then get held, then get stunned, that get knocked down, then get stunned, then get held etc. etc.


While this is happening, the Imps aren't even attacking me, just typing /lol and running circles around me jumping. Eventually (after about a minute and a half) the rest of there team shows up and they kill me. - I have absolutely no problem being outnumbered or killed, but to be continuously stunned, held or knock down for almost 2 minutes is f#cking ridiculous!


PLEASE FIX THIS - there needs to be a global stun cooldown, or give troopers another escape ability or something.


Signed Frustrated with SWTOR

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P L E A S E Add some type of global cooldown for stuns!!!


I'm a 50 Trooper Commando, running the sh$tty daily's on Ilum, trying to get my champion gear. I realize there is pvp balance issues and the Republic is outnumbered on many servers... but I'm hanging in there.


I'm not claiming to be pvp expert nor a pvp noob, I've finished many matches with top damage and kills.


BUT - today I'm on Ilum trying to capture (to gain the warzone bonus) and I see 2 Imps heading for me. Now I expect it to be somewhat of a slaughter, but here is how it played out:


I get stunned - use my escape ability (which has a 2 minute cooldown), then get held, then get stunned, that get knocked down, then get stunned, then get held etc. etc.


While this is happening, the Imps aren't even attacking me, just typing /lol and running circles around me jumping. Eventually (after about a minute and a half) the rest of there team shows up and they kill me. - I have absolutely no problem being outnumbered or killed, but to be continuously stunned, held or knock down for almost 2 minutes is f#cking ridiculous!


PLEASE FIX THIS - there needs to be a global stun cooldown, or give troopers another escape ability or something.


Signed Frustrated with SWTOR




I think what he wants are diminishing returns on CC.


Get CC the first time for full duration.

Get CC the second time for less

Each time cc'd afterward for less untill immune to cc


They have something called resolve, unfortunately I have no idea how it works and cannot tell if it does anything at all. It just isn't visible or responsive enough in PVP to be able to tell if anything is happening.

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This is why PVP should be a seperate entity from PVE all together.


So what do you want? To remove all stuns from all classes in the game? I'm sure that'd make you and all the other PVPers happy. Unfortunately it'd ruin PVE.


All I can say is- PVP happens and what did you expect to happen? You went in there like an idiot with zero backup. You were going to your slaughter- they just made you look more foolish in doing so.


I'd laughed at you too then force pushed you off a cliff.

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So what do you want? To remove all stuns from all classes in the game? I'm sure that'd make you and all the other PVPers happy. Unfortunately it'd ruin PVE.
Well, they weren't well balanced against other classes, and they're certainly not balanced at all against anti-CC.


If I were the OP, I'd be asking myself why I bother. The current setup doesn't even allow for decent 1v2 fights.

Edited by Ansultares
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I think what he wants are diminishing returns on CC.


Get CC the first time for full duration.

Get CC the second time for less

Each time cc'd afterward for less untill immune to cc


They have something called resolve, unfortunately I have no idea how it works and cannot tell if it does anything at all. It just isn't visible or responsive enough in PVP to be able to tell if anything is happening.




Educate yourself, its a quite simple system the above post is well written albeit maybe too wordy for most forum users.


What OP is describing sounds like it would be impossible, resolve fills up fairly quickly depending on the CC used.

Protip dont bust your CC breaker on the first CC if there are multiple opponents, chances are high their brains have evolved to the point where they know that A) you are going to panic and blow CC breaker B) they coordinate their CC.


CC IMHO isnt an issue, it may seem that way when its being properly used to someone new to the concept but without it...

Edited by Zjiv
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So what do you want? To remove all stuns from all classes in the game? I'm sure that'd make you and all the other PVPers happy. Unfortunately it'd ruin PVE.


All I can say is- PVP happens and what did you expect to happen? You went in there like an idiot with zero backup. You were going to your slaughter- they just made you look more foolish in doing so.




It would destroy pvp completely if the game had no stuns. And yea dont run around on Illum alone and expect getting 1 v 1's as Rep haha, silly rabbit.

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What they need to do is change the system so that any type of Crowd Control, be it stuns or snares or mezzes etc, is on Diminishing Returns. That way after 2 or 3 stuns, a stun would be immunite to you.


Combine that with a better and a slightly larger resolve bar, which adds in a extra effect to CC immunity when using your Anti CC at the right time.


This makes people think more about when to use there stuns, snares, and other type of CC abilities. This also greatly improves pvp as it is.

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What they need to do is change the system so that any type of Crowd Control, be it stuns or snares or mezzes etc, is on Diminishing Returns. That way after 2 or 3 stuns, a stun would be immunite to you.


Combine that with a better and a slightly larger resolve bar, which adds in a extra effect to CC immunity when using your Anti CC at the right time.


This makes people think more about when to use there stuns, snares, and other type of CC abilities. This also greatly improves pvp as it is.


Snares afaik does not affect resolve and if they were they would need to make resolve bar larger, as is people turn immune damn quick, much due to people being too lazy to learn how the system works and blowing their stuns and other CC willy nilly.

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I haven't done much PvP yet, but that seems unacceptable. I think Resolve is not working well enough, so Georg and friends need to add more ways that CC is controlled.


This is one place where I wish they had just thrown their hands up and copied WoW exactly. WoW worked on this a lot, and eventually got it right IMO. CC is required to make deep combattactics, especially in PvP, but it needs multiple ways to diminish its effects so you are *never* CCed for 2 minutes at a time.

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I Agee that this game has way to many stuns... And once you use your ability to get out of the stun u get stunned one again. They do need to do something about this.


HOWEVER... As a melee class... And a nerfed warrior at that.... The only thing the class has going for it is it's stuns. We have no more health then othe classes, have one closing gap ability, worse damage, worse threat, have to work 5x as hard to get same / worse results. If bioware allowed users to be immune from stuns for longer periods of time... I would honestly delete my warrior as its stuns are the only thing that keep me moderately close to killing someone.

Edited by dalehitchy
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I Agee that this game has way to many stuns... And once you use your ability to get out of the stun u get stunned one again. They do need to do something about this.


HOWEVER... As a melee class... And a nerfed warrior at that.... The only thing the class has going for it is it's stuns. We have no more health then othe classes, have one closing gap ability, worse damage, worse threat, have to work 5x as hard to get same / worse results. If bioware allowed users to be immune from stuns for longer periods of time... I would honestly delete my warrior as its stuns are the only thing that keep me moderately close to killing someone.


Maybe the simple answer is just to have your breakout ability make you immune to all other forms of CC for 6 seconds or something but then when it ends, it completely wipes your resolve.

Edited by Mannic
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Educate yourself, its a quite simple system the above post is well written albeit maybe too wordy for most forum users.


What OP is describing sounds like it would be impossible, resolve fills up fairly quickly depending on the CC used.

Protip dont bust your CC breaker on the first CC if there are multiple opponents, chances are high their brains have evolved to the point where they know that A) you are going to panic and blow CC breaker B) they coordinate their CC.


CC IMHO isnt an issue, it may seem that way when its being properly used to someone new to the concept but without it...


^ this sounds about right. The way the system works I don't think it's possible to play out exactly how the OP describes. It's never happened to me, at any rate, which is all I can say for sure.

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