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Jedi Guardians


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So I just started leveling my 3rd character, I've already got a scoundrel/sorc at 50 and i figured all that's left is a tanking class, so I went with a Jedi Guardian seeing as there are hardly any on my server and none in my guild.


Now i'll start this off with saying I think i'm at the very least an average player. I get that sorcs/scoundrels are overpowered right now, but I still tend to do a whole lot better than OTHER sorcs/scoundrels, and I was very successful in other MMOs, not that that matters a whole lot.


But I really really just don't think I should be doing as terrible as I am. On my lowbie guardian I'm just doing god awful, I get kited worse than I ever have on my scoundrel, I do pitiful damage, and I'm pretty sure someone stuck a massive "CC ME" sign on my back because that's what's happening 2/3 of the time when I'm in wzs, and even then I hardly feel like I'm living any longer than I do on my scoundrel.


So I'm wondering, Are guardians legitimately underpowered? Do guardians get a whole lot better at high levels? Am I just terrible at playing a guardian?


Does anyone have any advice?

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I play a 50 Guardian and quite enjoy it. The class doesn't really come into its own until the mid levels (25 through 35) when you start to get your toolbox abilities (push, stasis, sabre throw ect). Once I made it to this point the class was much much more fun to play.
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are you 50?

what tree are you using?


at lvl 50 rage tree does pretty good damage


tank tree has terrible, terrible damage. but you get 4 stuns, a free area slow, and other toys that are supposed to make up for it. i personally dont think they do make up for not being able to kill anyone.


i leveled 100% tank tree and i roasted any opposing faction within 3 levels out in the world. and i wasnt just poaching people who where already in combat. i did to one guy, because he killed me in combat then tried to corpse camp me - and i dont take kindly to that, so i made his life hell for 40 minutes until i think he logged off, but thats a story for another time.


once i hit 50 i was amazed at how i did practically zero damage to anyone with pvp gear.


at this point, i am hoping against hope that the sole reason everything got flipped on its head is the fact hat i only have my pvp saber, shoes, and implant. i pray every night to the TOR gods that once i have 80% pvp gear i will actually be able to kill someone solo.


i know i could go Rage spec, sure. but why in gods name would i want to do that as a jugg? im an fing tank. if i wanted to roll dps spec i woulda gone marauder. and i get that sent/mau doesnt get all the tank stuff, and i dont expect to do as much damage as a DPS only class but having ZERO chance 1v1ing any damn thing is rather disappointing.

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So I just started leveling my 3rd character, I've already got a scoundrel/sorc at 50 and i figured all that's left is a tanking class, so I went with a Jedi Guardian seeing as there are hardly any on my server and none in my guild.


Now i'll start this off with saying I think i'm at the very least an average player. I get that sorcs/scoundrels are overpowered right now, but I still tend to do a whole lot better than OTHER sorcs/scoundrels, and I was very successful in other MMOs, not that that matters a whole lot.


But I really really just don't think I should be doing as terrible as I am. On my lowbie guardian I'm just doing god awful, I get kited worse than I ever have on my scoundrel, I do pitiful damage, and I'm pretty sure someone stuck a massive "CC ME" sign on my back because that's what's happening 2/3 of the time when I'm in wzs, and even then I hardly feel like I'm living any longer than I do on my scoundrel.


So I'm wondering, Are guardians legitimately underpowered? Do guardians get a whole lot better at high levels? Am I just terrible at playing a guardian?


Does anyone have any advice?



At low levels you really don't bring much to the team. Are you playing as a tank spec? Keep in mind that your job as a tank isn't to kill people, it's to protect people via guard, taunt and your cc abilities (which you don't get most of until later).


I can't really help you with the problems you're running into because at low levels pretty much everyone says the same thing, they don't feel powerful enough, and it's partly because they just don't have the skills at their disposal to perform properly.

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Low level guardians are incredibly awful. If you want a fun low level tank roll a PT no question.


Guardians become less awful at they get closer to 50 but they're still bad compared to a PT unless you run in an organized group. Melee classes in this game are incredibly inferior to ranged classes except in organized group play.

Edited by yukirshiro
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Okay, so it does get better as you level up, that's a relief.



But how do you guys think you stack up to other tanks? Would you reccomend that I stick with a juggernaut? (I still want to be able to do decent damage in a DPS tree when I'm not tanking)

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if you are okay with switching between specs for dps and tank then you are fine. the tank tree is fine - i have no issues tanking at all throughout leveling or endgame.


and as stated, rage tree has good damage.


its not the easiest class to tank with, but its certainly not lacking. you just have to do 'more', which i prefer tbh. i dont like easy gameplay.

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I felt the same as you in the low levels. The class is pitiful until you reach up to the high 20's or mid 30's. Then it really becomes a class that can do some damage. At 50 and Focus spec'd I love hitting 5k's frequently off one force sweep on as many people possible in an area.
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