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Hey I have a level 41 sentinel, and I get completely killed on belsavis, I am watchman spec and get whopped on even the most basic fights. I am brought down to well below half health probably anywhere between 10-20% each fight. I have had difficulties leveling as this class for a while but was always able to manage until now, I am at a dead stop.


My gear is up to date

My companion is Doc ( I have tried to use the others but gave up)

I am using the stun effects as often as I can.


It feels like I take a lot more damage than the other classes i have played, while not putting out as much dps.

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The unfortunate answer to your problem is not a good one, but it's about the only one I can come up with unless you can get a buddy playing a healer or a tank to quest with you: Level up 2-3 times and then go back.


It's a pitiful way to do it, but some of the groups just hit too hard for an at-level solo sentinel unless they blow all defensive cooldowns for every group. Heck, I have been leveling with a friend playing a guardian, and some of the groups on Belsavis were crushing him, as a tank spec. A lot of mobs damage, not just on Belsavis but all over at various points, is just a bit too high.

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The best thing I can say is make sure you know what all your abilities do. I was getting squished until I really learned all my abilities. Everysince i figured them out, my deaths have fallen off dramatically. Don't Get me wrong, Sentinels are Fragile, but they can be managed if you carefully read over the abilities.
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just jumping into this thread as its same planet...


trying to avoid spoilers for anyone not on belsav yet (hated it on BH...hate it even more on JK)


@ 43 combat spec'd - class-quest female with buddies that spawn is destroying my will to live, get her to 25%...kill last spawn group (ones up the middle, left & right are dead) companion gets wrecked (doc & lolsith (for a tank he's weak as ****))...unloading all the big moves and stunning when timers are ready...gear is better than green at this level (main not companion), using str stim/power relic/best med for level from droid


just looking for suggestions or is it another grind til 44 then attempt again

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I grouped tonight with a sentinel that had problems with one of his quests. I can only say you are either geared wrong (like he was) or you're not specc'd right for your playstyle. My friend's 41 sentinel handles content 1-2 levels ABOVE his level without much issue. But he took some time at level 40 and geared up and spent some cash to do it.
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just jumping into this thread as its same planet...


trying to avoid spoilers for anyone not on belsav yet (hated it on BH...hate it even more on JK)


@ 43 combat spec'd - class-quest female with buddies that spawn is destroying my will to live, get her to 25%...kill last spawn group (ones up the middle, left & right are dead) companion gets wrecked (doc & lolsith (for a tank he's weak as ****))...unloading all the big moves and stunning when timers are ready...gear is better than green at this level (main not companion), using str stim/power relic/best med for level from droid


just looking for suggestions or is it another grind til 44 then attempt again

I did it with Kira and Watchman spec. Flying Jedi everywhere, I tell you!


Honestly, she was the most difficult fight for me, and I've cleared through Voss thus far. Burning the crap out of her for Watchman heals, rapidly dismembering the adds and jumping back to her before her shield dropped seemed the most effective tactic. As Watchman, I could go longer and farther because burn crits return health. I, like any mob group, make use of camo and let Kira tank most mobs while I pick off the same one she's currently laying into. Stuff dies fast, got back to the boss, burned, and repeated.


Definitely the most unique boss, mechanically, so far. The others have just been interrupt fests or stacking up my dps.

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lol thanks for the tip....went and changed to watchman spec and killed her as the 3rd group spawned easily (so easy it was actually funny).....madness that the supposed 'combat' spec couldnt do what the 'healing/dot' spec could in a faster time, might stay watchman for a little while (read: all the time now)
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