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something to pass the time, your earliest memory of starwars.


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dude i forgot about my millenium falcon!!


lol yeah. I went trough a phase where I would set up green army men on the side walk and then pour gasoline and light them on fire. I have a feeling the falcon went down in a blaze of glory. Kids these days have no idea what fun is lol.

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When Return of the Jedi came out, some car dealership in Cheyenne WY decided to try and cross promote so they had someone come out in actual Jawa and Vader costumes borrowed or even sent over from Lucasfilm.


I'm standing there in my Empire t-shirt and the guy in the jawa outfit comes up to me. I must had been 5 years old, and the Jawa grabs my shirt and is making these sounds so I push him off me and scream "get away from me you dirty thief!"


Because, well I was 5 and all I remembered from Star Wars were that the jawas like to take stuff haha

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Believe it or not my first memory of star wars was watching spaceballs. I think i was 3 sitting on the couch with my dad but I remember knowing it had something to do with star wars. I don't know if that makes any sense. lol Edited by JogelBolla
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Sadly, I don't remember how old I was or where I first saw them. At least 7, since I seem to recall seeing the first three within a short timespan, and I would have been 7 when Return of the Jedi came out.


The one thing I remember is being confused about seeing Han frozen in carbonite. IIRC, my confusion came down to trying to figure out how he lived through it. :o I also could not figure out why Princess Leia was dressed the way she was as Jabba the Hutt's slave.

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My first memory of Star Wars was seeing the Empire Strikes Back at the drive in movie theater near my home town. Our parents made a huge deal out of it. They popped popcorn and had snacks for us in the car and then I got to go with my dad to the soda stand. I think I was 4 at the time. I just remember feeling cool cause my dad let me carry sodas to the car and getting to go to the theater. lol
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Looking back now, and seeing how much all those toys are worth, I wish I never shot them up with my pellet gun.


originally posted by Fardarter lol yeah. I went trough a phase where I would set up green army men on the side walk and then pour gasoline and light them on fire. I have a feeling the falcon went down in a blaze of glory. Kids these days have no idea what fun is lol.



Edited by _Grandmaster_
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Generation X here: Dad took me to see A New Hope on the big screen back when I was about 4 or 5 and I really thought we were in a big ship following Red Squadron into battle.

Of course being such a young age at the Movies, kids don't know whats real and whats not and so it was very magical to experience SW at the cinema (at that age). So glad I didn't miss out.


I was pretty sure Darth Vader was gonna eat me!

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Believe it or not my first memory of star wars was watching spaceballs. I think i was 3 sitting on the couch with my dad but I remember knowing it had something to do with star wars. I don't know if that makes any sense. lol




Oh, no! A Druiish princess..... Funny, she doesn't look Druiish.

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I remember everyone talking about it in 77. It was out maybe 6 months (which was a LONG time for a movie) and my folks took me to it. I was blown away. After that, flashlights in the dark were light sabers, I had Star Wars bed covers, sleeping bags, Burger King glasses, you name it.


Man I wish I still had that stuff, it'd be worth a fortune now.

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I was 5 years old and it was 1995, had my best friend sleeping over and we all 3 star wars movies back to back. I remember we managed to stay up all night completely sucked in by the movies, one of the best memories i have with my still best friend. 16 years later he still remembers it :D
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My first memory of Star Wars was basically the media going insane over the Star Wars phenomenon. 1977, I was seven.


I remember news interviews with people who were in line to see the movie. People talking about how they've seen it _____ number of times. About how they camped out to see it.


I honestly think that folks who weren't around at that time really can't comprehend just how huge Star Wars was. I don't think anything has ever come close enough to compare since then. The summer of '77...................nothing but Star Wars. EVERYWHERE.


My first memory of the movie, is of course, the opening scene. I remember the seats and floor of the theater trembling when the rebel cruiser flew by.....only to flat out shake when the star destroyer came by! My little mind was BLOWN AWAY!

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I was seven years old when my father became giddy like a child and started talking about this awesome thing called star wars. So when mastered old movies came out, he took me to them.




Later, two years later to be precise, he and I went to Phantom Disaster. Mind you, he was extremely cross about the movie but since I was a 9 year old, I was extremely happy. (I hated Jar Jar at that age, no probs.)


Edit: You guys are OLD. :D

Edited by Manweth
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I saw star wars new hope when I was 4 or 5, just before empire strikes back came out, then went with my parents to see it. I was scared ****less most of the time but I enjoyed the heck out of it, Vader and the emperor really creeped me out.


Hehe......the skeletons of Uncle Owen & Aunt Buru(sp?) creeped me out. Dad had to come in to the room and reassure us that it was only a movie.....lol

Edited by Skoobie
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I saw star wars new hope when I was 4 or 5, just before empire strikes back came out, then went with my parents to see it. I was scared ****less most of the time but I enjoyed the heck out of it, Vader and the emperor really creeped me out.


I had an odd fear reflex as a child. When I was a baby my parents took me to a haunted house put on by the high school. Some kid jumped out and scared the crap out of me. My dad was carrying me in one arm so the dude was eye level. I screamed out "I'm not scared of you!"..and punched him in the face. My parents tell the story of how my mother was so embarrassed, apologizing to kid because he had a bloody nose and how my dad thought it was hilarious and had to walk away because he was trying not to laugh. Anyway I am the youngest, always better to swing first when you are the youngest.

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hehe I remember my first starwars experience, my cousin was at my house and we were playing a game where we just pretend fought with eachother, and he said his weapon of choice was a lightsaber and he would be a jedi, I don't know what the hell it was, so I shot him with my pretend gun!


though he said that didnt work on jedis though, which sounded weird, anyway so I watched the movies.

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My first memory was seeing a commercial on TV for a promotional pack of four figures. I think it contained Luke Leia 3PO and R2, but it's been so long, I might not be remembering right. Anyway, I had my mom order it for me. I still have the R2 figure. It's decal is still there too, only faded so bad, it's all white! heh.
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My first memory was seeing a commercial on TV for a promotional pack of four figures. I think it contained Luke Leia 3PO and R2, but it's been so long, I might not be remembering right. Anyway, I had my mom order it for me. I still have the R2 figure. It's decal is still there too, only faded so bad, it's all white! heh.


Im bout to go download the trilogy right now give me somthing to do til i can play

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