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BUG: Guard becomes unusable


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I've reported this in game and I've done a search on the forums using Bug, Vanguard and Guard and can find nothing, so i've done as much diligence as I care to do before posting this. So while I may be sad if it offends anyone, I'm not really sorry.


Now, the point. Several times I have had guard go down on an ally and then that ally becomes unable to be guarded again unless I log out of the game and back in.


I can't see how this has not been reported on in other threads or whatnot, but I seriously can't find them with my search-fu skills. Mods, fell free to close this thread and point me to another one, I don't care, just want this acknowledged and on the "fix" list.


It seems to happen randomly, but some times I know it happens is when entering questing zones on Courscant and the Essels flashpoint.



As a side note, I imagine it is the same thing that is happening to my Sage and the Force Armor ability randomly not being able to be re-applied.




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I've had this happen to me as well. It usually occurs after I die, whilst having Guard on an ally. After I'm revived, attempting to cast Guard on the target ally prompts a notification telling me that the target is already guarded, even though it is not. Neither myself nor the target have the Guard/Guarded buff, but I'm still able to use Guard on other allies, just not the one who had it when I died.


I've tried a couple things to overcome this. Sometimes casting Guard on a different ally and then using it on the original target ally works, though most of the time the intended Guard target is still unable to be guarded.

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Up till now I just thought my team just had many tanks who used guard in WZs.


When it got too much, I wanted to make sure if it wasn't a bug. I picked someone who respawned next to me without the "guard" icon/buff, and still got "target is already guarded". It is indeed a bug which I hope gets fixed soon.

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reapplying your tank stance fixed it for my friend.


Huh...I'll have to try that. I wonder if there is a similar stance type thing for Sage's and their Force Armor. I know it happens to them as well, having targets suddenly become unable to be armored (minutes after the lockout of 20 seconds has expired).



Thanks for the tip, will try it :)

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This is a known bug and it's frustrating that it hasn't been fixed yet.


If i die I cannot reapply Guard to my live friend although I can apply it to my Companion.


Reapplying stance (Ion Cell) does not work for me.


Of course the smart *** answer is "don't die" lol.


Bioware, can you put this bug fix in 1.1.2? Please?

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  • Dev Post
Hello everyone. Thank you for your reports; we are working on this issue and would like your help. If you are experiencing trouble with Guard, please post to report what Class you are guarding when the issue happens. We appreciate your patience as we research a resolution to this problem. Thank you!
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so far I have only had this problem on BT hardmode on sith sorcerers (healers).


After zoning I sometimes see no visual indication nor indication in my buf bar that he is guarded and I can't cast it on him again (get message target is already guarded).


I can guard other party members at that time but eacht time I try the sorcerer it fails.


After zoning again I can mostly (not always) apply guard again.

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so far I have only had this problem on BT hardmode on sith sorcerers (healers).


After zoning I sometimes see no visual indication nor indication in my buf bar that he is guarded and I can't cast it on him again (get message target is already guarded).


I can guard other party members at that time but eacht time I try the sorcerer it fails.


After zoning again I can mostly (not always) apply guard again.


I got the same issue on Assassin, sometimes on zone in, but always after death. It claims target is guarded but it acts like its not. The only way is changing zones again.


Interestingly enough in such situations I can guard any other group member just not the one I was guarding. Did not think its related to sorcs, but yeah sorcs in my case too, if it makes a difference.

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My wife and I are questing and leveling up together. I'm a 20 Vanguard and she's a 20 Gunslinger. When we initially log on I can put Guard on her just fine, but if we zone or if she's dies the Guard buff vanishes and I'm not able to put it back on her. If I die I can rebuff her as many times as I want with Guard. I've tried buffing someone else with it then rebuffing her, but it does not work either. I've tried buffing a companion then her, no luck. I've also tried buff a companion, dismissing the companion, then buff her with no luck.
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Jugg Tank. I can reproduce this every time I spend a point in an ability tree.


Here are the steps to reproduce:

  1. Have a group member guarded (usually my wife's Inq Sorc)
  2. Gain a level
  3. Spend the talent point
  4. The game drops the guard when the talent spend animation runs
  5. Try to guard the same group member shows the X is already guarded mesage


This happens EVERY time. I normally have to log out/back in or travel to be able to guard the same group member again.

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I've got a 50 JK Guardian and a mid-teens Consular Shadow I've had this issue on. For the guardian its happened while trying to guard both a sage and a gunslinger, and I believe it was a gunslinger on my shadow that it happened as well. As far as I can tell it happens after one or both of us dies.
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My brother was having this issue while we were teaming. He was on a Sith Juggernaut and I was on a Mercenary. It was working at first, but then it stopped working during our questing. We were going from place to place on Dromund Kaas doing a lot of solo quests together.
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I am a Shadow tank, and I have had this bug happen to me. Off the top of my head, I am pretty sure it's only happened when guarding a sage healer, but I could be mistaken. And, it only seems to happen when that person (the sage) dies, but I am not certain it won't happen with others. After reviving him, I find that when I try to re-apply my guard to that person, I get a message that says something like "this person is already guarded".


I can stick my guard on someone else in the group, just not that person.

Edited by BlackMink
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I have this problem also on my powertech. It is reproducable every time and happens any time I or the guarded player die , in some cases it also happens when we re-zone and does not work until the other player has died again or re-logged (full log out not log out to character select).


The class i am usually guarding is a SI Healer.

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can you make guard drop when the guarder is more than 50-60 meters away or something? its so frustrating i cant guard someone because a guy on the complete other side of the warzone guarded them 5 minutes ago - im sure all tanks know and are sick of that issue
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