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Any body here not impressed with space combat?


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Except this is Star Wars, space combat plays an important part in the movies. They are already working on improving it, so even they know it isn't acceptable in it's current form.


You can't say someone should omit content just because it takes time to create otherwise we would only ever get the most basic of games. Maybe they can add proper space combat in the first expansion SWG managed this the year after launch.


SWG style space is definitely a no. SWG never caught what Star Wars was about in space, hell it never caught what SW was about at all.

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The space combat in this game is a filler, that's all and is a nice distraction from other things when one wants a change of pace.


I hope they add more missions.


I also hope they add different styles as well though, free form flying at some point.

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SWG style space is definitely a no. SWG never caught what Star Wars was about in space, hell it never caught what SW was about at all.


It was certainly a lot more fun than the space combat here designed for 5 year olds. Who wouldn't want to actually pilot a variety of Star Wars ships with total freedom of movement?

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It's a mini game that is better than nothing. If you are comparing it to SWG, it is better than the space combat that SWG launched with (meaning none at all). When this game eventually gets real space combat in an expansion, I have no doubt it will rival or exceed the space combat that SWG got eventually in an expansion as well.
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It's adequate - kind of fun if incredibly limiting. Some of the battles look epic - but imagine what they would be like with free-flight combat. Which is what I hope they are developing when they say they are developing "something big."


For those who have never cared for slight simulators of any type (or the old space combat games), I imagine they couldn't care less. I however, hope it improves drastically - there is so much promise there.

Edited by Herdsnerfs
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It's a mini game that is better than nothing. If you are comparing it to SWG, it is better than the space combat that SWG launched with (meaning none at all). When this game eventually gets real space combat in an expansion, I have no doubt it will rival or exceed the space combat that SWG got eventually in an expansion as well.


Whilst it may indeed be better than nothing, that doesn't mean that it's the best or preferred choice for the situation. SWG did indeed launch without space combat, BUT players knew it was already on the drawing board even before SWG's launch. That gave people hope.


In my opinion, the tunnel shooter is a good looking one. It has graphics, sounds and music. BUT that's were the credit that I give it ends. Gameplay-wise is quite pathetic for a Star Wars MMO launched in 2011 / 2012.


The tunnel shooter should remain in the game for those that like that kind of thing, but there's nothing stopping devs from including a more "enriched" form of full control space combat to appeal to those who desire more.

Edited by Tarka
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VERY unimpressed here. It exists only as a minigame with dailies and rewards that push you to play the same old mini games over and over and over and over again. No multiplayer. No PvP.


Hell, you don't eve get to pilot your ship. It moves along a chosen route for you. All you get to do is move your cursor around and tap the mouse buttons and space bar.


BIG letdown.

Edited by Krynos_Pentegarn
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You can also earn lots of xp for minimal work and time. I mean, 1995xp for 3-4 minutes is better than sitting around in huttball, imo. I see it as just another way to level.


Appeal that wears off when you hit max level.


To me, the tunnel shooter has limited progression to it, is not very intergrated with the rest of the game and doesn't allow for multiplayer activities.

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The only part I'm disappointed in is that they didn't incorperate it into any normal quests. I would have liked it to be include din this sorta fashion:


Chasing a Imperial spy on Tattooine,

Spy makes a slip, and is headed to the Hanger.

Get quest to stop him

Don't get there in time, jump on ship

Do a unique space mission for that quest to disable the ship while dodging/destroying imperial support for the spy.

Land ship back on Tattooine.



Now this sort of thing as a one time mission or even a daily would be alot of fun, even on rails.

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Side Games and Mini Games are not meant to impress you. :rolleyes:


Really? Source?


That sounds to me like a defeatist attiude. I would have thought it would be better to design the product so that as much of it appeals to the masses as possible.

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Coming from Galaxies its defiantly a few steps backwards but in terms of game play its not bad here, I hope they expand it to a free flight variant but don't go as far as making it a simulation like galaxies was.


I was actually hoping for something between what it is here, and was in SWG. More like an FPS aspect such as in Star Wars: Battlefront II.

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It was certainly a lot more fun than the space combat here designed for 5 year olds. Who wouldn't want to actually pilot a variety of Star Wars ships with total freedom of movement?


I would but I don't want it like SWG. I want it to be the iconic experience that was in the movies, not going herp derp lets explore space like SWG.

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The only part I'm disappointed in is that they didn't incorperate it into any normal quests. I would have liked it to be include din this sorta fashion:


Chasing a Imperial spy on Tattooine,

Spy makes a slip, and is headed to the Hanger.

Get quest to stop him

Don't get there in time, jump on ship

Do a unique space mission for that quest to disable the ship while dodging/destroying imperial support for the spy.

Land ship back on Tattooine.



Now this sort of thing as a one time mission or even a daily would be alot of fun, even on rails.


Perhaps. To me, this is an opportunity for Bioware to create a progression path that goes beyond the "class story", and includes "class specific" scenarios:

  • BH's chasing npc's across the galaxy.
  • Agents infiltrate bases to get info.
  • Illegal goods trafficing for Smugglers.
  • "Liberation" missions for Commandos.
  • "Diplomatic" missions for Jedi's.
  • "Conquering" missions for Sith.

Good quality, replayable missions, spanning the galaxy. Missions that include things like ground based AND space based gameplay. Maybe have them "scale" to include group based scenarios too.


These could all be tied into a grander universal story arc were the two sides are at war with one another.

Edited by Tarka
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I would but I don't want it like SWG. I want it to be the iconic experience that was in the movies, not going herp derp lets explore space like SWG.


I understand your sentiments, but exploration has some appeal in an MMO.

I think the action should be focused and concentrated so that people can "jump" into it, but at the same time the gameplay should also allow for a certain degree of exploration IF the player wants to get involved in that.

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The space combat is not what i was hopeing for but i still like it. its arcade style so i wish there was scoring system with ladder boards. also joint missions would be cool as well just not sure how the would do that.

I don't know if any one has played free lancer but if they could make the space combat like that it would be sweet. I loved that game. I like some star wars galaxies space stuff but there were lots of thing i did not like to. But i do like what they have now just hope they do more with it.

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It's a mini-game. Enjoy it for what it is and be done with it.




While I do enjoy it, I'm certainly not done with it. If we get some serious free flight space combat expansion in the future, I'll stay with this game forever, sub forever, and play space 80% of my in-game time. If not, I'll probably quit once I finish all 8 stories. Resub every exp to get the continuations, but that's it. I have a couple friends who feel the same way.

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I tried the space combat for the first time last night:( It's not what I was expecting, I was at least expecting free movement in a 3d surroundings abit like wing commander from years ago at least. Or something on the lines of EVE at least. Seems although Starwars is a space story line, it lacks alot and has bean over looked alot compared to the rest of the game.


It feels like a 80's game and coming from the 60's myself and playing games from the age of 16....I don't expect in this day and age to be going backwards, sorry but the space combat is poor compared to everything else... SWG space combat was an addon to the original and people requested that for a long time, so I would have thought the space battle part would have got more attention this time round....


It needs to be something on the lines of eve with free movement as smugglers use space alot, so I think they are missing out on what could be a good part of the game, not arcade style please.


Hope this is improved or remade as an addon in the future. as I think that part of the game can make a hell of a difference and give a real good feel to swtor;)

Edited by Tronics
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The only part I'm disappointed in is that they didn't incorperate it into any normal quests. I would have liked it to be include din this sorta fashion:


Chasing a Imperial spy on Tattooine,

Spy makes a slip, and is headed to the Hanger.

Get quest to stop him

Don't get there in time, jump on ship

Do a unique space mission for that quest to disable the ship while dodging/destroying imperial support for the spy.

Land ship back on Tattooine.



Now this sort of thing as a one time mission or even a daily would be alot of fun, even on rails.




This is actually what it would have been perfect for 1 off missions, and then maybe allow to replay if you want in the current manor.


But really as it stand everything will get boring quickly.

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My first attempt last night was abizmal so I tried it again, the problem I found was it's just to basic, left'right'up'down'roll, fire, I was actually looking for controls thinking I'm missing something here and there's more to this, but sadley I was disapointed with it. This is an MMO, you know things like plenty of detail and things to do, so for me the space part for now anyway is not something I wish to play, the rest is great for me, but space combat to be blunt CRAP. And I know that might hurt some programmers feelings who worked hard on this part, but who ever told you to make it basic, is living in the past.


The space combat needs to be outstanding, after all, this is STARWARS we're talking about..


So future addon, EVE Type space combat, with plenty of detail please, it's hard trying not to hurt peoples feelings when giving feedback:D

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