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Please do something about population


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I never said the "population was fine" If anything I'm stating the opposite.


The server is ICECAP. The time was 4:30PM.


How is 4:30pm peak time. Most people don't even get off work till around 5 my server doesnt even peak till around 8-9pm Master Zym East Coast server. This is the problem. People work get home from work. Clean up Shower eat dinner. Put the kids to bead hop on and play when they can because no one is screaming in the back ground.

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I hate to admit... I have left many heroics undone as you just cant get the required healer / tank / DPS mix.


That's not required at all.


The most potent group I ever ran a herioc with was 4 operatives. Everybody takes a turn tanking. Get too banged up, pop combat stealth and drop into a secondary healing role.

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How is 4:30pm peak time. Most people don't even get off work till around 5 my server doesnt even peak till around 8-9pm Master Zym East Coast server. This is the problem. People work get home from work. Clean up Shower eat dinner. Put the kids to bead hop on and play when they can because no one is screaming in the back ground.


I see your point, but I typically stay on until around 10PM and have yet to see the Fleet surpass 30 players since I started playing. Thus, I'm seeing the numbers decrease and would like to see this fixed.

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I see your point, but I typically stay on until around 10PM and have yet to see the Fleet surpass 30 players since I started playing. Thus, I'm seeing the numbers decrease and would like to see this fixed.


Bioware as with any other company that runs an mmo will never attampt to "balance" sides..



its not their fault you rolled a character on the dead side of a sever, it is yours.

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Bioware as with any other company that runs an mmo will never attampt to "balance" sides..



its not their fault you rolled a character on the dead side of a sever, it is yours.


I'm not asking them to balance sides. If you listen and read I'm not the only one complaining about population.


I agree completely, it's not their fault I rolled republic on a standard population server ... I'm not getting your point, if you have one.

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Bioware as with any other company that runs an mmo will never attampt to "balance" sides..



its not their fault you rolled a character on the dead side of a sever, it is yours.


The problem the OP was addressing concerned the overall low population of the server.


Faction imbalance is a completely different problem.

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I had this problem on release when there was server stress. I picked a light server to avoid the queues. Now its sort of empty, so I abandoned my lvl 44 and basically rerolled on a heavy server. I'm much happier with the population and atmosphere, but it does indeed suck to have to do over. I liked my original char a lot so I'm essentially replaying him, although I have played now more alts and changed to darkside choices just to see some difference in the story. Anyhow, its a problem but I think the only choice if it bothers you is to reroll and suck it up...
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So you joined a low-pop server, and are upset its low pop...?


to be fair bioware did encourage people to join lower population server in order to spread out population while as i said previously i believe alot of the pop statements are exagerated and blown out of porportion but i'm sure there are some servers that just may be very low in pop it happens in all mmos even wow at it's peak with 12 million subs they had servers that were very lowly populated and felt empty.

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So you joined a low-pop server, and are upset its low pop...?


None of the servers were 'low' or 'light' on launch day, so there really was no way for a lot of the people to know which servers would end up popular and which would not (not all of the servers that were opened on launch day are currently having a population problem).

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That's what we get for Bioware capping server queues and forcing people to spread out across too many servers. Instead of having fewer beefy servers to play on, they made lots and lots of mid ranged performing servers. Now that the dust is starting to settle, even with 130 people in fleet, it seems dry.
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That's what we get for Bioware capping server queues and forcing people to spread out across too many servers. Instead of having fewer beefy servers to play on, they made lots and lots of mid ranged performing servers. Now that the dust is starting to settle, even with 130 people in fleet, it seems dry.


Imagine how it feels with 22 (during primetime). :(

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I never said the "population was fine" If anything I'm stating the opposite.


The server is ICECAP. The time was 4:30PM.


Without leaving it up to "assuming", you left out the time zone. Is that EST or GMT or what? That also makes a difference.


For the record, I play Central Time Zone on a Eastern Time Zone Server. I play at "off hours" for either time zone AND play in what people call "prine-time". Off hours I see 40 people on Fleet/Republic. "Prime-time" I see anywhere from 80 to 90. Recenly did Hoth and there were maybe 12 off and 20 prime. I have never seen much more then that ever. No, I do not think servers need to be merged but then again, it is Bioware/EA's call on that...not mine.

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Without leaving it up to "assuming", you left out the time zone. Is that EST or GMT or what? That also makes a difference.


For the record, I play Central Time Zone on a Eastern Time Zone Server. I play at "off hours" for either time zone AND play in what people call "prine-time". Off hours I see 40 people on Fleet/Republic. "Prime-time" I see anywhere from 80 to 90. Recenly did Hoth and there were maybe 12 off and 20 prime. I have never seen much more then that ever. No, I do not think servers need to be merged but then again, it is Bioware/EA's call on that...not mine.


Sorry that does indeed make a big difference. ICECAP is a EST server.

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I get atleast 90 on my server during peak hours, 30 at the minimum. Change servers, i blame all you ppl who pushed BW for a Release Date and then complained about Server Queues... be careful what u wish for:D


Honestly I would rather wait in a queue and know I'm about to enter a game where getting a group is possible, then to have the population the way it is.


I enjoy running FP's and group quests to take away from the solo feel.

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Really the only thing you can do if you want to see that number go up is to change servers. yeah, it sucks, but none of the servers are overpopulated enough to warrant mass migration to lower population servers.


However, if you're really just concerned about the social aspect of your personal experience.... find some other agreeable players and join a guild with them. I'm on Bondar Crystal, which is a pretty high population server, but I dont even have general chat active in my chat box. I just have a good handful of guildies to talk to and group with to make the game be less of a solo experience.


Declining population is a concern, but server caps have been increased and people have gone back to their normal lives after the holiday season, so I think it's too early to sound the air raid sirens.

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