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Best to worst. PVP Classes. In your opinions.


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That's basicaly what I was saying about my gunslinger. If left alone I can get in the top 3 in dmg usually. If I am hounded and sought after (which suprisingly enough I am and usually by tank types) I don't fare nearly as well.

Some reason powertechs just love to go after me but my favorite targets are snipers by far. Easiest class to take down at least for me.



Gunslingers and snipers that claim to be completely immobile are doing something wrong. Yes. Our highest damage, most obvious abilities require us to be stationary, but thats how it is for several classes, one example being sorcs. A sorc isn't killing you unless he's standing still chanelling lightning into your face.


Try out a lethality/engi hybrid. It's very mobile, DoT heavy, and relies VERY little on cover abilities. There are a few good guides out there that will help a learning sniper/gunslinger figure out what best fits his role, check some of them out and please, snipers and slingers, TRY OUT ALL OF THE TALENT TREES, you don't want to limit yourself to one playstyle, it's a fun FUN class.


But they dont, because they are also healing, and running the ball, and positioning to receive the ball. Or CCing and hindering the enemy team. All the while you are just sitting there, picking off the most ideal target, and just nuking for all your worth. You damn BETTER hit 300k every single match, its all you do and all your good for. Doesnt mean you're better. Just that everyone else has better things to do.


Um....No. But that is alright. I'm not out there kill hunting, hiding from the objective while trying to pad my damage and as I mentioned I focus objectives, and yes, regularly carry the ball, and *amazingly* score with it. I am better. Get used to it.


And just because a class has a heal doesn't mean it is ever used for anything other than saving it's own hide. Get back to tunnel visioning that mara at 30% health while the ball carrier scores guy.

Edited by Celebrus
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Not at all. They start to ambush me with 3k burst and i have already 10k health. So basically i lose my 1/3 hp in a sec -.-


have you seen the ops/smug opener or the tank aoe or the bh/commando dammage?


Lets just say your lucky to get hit with the 3k opener.

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assasin/shadow got to be the worst no over the top openers average dammage and light armor also no heals.






^^^ That's the silence.

Wow, the most adaptable class in any situation is the worst?!?? If past the first fire pit its almost a 90% win.


I wreck people in pve/champ gear while in DEF spec and even though mitigation sucks for the class. I have so, so, so many ways to negate the damage or just run if I want... How did you even come to this conclusion?


Go roll Sniper or Marauder and see how that opinion changes REAL fast.

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Gunslingers and snipers that claim to be completely immobile are doing something wrong. Yes. Our highest damage, most obvious abilities require us to be stationary, but thats how it is for several classes, one example being sorcs. A sorc isn't killing you unless he's standing still chanelling lightning into your face.


Try out a lethality/engi hybrid. It's very mobile, DoT heavy, and relies VERY little on cover abilities. There are a few good guides out there that will help a learning sniper/gunslinger figure out what best fits his role, check some of them out and please, snipers and slingers, TRY OUT ALL OF THE TALENT TREES, you don't want to limit yourself to one playstyle, it's a fun FUN class.




Um....No. But that is alright. I'm not out there kill hunting, hiding from the objective while trying to pad my damage. I am better. Get used to it.


And just because a class has a heal doesn't mean it is ever used for anything other than saving it's own hide. Get back to tunnel visioning that guy at 30% health while the ball carrier scores guy.


I have tried all 3 tree's, I'm running sab with the dab in sharpshooter. I don't have to remain stationary especially in voidstar where I can get over 200k by merely running around chucking thermal and shock grenades. I think sharpshooter is actually a tad better dps especially single target and I won more 1v1 confrontations with it but sab and it's aoe is more fun and I think productive for wz's. Waiting on the incendiary grenade nerf. It's works great on the doors and nodes in civil war.

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Thats right people, kill the tanks last even though we are guarding the healer everyone is trying to beat on and barely putting a dent into. Love that strategy, keep using it.


Well there is a problem with that.. You are supposed to kill the tank last.. If the tank Dies first that means the tank did its job... The tank should force players to burn him down instead of pressuring the healers.



The problem is if the players then jump to him to try and burn him down while being healed they should be screwed..



Tanks should represent a catch 22. If you ignore them you can't kill anyone but if you attack them their survivability plus a healer makes them far more unkillable.



Tanks should be the biggest threat to a team for their ability to neutralize 30% DPS of a team... so far i do not think taunt really slows people down...

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I'm a Powertech and I was level 33 at the time.Had a 33 Republic Jedi ( didn't catch what his spec was but he was using a single LS) jump me right after I had taken down 3 mobs. After he stood there with his companion beating on me to no avail he actually turned his back on me and decided to attack my companion ( ???????)


I turned around and hit him with two different shots and he went down......this is why I don't play Jedi. Too squishy and not enough damage output .

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From best to worst:

Sorcerer / Sage

Powertech / Vanguard

Mercenary / Commando

Operative / Scoundrel

Assassin / Shadow

Marauder / Sentinel

Juggernaut / Guardian

Sniper / Gunslinger


I have to disagree sniper / gunslingers as the least feared. I am a sniper and I am the enemies first target they have to kill or if you leave me unchecked I kill about 3 to 4 people in one giant orbital strike. Not to mention I can melt a person in 10 seconds flat with my rotation.

Edited by wetwillyiii
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Melee. Focus Guardian/Jug Rage Spec. Second place assassin/shadow. Why? Guard taunts rule everything. Assassin/Shadow is nowhere near the problem that guardian/jugg is. Two of them can gib multiple people in seconds Pressing one button, waiting 4 seconds and hitting cleave. Why did they get buffed? Because Bioware/EA has no clue. Now that their mobility/contol is better then other melee? Time for force sweep to get the "to the ground" treatment.


Ranged. Sage/Sorc Hybrid spec. If you aren't in balance/lightning with root on knockback. aoe mez on shield break, you are doing it wrong. Needs spammable lightning moved to 31 point talent in balance/madness tree. Why? So they only get a instant soft cast CC, a ranged stun and a knockback. No class needs more then 3 instant cast CC's. Commando/Mercs are not as OP as people think they are. They can be SHUT DOWN completely and they can't CC everyone into oblivion as a top dps spec, who also has the best offhealing/utility (shields).


Healer. Sage/Sorc again. The other healers could use a slight buff or sage/sorc toned down slightly. It isn't "horribly OP".


Best tank that is actually a tank. Powertech/Vanguard. Other tanks TANK SPECS could use some better dmg. Nothing gamebreaking though.


Easiest class to play. Merc/Commando followed by Sage/Sorc. Nothing comes close to the ease of play these classes offer.


Hardest range to play. Slinger/Sniper.


Hardest class to play. Sentinel/Marauder. It isn't even close. The best sentinel/Marauder can do better on a Guardian/Jug which has less crap to watch and a easier playstyle.


Most balanced classes? Probably the pure dps classes. Interesting rotations, challenging playstyle, and if you are really good at it, you are rewarded. The problem? There are hybrid specs that need toned down in this game. Seeing they nerfed op/scoundrel to the ground? If you think jugg/sw focus spec is safe? The dev team has to be blind not to see that lol.

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Those that put sniper / gunslinger at the bottom of their list have yet to play a good sniper / gunslinger. I play a sniper and my name screams kill him first! I will be making a video soon where I have dots ticking for 1k+ and laughing at pretty much every class that gets in my face. Saber folks are funny when they leap to me and I pounce them away and then they see a sniper come running at them, just after that they see themselves spawning over at their zone. I let people beat on me as I crush their buddy and then pounce them away laughing. I dont even go through full rotation before my enemy is ripped down.
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As a Marauder I feel weak against all classes. (Well played and geared ones of course!, **** players are **** players)


Sages cc me nuke me and heal themselves - Can't touch them.


Tanks can be undentable


A lot of healing classes seem to be able to do huge dps along with high healing as well.


Any class that has a lot of cc heals and high dmg is good!


As Melee you can do some good dmg when you get in close, staying there isnt always easy.

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1) Sorc/sage.

2) Merc/commando.

3) Assassin/Shadow.

4) Powertech/Vanguard.

5) Juggernaught/Guardian.

6) Sniper/Gunslinger.

7) Marauder/Sentinel.

8) Operative/scoundrel.


Honestly, operatives/scoundrels just get insta-fragged and whatever damage they did healed away. If in the healing build, maybe swap them to #6 and shift sniper/marauder down.

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Those that put sniper / gunslinger at the bottom of their list have yet to play a good sniper / gunslinger. I play a sniper and my name screams kill him first! I will be making a video soon where I have dots ticking for 1k+ and laughing at pretty much every class that gets in my face. Saber folks are funny when they leap to me and I pounce them away and then they see a sniper come running at them, just after that they see themselves spawning over at their zone. I let people beat on me as I crush their buddy and then pounce them away laughing. I dont even go through full rotation before my enemy is ripped down.


If you are bragging about your DoTs then you have never played a competant pre-made. It's called cleanse. 4 out of your enemies will probably be able to cast it and wipe away your DoTs.


Snipers and gunslingers aren't as bad as marauder and sentinel and none of the classes in this game are so horribly crippled that you can't play them and cannot do well with them especially against lowbies and newbies but as far as balance goes my post I believe was spot on in reflecting the current situation with the biggest problems being with the disparity between mercs and snipers as well as sorcs and marauders.

Edited by dcgregorya
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Gunslinger is a lot better than people give it credit for. Especially those with the Dirty Fighter spec. It's not overpowered by any means, but it's alright.


I loved the spec in beta.


However it had no global cooldown on cover and felt like a Ferrari. You could insta cover charge burst people, follow up shot within 2 globals. The mobility wasn't that much of an issue.


Then they added a 1 second global cooldown on cover. Class became a Yugo.


Don't get me wrong the class still can crap on everything but stealth classes played right. With a global cooldown on cover though and so much line of site in the game? The class simply plays too slow now.


I will say this for those that are leveling them pre 40ish. The class is a late bloomer. It is still very viable, it just isn't as twitchy and fun as it was in beta. The only twitch class left in this game might be marauder/sent. Hopefully they don't over simplify them due to QQ. Only fun I have left in this game is playing a sentinel/marauder lol.

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Playing a gunslinger I think My class is fairly well balanced. I have a bit more worry over the powertechs than most people though it seems. They are just really hard to kill usually and can often beat me down before I can beat them down.

Gunslinger/sniper is awesome..when no one is messing with us :p Otherwise we probably have a little harder time than most with the cover mechanic. Depending on the team sometimes they leave me alone at range and other times I'll have 3-4 come after me and that is respawn time lol.


I would say currently:




would be the top 3 imo.


Yeah this is because a shield using powertech is roughly ~30% more damage reduction against you than he has against a commando.

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funny that sniper is bottom of so many lists. either me, or other snipers, are consistently top damage dealers in games i play. i get people raging at me over general.


Anything in heavy armor is harder for snipers, sorc/sages can hit hard if you dont burn them down quick, operatives used to be a pain but not so much anymore. I feel that snipers can be competitive if played appropriately. not overpowered but not to be underestimated either.

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The funny thing is a lot of people (besides the OP) think Guardians/Juggernauts are strong, yet they're getting buffed left and right. :rolleyes:


Guardians / Juggs need a DEFENSIVE buff in their left tree. They are paper w/out their 3 min cooldowns, because most damage goes through shield / defense / armor.


They do NOT need a buff in rage / focus or middle tree. Both are extremely effective in PVP for both burst DPS (focus) or sustained (vigilance), perhaps even one of the best.

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I have to disagree sniper / gunslingers as the least feared. I am a sniper and I am the enemies first target they have to kill or if you leave me unchecked I kill about 3 to 4 people in one giant orbital strike. Not to mention I can melt a person in 10 seconds flat with my rotation.


Congratulations, seeing your replies makes me believe you are the only sniper in the entire game that has different spells and abilities than everyone else. Care to share them with us ?

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My opinion...


== BEST: AKA: Most Feared Class ==


Operative / Soundrel

Mercenary / Commando

Sorcerer / Sage

Marauder / Sentinel

Sniper / Gunslinger

Powertech / Vanguard

Assassin / Shadow

Juggernaut / Guardian


== WORST: AKA: Least Feared Class ==


This is based on which classes I personally don't like to come up against and visa versa.


...Your opinion?


best atm operatives/scounds

BH/Troopers (mercs-commandos) tracer-grave 1 skill button class

Worst class sniper

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Juggernauts/Guardians imo are possibly the best class when it comes to capturing objectives in Huttball and Voidstar. They have a lot of control when it comes to making people live and CC'ing the **** out of other people, while if they are in the immortal tree they can be undying bastards for about 30 seconds (Plenty long enough to blow all your CC on 4+ enemies on the other team, while your team caps something) (CC's: 2 sec knockdown/back, 4 second stun. 3 second stun, 50% 9 second aoe slow, 6 second AoE mezz, 2 second snare... make some grenades and you can have another 4 sec AoE mezz).


I agree

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