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Work Hard For Valor,


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**** thing about it, ive been in centurion gear, for long time up against battlemaster's. its sucks.


Yeah would have been nice to have gear for a week. too pew pew. Thats what its there for.


But atleast i will have the skill, and gear. for 3 weeks, not subbing becouse this game. is failing hard.


Join any MMO thats out and level to top tier pvp and you'll play against full geared people. Whats the problem again?

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This makes me consider about quitting once my sub is up. Ilum was fail from the start and this so call fix doesn't fix it but breaks it, allowing stuff like this to happen. I get why they do it because I sure could use the extra time to study for my GED and do something with my life. Bioware completely ruined Battlemaster/valor 60 with this cmon how can u expect me to care if u dont care? Edited by Zhongiek
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There was no faction mentality in any of those guys and girls from that video. If you see your enemy then you should try to kill him and not talk him into killing you and your buddies in exchange for doing the same to them.


There is no faction pride because it has been engineered out of the game. The pvp in mmo used to be in the actual game world and your faction had an impact. The modern mmo is a lobby (fleet) for instanced content (and ilum is an instance, not world pvp) so the actual game world has no meaning, therefore faction has no meaning, specially when you can roll both factions on the same server.


Like every complaint on this forum these issues and concerns were all raised before launch many times and all ignored by BW who knows what we want better than us.


Apparently we (mmo gamers) want a no risk everyone wins pvp gear grind that can be afk'd or kill traded to get enough rank to join in the artificially gated rng bagathon to get our epics. They've placed gear over gameplay, it's a ******* disgrace from a AAA developer.


And Ohlen was quoted as saying they want the game to last 10 years, ROFL, you really designed longevity into the pvp game!

Edited by Roak
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Whatever, your just spoiling the game for yourself in the long run. Why do you even need the PVP gear anyway if you are doing this? in fact why even PVP?


Well, for you to understand, you have to be on my server. Becouse besides picking up armaments at central there is really no other choice as long as the imps greatly outnumber us and camp at the base, there really isent. All there is to it is stadning farming at the base, thats it.


And the only reason i go to illum is for the daylies/weeklies, to get the bags.

Im little over halfway to 60 and spend most my time, wz`ing and raiding.


Pleae enlighten me with your high horsy responses and be constructive rather than patronizing in your comments.

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If were going to be honest..then lets be fully honest as well. Most (not all) of the Valor 60s got there from racing to 50 as fast as they could on an overpopulated realm in which numerous 50s proceeded to curbstomp people that were lower level..this went on for 3 weeks, before the lvl 50 bracket..and when they entered that..severly outgeared most 50s in the republic..essentially making the argument that you did it with 'hardwork' pretty pathetic.
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Well, for you to understand, you have to be on my server. Becouse besides picking up armaments at central there is really no other choice as long as the imps greatly outnumber us and camp at the base, there really isent. All there is to it is stadning farming at the base, thats it.


And the only reason i go to illum is for the daylies/weeklies, to get the bags.

Im little over halfway to 60 and spend most my time, wz`ing and raiding.


Pleae enlighten me with your high horsy responses and be constructive rather than patronizing in your comments.


Why even get the PVP gear though if you are not PVPing and just swapping kills?

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This will go down worst mmo of all time. PVP and bug's Tortanic.


God dam shame. worked hard to get valor to 60. people do it ike this ::(


No point playing this game for years. Bio to newbie.


Get some clue before writing crap. WAR was worse :D

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All stems from PvP gear, people use to PvP entirely for fun in MMO's before WoW came up with PvP gear and all the mediocre developers copied them.


Noooo, i was PKer in UO to take people's belongings for my own with minimal effort. UO - brutal pvp on felucca:D. Ahhh good old times:>

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I don't see the problem.


Obviously "real" PvP players will easily beat these "fake" Rank 60s. So why are you upset? Because they can get the same gear? Wasn't it all about skill anyway?


THIS 2 champions pieces 1 centurion piece and a scattering of purples 48+ still beat fully geared people, because I know my class and their class.


Don't know your class and what you are up against then sure you can get beat by a guy just rolling his face on his keyboard but skill can play a large part.


I laugh when I see a ranged guy stand and toe to toe with melee then WHAAAAA Overpowered class use LOS you muppets.

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I don't see the problem.


Obviously "real" PvP players will easily beat these "fake" Rank 60s. So why are you upset? Because they can get the same gear? Wasn't it all about skill anyway?


Yea, also remove all the PVE gear aswell! Let's not get gear for what we like to do!

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So lets face the facts!

I have never, never, never seen such a poorly designed PvP-Zone like Ilum in SWTOR. Really guys... this so called "end-content" is not worth the toilet paper that game designer used to write this concept. Total fail!

They could have invited me for the brainstorming meetings about this and i could have told them from my 10 years+ experience with MMORPGs that this would not work and that people would exploit it.

First this ******** about doing "Assault-Ping-Pong". Just a quote from zone-chat: "Nono! Dont kill the Rep he has to tap the Assault Point so we can tap it back...". <-- Aeh, well that is what PvP is about - DO NOT attack the enemy. BW should really fire the guy who initially designed this.

Then came the change that you need 30 kills and/or aramanents for the daily PvP-Quest (150 for the weekly). I read it, bumped my head on the desk and could have foretold that now lame Zerg has started. Now you had the choice doing lame PvE stuff like farming armaments spawn or join the Zerg-Op for... well... zerging. Wow, this is really the spirit of PvP NOT!

Now the zerg has evolved and they farm the kills via kill trading. It is getting better.

Again BW should fire their game designer for this ********. I could have told you about this beforehand!


They should really shut down this zone and make it new from the scratch. With useful objectives people can fight about, granting rewards for defending or attacking them, becoming neutral after a while when noone cares for them so they can be recaptured, making kills during those fights over these objectives only a secondary field of operations, etc.


my 2cc

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**** thing about it, ive been in centurion gear, for long time up against battlemaster's. its sucks.


Yeah would have been nice to have gear for a week. too pew pew. Thats what its there for.


But atleast i will have the skill, and gear. for 3 weeks, not subbing becouse this game. is failing hard.


If you cannot get champion gear for a long time you won't be able to get battlemaster gear for a long time either regardless whether you are level 60 or not...


And to all the naggers the difference between a full set of champ and a full set of battlemaster is pretty much 60 points in everything which is like wearing an extra item. So for instance if a full battlemaster takes off his help he will be the at the same stats like you. Or put in another way 60 pts to any one statistic is around .65%. So they will have .65% more health, .65% more damage, .65% more expertise. Now if someone wants to waste hours on Ilum just for the possibility to get the .65% and then actually have to play warzones for a long long time to get it then let them. I am level 35 on 3 alts while idiots farm and I really do not see myself doing any worse. Actually it seems to make the enemymeeker because there is no trading in hutball :)

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Suffice to say this wouldn't happen on my server. If I saw something like this I would take my guild and we would put a stop to it ... any PvP oriented player should be able to do the same. That OP and other ppl have no common sense I don't think BW can fix that. Edited by Repefe
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its not exploiting according to bioware


It should be seen as exploiting, why should one server do this for other servers not to do this, what about if you have servers with 30% rep, 70% imp are they all going to go into cahoots to do this in order to gain valor this way...


TBH, Bioware needs to remove all the PVP from the game just now, award all players a pve quest line series to gain the gear. and then FIX the pvp and redesign it .


even if it takes 6months to do so.

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Somebody mad e a thread where he the ingame GMs if it was a ban-able offense to trade kills.


The answer was no.


Hence the reason it's taken so long for BW to do something about it, because from where they are sitting they see nothing wrong lol.

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it was in the pvp forum somewhere, the OP provided a SS of the customer service droids response


I just read weeks of dev tracker... this statement is a lie. :/


Plus, an "exploit" doesnt mean "glitch, bug, or entity that is broken".


Exploit (defined in EULA's) is "Doing something that is against the grain of what the game is originally intended in order to gain an advantage"


Otherwise, farming valor on illum by trading back and forth is NOT what was intended by design, and gives a MASSIVE advantage to those who do it (over those who dont, or incapable of catching/organizing such things)


PS. Eula also says the have a right to ban or edit your account for participating in such things.


In NO WAY did i take sides on if you can do it or not, i just defined what is in the agreement. So i would just go by whatever you feel the eula explains, and if you feel it is ok to farm valor and it is what the game design intended and DOESNT give you advantage. Feel free, until then, my clan will be hunting you people down and making it the most miserable time possible for people to do this.


"TO ILLUM." -rageelite "why, its just a valor farm fest?"-pubber "because, it is hilarious how angry they get when you mess with the valor by back dooring points, then attacking in numbers from the spawn speeder as they trickle through, then MASS HEAL your fellow republic, and do force knock backs from stealth to keep them from blobbing HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" -rageelite


"I am in"-about 10 random pubs


Numerous times have i become hunted on my server, and imps focus the crap out of my clan in pvp... and WE LOVE IT HAHAHAAHHAHAHA

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